Chapter 17

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Later that day, Minerva's bedroom wall was fixed. She had to explain to Link that this giant skull delivered a message to her from Hades. She was terrified at the thought of being face to face with this God of the Underworld.

As Link was listening to Minerva's statement, he nodded. "That's why I've been feeling so uneasy. This is it."

Minerva swallowed. "What should we do? What if he ended up attacking Skyworld? It would be my fault..."

Link shook his head. "It wouldn't be your fault, Minerva. I assure you that much."

"But... He wants Athena for something. If I refuse, then he might end up going on a rampage."

Link just smirked. "There hasn't been anything I couldn't do." There was a little waver in his eyes, but he still kept his confident face on. "Don't worry, if he does end up coming here, then we'll be ready for him."

Minerva felt a little better as she gave him a smile. "Thank you, Link."

"No problem! We should probably go where Pit and Palutena are. I bet they're waiting for us to come up with some plan." Minerva nodded as she followed Link down the hall.

Arriving where Pit and Palutena were, Minerva and Link stopped right near them. Minerva noticed Pit's expression, looking like he had a lot on his mind. "What's wrong, Pit?"

Pit didn't even turn to look at her as he shook his head. "It's nothing."

Even if he said that, the tone of his voice was worrying her. Minerva didn't want to pry at the moment as they were about to discuss strategy. She would ask him afterwards, even if he kept saying it was nothing. She knew it was something.

Palutena gave Minerva a smile. "How are you feeling, Minerva? Are you feeling better than earlier?"

Minerva took quite a hit from that skull earlier. But since it was nothing too serious and got treated for it with some rest, she nodded. "Yes. I'm feeling much better, thank you so much for asking."

"It's no problem at all, dear. I have heard from Pit that Hades wants to meet with you." Her expression dropped.

Minerva noticed that as she nodded once more. "Yes... But why? I've never met this god before."

"Perhaps he received news that Athena had defeated Medusa. I'm not sure what he plans to do, but I know that it's nothing good."

Link nodded. "He's the God of the Underworld, right? This guy sound dangerous as can be. There's no way we're just going to hand Minerva over to him."

Palutena turned to Pit. "You've been awfully quiet, Pit. What is your input for this?"

Pit looked like he was lost in thought. "I say that we shouldn't have Minerva fight anymore."

Minerva grunted at Pit's words. "What are you saying?!"

"What I'm saying is... You shouldn't put yourself in danger like that. It was bad enough the first time, but this enemy is a whole different story. I couldn't even defeat him the first time when I fought him."

"But it doesn't mean I shouldn't do anything! I want to help contribute to this! If he wants Athena, he can face her! Even if any of you say no, the guy is just going to come eventually anyway! When that time comes, I'll just help out by using Athena again, and-"

"Damn it, Minerva! Even if you use Athena, you won't be able to use her for that long! Your body will just give out again! That power is too much for you!"

Minerva swallowed, not believing that Pit just snapped at her. "Why are you acting like this..?"

Pit didn't say anything else as he began storming out of the room. Minerva chased after him, wanting more of an explanation. Palutena and Link, who witnessed the whole thing, turned to one another with worry.

Minerva was chasing after Pit who was walking down the hall angrily. She was panting as he was walking faster than her. "Pit, wait! Why are you so angry?! Why?!"

Pit stopped where he stood. Minerva was able to catch up to him, catching her breath. She didn't expect these words to come out of his mouth. "You should've just left me there that day."

Minerva grunted. "What are you saying..?"

Pit clutched his hands into fists. "Can't you understand the first time?"

Minerva lowered her eyes, her heart dropping. "I couldn't just leave you there. And my goal is to help people in need. That would go against my own morale."

"Even though it was obvious that I was an angel? If it weren't for me, you would still be in your village, studying to be a doctor. I feel like I'm taking that away from you."

Minerva shook her head. "You're not taking anything away from me. It's just on pause for now until this whole thing clears up. I don't mind my dream being on pause if it means protecting people."

"But..." Pit paused for a moment. "What if you can never fulfill your dream because of me?"

Minerva just blinked. "What are you talking about?"

Pit let out a sigh. "Ever since you've been involved with me, you've been put in dangerous situations. I don't want to wish that upon you. So I've been thinking... You should pack your things and go back to your village."

Minerva's eyes widen. "What..? But... I need to stay here to help protect the people! And you too!"

"I can protect myself." Pit swallowed. "Also... Can you forget about the kiss? And the date? I'm sorry that I lead you on."

That single sentence broke Minerva's heart. "But you said... I was the one you had feelings for..."

"I can't deny that I said that, but... I've come to realize that I don't." Minerva couldn't believe what she was hearing. She felt like she was in another nightmare. He finally turned around to look at her. "I'll give you some time to pack your things, so-"

"How could you?!" Minerva had tears in her eyes as she began running down the hall.

Pit heard her sobs and footsteps getting distant as he let out a sigh. He was feeling so hurt that he had lied to her. He didn't mean it, he didn't mean to say any of that just now. In all honestly, Pit was deeply in love with her. He couldn't stand the thought of her being hurt because of him. The only thing he thought would be for the best is to let her go for her sake. Even if it means he would feel heartbroken in the end.

Minerva ran out the gates of Skyworld, still running with tears in her eyes. She had no idea where to go as she just dropped to her knees, sobbing in her hands.

She couldn't get Pit's words out of her head. I'm sorry that I lead you on. Minerva kept getting heartbroken over that one sentence. After all the time they spent together, this is how he would be at the end. She thought they were getting along well, and building a relationship with each other. She thought wrong.

Minerva heard someone walking towards her as she saw someone stop in front of her. Looking up, she saw that it was Dark Pit. He didn't show emotion as she was crying, though there was a little hint of worry in his face.

Dark Pit just stared at her. "What are you doing out here? Why are you crying?"

Minerva was wiping away her tears. "I-It's nothing..."

"It doesn't seem like nothing." Minerva stayed silent as Dark Pit kneeled down to her level, only kneeling on one knee. "He broke your heart, didn't he?"

Hitting the nail right on the head, Minerva nodded. "He told me he has feelings for me, and then he just said that he was leading me on. I don't understand..." Minerva felt herself choking up.

Though Dark Pit wasn't showing emotion, he ended up embracing her, surprising her. "I wouldn't have done that to you."

Minerva grunted, slowly embracing him back. "What do you mean..?"

Breaking the hug, Dark Pit extended his hand towards her. "If you come with me, you would never be hurt again."

Minerva's eyes wavered at the sight. Dark Pit looked a little blurry since there were tears in her eyes. She felt conflicted about this. She knew if she went with him, they would be worried about her. But at the same time, she wasn't ready to head back inside. In her moment of weakness, Minerva grabbed Dark Pit's hand.

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now