Chapter 42

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Okay people the next three chapters are dedicated to the Crucible. The three days of the Crucible will be divided up into three chapters. I will try and go into as much depth about them as I can, so please enjoy and comment and vote. Thank you lovelies!


Ashs POV 

2 a.m 

Our entire platoon was lined up in a flight formation. We were wearing our cammies , 45 pounds of tactical gear and other nessecities and our M16 ready in front of us. The very early morning air was cool and I could feel the sand fleas biting at my uncovered skin, they itched like hell. 

We stood infront of the main flag pole as the Reville tune played and the flag was perched back at the top of the pole. I closed my eyes brieftly, savoring the moment that for the next three days I would wish that I was back at.

Within the next hour minutes English would having us moving out to tackle the final stage in becoming a United States Marine. The Crucible. 

From all the things I had heard about Recruit training the Crucible was the most feared but the most respected. It was sort of like swimming as a Marine, the pool equalized everyone and they said the same about the Crucible.

From what I had know it would be a total of 48 miles that we would walk, 36 different stations that we would complete and we would eat a total of three MRE's in three days.

I had mixed feelings about it, 48 miles was a long hike and three meals in three days was ridiculous, but if I wanted to be a Marine you tough it out in any situation your given. 

I rubbed my bleary eyes with the back of my hand and yawned. The sky was still pitch black with no early streaks of grey rising with the still set sun. 

English was passing around some type of paint stuff and when it was passed to me I went to work on camoflaudging my face with black and green and brown.

Infront of me, Chloe turned around and smiled at me. Her face was so camoflauged she almost blended in with her cammies and helmet.

"Lookin good Daniels." She whispered softly to me and I grinned back at her.

"Not so bad yourself." I whispered back. 

"Ladies circle up!" English yelled coming back over to us after her rendevous with the other DI's.

I walked over and we all tightly circled around her.

"In about 15 minutes were gonna head out to the site is that understood?!" 

"YES MA'AM!" We all shouted with gusto.

A slight grin slipped onto her face. 

"Good to hear." She responded quickly back to business.

I looked over at my comrades, all of us weak and tired and dealing with some kind of illness we had endured from the many weeks past. This final test would prove that we were ready to be Marines and be the first to fight for our nation no matter what the consequences.

3 a.m

The first stop in our journey was a six mile hike to the Page Airfield where we would start the Crucible. It was on the road so the terrain was easy and it felt like a good start to these three days.

It was still dark outside and English was walked from the end of the line to the begining shining her flash light in our faces and asking why we wernt moving any faster.

Crushing hard in Marine Bootcamp and Operation Semper Fiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें