Chapter 12

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The three guys slowly stood up, feeling immense pain in their bodies. They were standing on their feet, their eyes still on Athena.

Soon after, Athena's glow disappeared as the Minerva they recognized stood before them. It looked like she was out of it, slowly falling to the ground.

The guys grunted, running towards her. Pit was the first to get to her, lifting her in his arms. "Minerva! Minerva! Wake up!"

Dark Pit looked at the fainted Minerva with just a little hint of worry, but his face didn't really too much emotion. He turned around as he started to walk away.

Link saw that Dark Pit was leaving. "Hey! Where are you going?"

Dark Pit stopped where he stood. "My job is done here. There's no reason for me to be here anymore." He paused for a moment. "Pit. That girl better not die or else I will make you regret it." With that, Dark Pit spread out his wings as he flew away.

Link saw him fly away, shaking his head. "He can try to be at least a little honest with his feelings." He looked over to Pit who was holding Minerva. "We should get her treated right away. I'm sure her body took a massive toll from that transformation."

Pit was still trying to process that Minerva had turned into a goddess, she was basically at Palutena's level, practically identical. Letting out a sigh through his nose, he stood up while holding Minerva. "You're right. We should have her rest."

Link nodded. "Right. We should treat our injuries as well."

Pit nodded. "I know." He looked at Minerva, his eyes wavering. He never felt so worried about someone like this before. The need to protect someone. It felt like he succeeded but failed. Snapping out of his thoughts, Pit started to walk while Link followed behind.

While Minerva was still out of it, she was awake in her own mind. She was in a golden room that was empty. "Where am I?"

"Minerva..." She turned to the voice that said her name, her eyes widening.

Standing before her was Athena, who she transformed into not long ago. She couldn't believe she was this person, it felt so unreal. This person was basically a goddess while she was just an ordinary girl. "It's you..."

Athena nodded. "You have awaken me. You're probably wondering how you can see me like this, correct?"

Minerva nodded. "I'm really confused, honestly..."

"Since you have awaken your power, you are able to call for me at anytime that you're in danger. Or if you have the need to protect someone. I will be there."

"Have I had this power hidden inside me all this time?"

"Not at all. Ever since Palutena gave you that bracelet, a seed of power was planted in you, and it grew into me."

Minerva should've known that she wasn't born with any kind of power. "Right... But now I wonder... Why did Lady Palutena give me the bracelet in the first place?"

"Perhaps you should ask her yourself."

"Yeah... You're right. But in order to do that, I need to wake up."

"As you wish." With a snap of the fingers, Minerva quickly rose up from a bed. She felt lightheaded as she felt someone catch her fall.

Minerva turned her head, seeing Pit and Link. Pit was the one who caught her fall. "Don't get up too fast. You just woke up."

"I'm sorry."

Pit shook his head. "You don't have to apologize. How are you feeling?"

Minerva gave him a smile. "I feel alright."

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