Chapter 13

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Minerva had her hair tied into her usual low pigtails. She had on more divine clothing since her villager attire had a bunch of rips in it from her transformation. Looking in the mirror, Minerva's eyes sparkled at the sight of herself wearing an off the shoulder white dress with long, wide frilly cuffs.

She was in a room inside of Palutena's temple. She had stayed there for a couple of nights, making sure she was fully recovered along with Pit and Link and the rest of the people. Her mind wandered to Dark Pit, wondering if he was alright since he had quite a lot of injuries as well.

Stepping outside the room, Minerva saw Pit and Link engaging in a conversation. They stopped as they heard Minerva walking closer to them. She gave the two a smile. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Link said. "I like your new outfit."

"Thank you! Lady Palutena gave it to me!"

Pit's eyes sparkled at the sight of her. "Wow! You look really pretty in that!"

A blush appeared on Minerva's face, brushing a section of hair behind her ear. "You think so..?"

Pit nodded. "I know beauty when I see it! For example, I know I'm really attractive! Don't you think so?"

Minerva went white as a sheet. Holding her breath, she was trying her best not to turn her face completely red. "Uh... Yeah... Sure... Why not..?"

Pit smiled brightly. "No girl can resist me!"

Minerva dropped her eyelids. "Wait what?"

Link lightly slapped the back of Pit's head. "Quit saying that. It makes you sound like a player."

Pit rubbed the back of his head while pouting. "I'm not a player!"

"Oh really? That laurel wreath of yours just whispered that your favorite activity is to break girls' hearts."

Pit gasped as he took off his laurel wreath off of his head. "Why are you telling lies, laurel wreath?!"

Link facepalmed himself. "Really, man? You are so gullible."

Minerva nodded while crossing her arms. "He's as gullible as a fish."

Link nodded in agreement. "If there was a picture of gullible in the dictionary, it would have a picture of him."

Pit put back on his laurel wreath while pouting. "Why do you gotta be like that, Link?!"

"Because you're easy to trick." Something started ringing in his pants pocket. "Excuse me. I have to take this. It's Zelda."

"Wait! I want to say hi!"

Link let out a sigh. "After I say my piece." He answered the call on some handheld device. "Hey Zelda. Sorry I didn't call you earlier. Things got really busy here."

Zelda was at the other end of the line. "It's ok, I understand. I just wanted to see how you were doing over there."

Link softly smiled. "I'm doing just fine. How are you doing over there?"

"I've been doing well. I've been attending my royal duties as usual."

"Those things can be a hassle at times."

Pit went over to where Link was. "Can I talk to her now?!"

Link let out a sigh as he handed over the device. "Fine."

Pit chuckled as he put the device on his ear. "Hey Zelda! How you doing? Are things still peaceful at Hyrule?"

Zelda let out a giggle. "Why yes. It has been peaceful for a long time."

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now