Chapter 12

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Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)) I will try and make every aspect of this story as correct as i possibly can. I think I entered this in the watty awards so please feel free to vote :)


We had been flying about half an hour and had reached our cruising altitude of 30,000 feet. The sky was shades of blue and clouds dotted the sky in thick patches. Warm sunlight was streaming through the window and making my eyes droopy with sleep,

The flight was about 3 hours long.

"So Ashley..."

Ugh Braxton.

"Please call me Ash, everyone at home does." I said not even looking at him, my eyes still looking out at the endless blue sky.

"What brings on this plane to the remote island town of Paris?" He asked gesturing to the rest of the people on the plane. Most were sleeping or reading the flight magazine.


He rolled his eyes at me, his Adams apple bobbing visible in his throat, "Wel that's awfully descriptive Ashy! So what am I supposed to do when I ask around town looking for a lovely blonde who works somewhere out on a date?"

Stunned, I felt my face blush furiously, I turned to look at him.

"Mr.Fischer that is hardly appropriate and I am not looking to date anyone right now, and if you would

please stop talking to me I would very much appreciate some sleep!"

He put is hands up in he air then turned away from me.

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and leant my head against the window. My body and mind succumbing to sleep.


Quick note! Please read!

There is no actually an airport in Parris Island but for the sake of this story I am putting one there. Actuall recruits would arrive at Savannah Hilton Head Airport!!


2 3/4 of an hour later

"Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, we will be beginning our final descent into Paris Island shortly, the current time is 10 am and it is about 82 degrees."

"Sleep well Angel?"

I recognized the sarastic voice.


"Well enough but it would be loads better if you were not here." I replied sarcastically.

"Well Ash if I hadn't had to listen to your snores I may have actualy got some sleep as well." He retorted.

Ignoring the jibe, I studied the pattern on the back of the seat in front of me. The blue diamond pattern

actually interesting me. I felt the plane begin to angle down and I watched as the airport come into view.

As we taxied into the airport I noticed 2 things. One there was an awful lot of trees and two it was very deserted.

"We have now parked at gate please enjoy your time here at Paris Island". The captain said rather nonchalantly.

As me and Braxton got up to get off the plane he spoke one last time to me, "See yah soon Ash.."

And with that he dispersed into the crowd and I stood there in the airport terminal, alone.

15 minutes later.

The airport was very small and filled with rocking chairs occupied with old women and little kids, all staring at me as I walled by trying to find someone from the Marines to check in with.

I wasn't that odd of a spectacle I guess. I had my blond hair now hanging loose and slightly curly down my shoulders, no makeup bt I was sure I didn't look hideous. My t shirt and my shorts and my orange recruit in

my hand. No backpack or nothing.

"Look mommy it's a famous person." A little kid said pointing in my direction.

I hurried away looking for a help desk.

I walked to the front doors of the airport and saw a help desk, a short statured black women was standing behind it.

"Excuse me?"

She didn't look up as she replied," Whata need kid?"

"I am looking for the Marine recruit pickup?"

She looked up and gasped." Your joinin the Marines?"

"Yes mam'am"

She pointed outside the doors, I thanked her graciously and hurried outside.

A warm and humid gust of wind hit me, gah it was so muggy here, I could already feel myself sweating. A large grey bus was sitting outside on my left. A man and a women were standing in front of it in MC uniforms, they saw me and then they saw my brilliant orange packet.

"Recruit you dam ass is late! Get your lazy ass on this bus and sit forward an no talking!" The women barked, her face a deep red and her hair pulled back severly from her face.

I freaking ran for the bus and as I got on I heard a very familiar chuckle from the man, but I didn't dare turn around.

A faint whisper followed me, "Get used to it angel..."



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