Chapter 2

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Minerva just blinked, looking like she understood the next minute. "I see... You're suffering from memory loss."

The boy was pouting. "It's no wonder my head is killing me..."

Minerva looked like she was disappointed in herself. "I should've checked for head injuries. I just assumed that you scraped your arms. I'm sorry... I'm still new to the medical field, and I shouldn't make minor mistakes like that."

The boy tilted his head. "You're a doctor in-training?"

Minerva nodded. "Yes I am. Though I'm not too great at it."

The boy gave her a smile. "If you keep practicing, you'll become the best doctor in the world!"

Minerva smiled back. "Thank you." She was thinking to herself. "Since you can't remember your name right now, I don't want to have you nameless, so I can think of a temporary name for you." She took a good look at this boy with wings, thinking he looked so much like cupid. "How about... Eros?"

The boy's eyes began to sparkle. "I really like that name!"

Minerva giggled. "I'm glad you like it." It was strange for her to be naming a person, but she didn't know his true name. "So, Eros... How about you stay with me until your memories recover?"

Eros nodded. "Sure! What do you do around here anyway?"

"I live a simple life. I cook, clean, run errands for myself such as shopping and gathering herbs. How I make my money is help make medicine for the actual doctor in the village."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"The first thing you can do is get some rest until your injuries get better."

Eros began to pout. "But what I can do after I recover?"

Minerva was thinking to herself. "You can always help me with my errands if you want."

Eros's eyes sparkled. "That sounds great! That means I have to recover right away!"

Minerva giggled at how much energy this boy has for someone who has memory loss and injuries. "Take your time getting better, there's no rush."

Eros gave her a bright smile. "Ok! Whatever the doctor in-training says!"

Minerva looked at his clothes that was really filthy. She felt bad that she didn't change his clothes since it was soaked, but she felt like she would be invading his privacy. She was really embarrassed that time when she tried to change his clothes. "Hey Eros... Do you want me to clean your clothes for you? I have some spare clothes you can wear for the meantime."

Eros noticed just how dirty his clothes were. He rubbed the back of his head while laughing. "Sure! As long as you don't charge me for it!"

Minerva raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't do that. Laundry is free."

"Well, in that case..." Eros started stripping. "Feel free to wash them!"

Minerva shielded her eyes while blushing like crazy. "Why did you do that in front of me?!" She grabbed a folded blanket nearby, throwing it at him. "Cover yourself, man!"

Eros covered himself with the blanket Minerva threw at him while laughing. "Sorry about that!"

Minerva picked up his clothes from the floor, still blushing a little bit. "Have some modesty!" She couldn't believe she saw an entire sight of a male's body. Her poor virgin eyes were no more.

Since the weather cleared up, Minerva was able to hang his clothes up outside to dry under the sun. Letting out a sigh, she heard someone stop right next to her. It was Eros in some robe. Minerva had to cut holes on the back of it to fit his wings. Eros nodded while looking at his now clean clothes. "You did such a nice job. It looks brand new."

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now