Chapter 20

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Ughh I am sick and don't feel like doing anything, but here's a chapter cause I kind feel like being live today.


"Everywhere we go!" Srgt yelled.

"Everywhere we go!" Us recruits yelled.

"People wanna know who we are so we tell them!"

"People wanna know who we are so we tell them!"

Doing a Jodie was one of my favorite things to keep on step while running, which is what we were doing know on our way to the mess hall at the opposite end of the base. The sand in my clothes especially my bra was begining to itch and feel very uncomfortable as we ran.

"Were not the Navy!"

"Were not the Navy!"

"The deck swabbing Navy!"

"The deck swabbing Navy!"

"Were not the Army!"

"Were not the Army!"

"The ground poundin Army!"

"The ground poundin Army!"

This happened to be my absolute favorite Jodie, the sun was almost completely set on the horizon, shelters almost completely by tall trees and the orange and pink sky set long and dark shadows all over the ground.

"Were not the Airforce!"

"Were not the Airforce!"

"The low flyin Airforce!"

"The low flyin Airforce!"

Srgt's scratchy voice continued hatin on the Coast guard and National guard as we all ran perfectly in step, most of us were covered in a thin layer of sweat. T-shirts were discolored win dark patches and cheeks were pink from the 3 mile jog, nonstop jogging.

As we saw the huge mess hall come into view Srgt. Belted out the last few verses.

"We are the Marine corps!"

"We are the Marine corps!"

"The mighty fighting Marine corps!"

"The mighty fighting Marine corps!" We shouted out, our voices filled with pride.

"Flight halt!"

Stopping in front of the wooden double doors, I watched Braxton come running up besides us. His eyes met mine and he winked discreetly. A few of the ther women looked at him smiling slightly.

"Who you lookin at!" He said roughy to us.

In unison we shouted looking forward again at Srgt's unimpressed face," Nothing sir!"

Talking briefly with Donovan, he opened up one of the doors and stood at prade rest while holding it open.

Srgt walked in before us thanking Braxton.

"Thank you sir!"

"Thank you sir!" We repeated after going through the door, the last girl I think her name was Melody said nothing.

"Recruit Taylor fall out!" Braxton shouted a sly grin whisking over his lips.

Melody fell out of line and stood before him, shaking visibly.

"Am I not important enough for a thank you sir?!"

"I'm sorry sir!"

That's all I got to hear as the double doors closed after the girl in front of Melody.

The mess hall was a huge carnivorous room, white tile covered the room and rickety tables and chairs were set up around the room. New male recruits were already swing vigorously on the opposite side, when Braxton came back he stood over there with them.

The male recruits heads were mostly bald with some dried on blood were the barber had quickly cut it. They were practically shoving food down there faces as Braxton screamed at them.

Kitchen staff in ADU's walked down the line holding yellow tickets passing them down the line of us.

Similar to a school cafeteria we got our main course, spaghetti and meat sauce with corn and green beans. Another stand had everthing from pb&j sandwiches to salad and everthing in between. We got to go up one time and we could get as much as we wanted.

My tray heaped full of spaghetti I headed over and got a pb&j and some salad and went and sat down with melody who was sitting as a table alone. Since we weren't allowed to talk I smiled at her and began to eat when no sooner Srgt yelled at us.

"You have 5 minutes to eat all your goddamm food!"

Shoveling food down I was full within a few bites and my sandwich had gone untouched.

"If you have any food left on your tray I swear to god I'm gonna be making you into a goddamm sugar cookie!"

You just gotta love Srgt.


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