Chapter 1

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It was a stormy, rainy day. The sky was dark, no sign of the sun in sight. Even if the weather was bad, it didn't stop one girl from doing her errands. Though she had a jacket and an umbrella to help her get through the storm.

This fifteen year old girl had medium length brown hair that was tied into low pigtails with hazel eyes. She was looking at her list of herbs she needed to gather at the outskirts of her village.

As she was walking towards a forestry area, she noticed something unusual from the distance. It looked like someone was unconscious from what she could tell. Worry overcame her as she rushed towards the person.

Coming to a stop, she noticed that this person had wings like an angel. Her eyes widen at the sight, not believing what she was seeing. She thought she was hallucinating, there was no way anyone in this time would look like that. But despite that, she didn't want to leave them injured and out in the rain.

Wondering how she would get this boy to her house, she carefully lifted him up. She was surprised at how light he was. Curious, she threw him over her shoulder as her way of carrying him while holding an umbrella. Gripping him tight so he wouldn't fall, the girl made her way back to the village.

After a while, the boy slowly opened his eyes. He had a wet cloth on his forehead, and noticed he had wrapped bandages on his arms. He slowly turned his head, seeing someone's back turned. He slowly rose up from the bed, feeling a sharp pain in his head, making him groan.

Hearing that, the girl turned around with a relieved smile. "I'm glad that you finally woke up."

Holding his head, the boy looked around the room. "Where am I..?"

"You're in my house. I found you lying unconscious at the outskirts of the village."

"Unconscious..? Why was I unconscious?"

The girl shrugged. "I don't have a clue. Do you remember what happened to you last?"

The boy with wings shook his head. "I don't remember what happened when I lost consciousness."

The girl was thinking to herself, not finding any thought of what could have possibly happened. "If you're wondering who I am, my name is Minerva. I haven't seen someone like you before. What's your name?"

The boy was deep in thought, looking like he was trying to remember something. "I... I don't know my name."

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now