Chapter 10

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OMG!!! I have FANS!!! Here's an update for my amazingly epic 2 fans y'all are awesome :)


I was riding shotgun in our old 89' chevy as we drove swiftly towards DFW airport. The sky was still a dove grey with delicate ribbons of rapidly fading purple. My hand rested ever so slightly out the window.

"So sis you all ready?" David asked casually.

I turned to look at him, "I have been waiting for this day ever since my freshman year of high school, I couldn't be any more on the edge."

"Always so full of yourself," he said grinning. I whacked him lightly on the arm.

Turning up the radio I found some good ol country and let myself completely relax. The cool morning air feeling absolutely delicious on my face and the worn leather of the seats making me sort of drowsy.

"Ash go ahead and sleep we have about 25 minutes until we get to the airport, besides you need to get all the sleep you can get because tonight you will not go to till 4 if not at all."

I smiled at him as my eyes drooped closed and I succumbed to my ever so short nap.


This isn't the end of the chappie but I really wanted to give you Somthing form. Davids POV


I watched her thick inky black eyelashes close as she fell asleep. She was so pretty and brave and strong so many words could describe my little sister. She was one in a million.

A sudden cars honking caught my attention, we were about 10 minutes away now and I could see the bright lights of Dallas waking up, soon there would be loads of morning rush hour traffic. Pushing harder on the pedals I quickly took the airport exit.

Back to Ashs POV

"Hey Ash wake up", I was roughly jostled.

Opeaning my eyes I saw that we were parked at the airport. Sitting up I grabbd the door and swung it open stepping out of the truck.

"Wow I seriously can't believe wee are actually here!", I squeled in delight.

"Yeah but if we don't hurry soon there won't be a plane to board." he said pointedly looking at his watch.

I took my phone out of my pocket, it was already 5:16 my plane left at 6:00.

I grabbed Davids hand and pulled him toward the terminal enterance. We hurridly went up to the ticket counter and got my ticket from the elderly women who looked rather board.

At security there was a ton of people, kids and their parents were everywhere trying to get through security. This was gonna take forever!


Cliftie is Ash gonna make her plane????! Will update soon!!!

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