Chapter 5

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Pit made his way back to Skyworld to head where Palutena was. He was running all over the place to try to find her. He spotted a woman with long green hair, a bright smile appeared on his face.

Pit stopped near Palutena, bending down on one knee with his head lowered. "Lady Palutena. I have returned."

Palutena gave him a smile, sighing in relief. "I'm so happy to see you again. Where have you been all this time?"

Pit raised his head. "I... Lost my memory."

"You lost your memory?"

Pit nodded. "Yes. A girl that was from the village I was staying at helped take such good care of me. I was lucky that I ran into her with my memory loss or else who knows what would have happened."

Palutena smiled as she giggled. "It looks like you found yourself a girlfriend."

Pit started to blush. "No she's not! She was just taking care of me!"

Palutena giggled once more. "I'm just joking, Pit." Pit began rubbing the back of his head with a slight blush on his face. "Did you do something in return to thank this girl for taking care of you?"

Pit's eyes widen, thinking he didn't really do anything to thank her. He just left on a whim as soon as his memories came back. "Uh... No. I left as soon as I got my memories back. I did say I would give her a visit soon and give her a souvenir from here."

Palutena slightly frowned. "Did you thank her before you left?"

"I did thank her for taking care of me! Don't worry, I didn't just straight up and leave as soon as I got my memories back without saying a proper thank you and goodbye."

Palutena's frown turned into a smile. "That's good to hear. You do owe that girl at least that. You should find something to give to her when you visit her next time."

Pit rubbed the back of his head. "The thing is... I have no idea what to get her..."

Palutena was thinking to herself until it looked like she had an idea. She slipped off one of the golden rings from her wrists. She presented to Pit. "You may give this to her."

Pit's eyes widen. "But Lady Palutena! Isn't that precious to you?!"

"It will not affect me if I have one less bracelet. I want to show my gratitude for the girl as well. Will you deliver a message to her from me?"

Pit nodded. "Yes. I'm listening."

"Tell her that this is a gift from me. It is my thanks for taking care of you while your memory was lost. I'm so grateful that you were the one who found him and kept him safe. For that, I grant you one of my golden bracelets from myself."

Pit was now holding a golden bracelet from Palutena. He knew that his lady was being serious in wanting to give Minerva this as a souvenir. Letting out a sigh through his nose, Pit bowed his head. "Yes, Lady Palutena. I will deliver the message and bracelet to Minerva."

Palutena smiled. "Minerva. What a lovely name. Pit, can you do one more favor?"

Pit tilted his head. "What is it?"

Pit didn't expect Palutena to say this next part. "Will you bring her here so I can meet her?"

Pit's eyes widen. "But no human has ever been in Skyworld before!"

Palutena softly smiled. "Then it looks like she will be the first. I grant permission for her to come here. I would very much like to meet her to express how thankful I am."

Pit swallowed as he bowed his head once more. "Yes, Lady Palutena. I will go right away." He rushed away to deliver a few things to Minerva back in the village. He didn't expect to be visiting her so soon. Palutena watched him go with a smile.

Back in the village, Minerva was cleaning the inside of her house. She wiped, swept, dusted every corner of the house. Once she was done, she tied up all the debris into a bag.

Stepping outside of the house, she put out the bag for the daily trash pick up. Minerva wiped the sweat from her forehead. "There. Now I need to start making medicine."

Minerva went back inside her house to her desk she always sits in. Opening her book, she stopped on a page. "She says she's running out of medicine for minor scraps. That's easy to make."

Minerva started mashing herbs into a mortar with a pestle. It's made to become liquid in order for it to work its purpose. It would be like a cream to apply on an injury.

After grinding the herbs, Minerva put it into some jars. She put it in a bag to carry it all at once. Satisfied, she walked out the front door to deliver her freshly made herbs.

After delivering the herbs, Minerva closed the door behind her from the doctor's clinic. She started walking to her house from there. "Let's see... What should I cook tonight..?"

Minerva's mind wandered over to Pit, thinking he would be so excited for her cooking. A bittersweet smile appeared on her face. She wondered how he was doing since it's been a few days. Even if it was only for a short time, she missed him so much.

Minerva thought he was always so happy and cheerful and enthusiastic. He acted like a little kid, but she found that trait of his so adorable. He would always be happy to help her. Letting out a sigh through her nose, she felt her heart skip a beat with her mind consumed of Pit. She wasn't sure why she was feeling like this.

Lost in thought while being near her home, Minerva saw someone leaning against the wall of her house. She recognized him right away. It was Pit, but it wasn't the Pit she wanted to see.

Dark Pit gave her a blank expression with no emotion. He still had his back against the wall with his arms crossed. "You're the girl who was helping Pit. I've been meaning to speak with you."

Minerva just blinked, feeling confused. "What did you need to speak about?"

Dark Pit walked over to her, stopping in front of her. "I have overheard that Pit will visit you." She didn't say anything in response as she wanted to listen what he had to say. "A mere human like you should stay away from beings like him. You don't belong in that kind of world."

Minerva grunted. "But it's not like it's wrong. So what if I'm a human and he's an angel? We can still be friends despite that difference."

"I shouldn't even be caring about this, but I'm in a good mood right now." Though his face didn't show it. "But I'm just telling you now that you should have nothing to do with Pit. Your place is here."

Minerva's eyes wavered. "But... Pit is my friend, and I'm just waiting for his visit. It's not wrong just for him to visit me! It's not like I'm going to where he is!"

Dark Pit let out a sigh. "Maybe I should show you why you shouldn't get yourself involved." He grabbed her wrist firmly.

Minerva felt a sharp pain on her wrist that it made her wince in pain. "Please let go of me! You're hurting me!"

"I don't care. You should've just backed down the first time. Now I will show you why you shouldn't be involved with Pit." Minerva grabbed his hand that was holding her wrist to have him release her, but it was no use. Dark Pit clicked his tongue. "You are all the same. Weak, spineless..." He raised his free hand, punching her on top of her head.

Minerva began to feel lightheaded while feeling intense pain in her head. The last thing she saw was Dark Pit who was staring her down until her world became dark.

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now