Chapter 34

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Changed Braxtons character pic over ----------->

 and the perfect song to accompony this chapter also over ---------->

Braxtons POV 

I barely heard Ash speak before she came up to me and kissed me, her soft pink lips attacked mine and I kissed her back with all that I had. I loved this girl and I would let her know.  

Holding the back of her neck gentle I felt her hands tangle themselfs in my hair, her kisses were sweet  and nothing had ever felt better. Her legs wrapped around my waist, I held her up as she kept kissing me and I carried her to the house in the shadow of the moonlight. 

In between kisses she said to me, "Braxton Fischer you are the best thing that has ever happenend to me."

I grinned as I kissed her, "Baby girl you have no idea."

As we neared the house Ash looked up and blushed furiously. 

I turned to look towards the house and my brother was sitting there watching us.

"Get a room!" He shouted half joking.

"Oh we will Felix we will."

I turned to look at Ash who was still pretty red, her green eyes on me. I shrugged. 

"Oh really B, what are you planning on doing with me?" She asked innocently, a grin playing on her lips.

"Baby girl you are very tempting." She blushed again.

"So are you B." And with that she hopped down out of my grip and ran into the house. 

"Hey Braxton." Felix said, "Thats a girl that wants to be chased."

"You have no idea Felix." I said as I ran into the house after her.

I heard her giggling in the kitchen.

Ashs POV

Standing in the kitchen laughing I saw B come into the kitchen, I ran past him almost slipping on the slick linoleum floor.

He called after me, "You can run but you cant hide baby girl, and ill make sure of it." 

I heard him coming after me and I took a left and found myself in his room.

I heard his calls from outside in the hallway, "Oh Ashley dont think I cant see your perfect legs in my doorway."

I poked my head out of the door and was greeted my his hard chest, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. I looked up at him, his eyes smoldering over with a lusting passion. His hard but arms snaked around my waist and he held me close to him.

I looked up at him and watched him grin, his warm tan revealed his pearly white teeth, "See something you like?' He asked me still grinning.

"Its just alright, nothing special," I could feel a laugh in my voice and his raised eyebrow showed my total unseriousness. 

I wrapped my legs around his waist again and he carried me over to his bed, laying me down on it. 

It was my turn to raise my eyebrow, "Wow, someones fast."

Hiss face was serious, "Ashley if you dont want -" I cut him off kissing him.

"This is all I want". I looked into his eyes and he sealed it with a kiss.

------The Next Day-----

The sun streamed onto my face and I was vaugly aware of Braxtons arm around me and my head on his rock hard chest. B was still sleeping, his lashes inky black on his cheek. He looked so much younger, so less stressed, I though to myself. 

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