Chapter 40

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Perfect video for this book -------->

Pic of English


Ash's POV

I awoke to the early morning sun lighhtly filitering through the Barracks freshly clean windows, courtesy of myself. I looked around the room, almost everyone was sleeping, somebody one the other side of the room was writing with the help of her flashlight since it was still pretty dark in the room.

I glanced at my watch.

5:06 am.

English would take us to breakfast in 30 minutes and then we could go to church, English would give us a ton of work if we didnt go so all of would go. 

Four minutes later.

"Beep, beep, beep!!" Alarms were going off everywhere as my fellow recruits rose from their beds very quickly. 

Groans filled the room until something clicked in their mind that today was Sunday and we wernt doing anything strenous for the next two hours. Sundays were the absolute best. 

I got up off my rack and tidied up my hospital corners and smoothed out the dark green blanket on top. Going over to the end of my bed I opened up my metal footlocker as the overhead lights on. English was up.

When the lights flipped on, English was awake and everthing happened much faster. 

I pulled my ACU's out and stripped out of pt's in record time and quickly laced my boots up. At this point there was no akwardness with people changing because hey we all showered together anyways.

When English emerged from her room she was completly dressed, and her hair was perfectly sprayed with hairspray, no flyaways and no wrinkles in her uniform. 

"Yall have 4 minutes before we leave." English said, she never yelled this early in the morning .

We all began to scramble, some making their beds and others going into the bathroom to fix their hair so it was uniform ready. 

Grabbing the purple can of hairspray of of my footlocker I sprayed it all over my head and pulled my hair back into the perfect bun ad then killed it again with hairspray. 

"Lets go people!" English shouted to get our attention.

I filed with the rest of the people out of the door, the coolness of the morning felt wonderful and the sun was begining to peek up at us breaking the misty grey of the sky.

Today my boots actually felt comfortable on my feet, my blisters had gone away and walking was once again enjoyable. 

Sundays mornings were the day we didnt arry much gear with us at all save for our water bottle, no packs and no M16, I felt incredibly light. 

Throughout the weeks that Braxton had been gone, I fell bad to even think this but I hadnt thought of him often. We were always busy, always doing something and he had slipped to the very back of my mind. Today was mail day though, it usually arrived Saturday night and was delivered to us after we got back from the Church service. 

The dirt pth from the Barracks had become pavement and we had arrived at the Chow Hall.

"Alright ladies you knwo the drill." English said not having a doubt in our ability to get food from the Hall.

We walked through the enter door and similar to a school cafeteria we got our food, today was eggs and oatmeal and sat down and chowed down as fast as we could without it coming back up.

The food was great but it was good, we wernt allowed to talk or look around. Eyes on our food the entire time, and feet flat on the floor, heels touching and at a 90 degree angle. Atlest two cups of water were required at every meal and even though it was morning their was no excuse not to hydrate.

"Lets go, lets go!!" It was another female DI from the other female platoon. 

I finished my food, shoveling the last bite in my mouth and walked quickly over to the trash. I scraped my plate and put it on the counter for the kitchen crew. 

Five minutes later we were all back outside making our way over to the church walking at the spped of excellancy. Their was no running after eating, English put it as not worth the spillage.

The church was a medium sized rectangular building, filled with metal folding chairs and a small stage at the front with a podium on it.  Chaplan Marks usually gave the message and the reading. Our platoon sat at the very front left portion of the room and waited pateintly for everyone elsee to arrive.

An hour later

All of us were standing at the very front of our barrack. english was standing at the front holding a stack of mail and handing it to their respectable owners.

"Hodges!" She said holding up a pink envelope.

"Daniels!" She said.

I walked over to her, she handed me a probably once white envelop now worn and battered, she gave me a knowing look.

I held that envelope in my hands for the longest time until she realeased us to go open our goodies I sat down on my bunk.


I know it takes a while for my letters to arrive but we have made it to Fallujah with few incident after the attack by the hostiles on our way their. Your brother is fine and I know he misses you dearly.

I tried the moon thing with my finger and its amazing how something that big can fit onto your thumb. Only 348 days until I can hodl you in my arms again, I am trying to be patient. 

Juding by the week Im assuing its almost time for Rifle Qualification, I know you will do good. 

I love you and miss you dearly,


I re read the letter over. His letters were never long always sweet and short and to the point. I got up off my bunk and opened my footlocker and picked up the few letters I had got from him and added the newest to the bundle. 348 days was almost a lifetime away and I knew there was a chance I could get deployed before we came back depending on the help needed over in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

"Alright get your stuff together, I mean full packs and your weapon were goin on a hike." English said coming out of her office.

I got my pack, all 50 pounds of it and put in on and walked over to the weapons rack and grabbed my M16, Piper and Chloe joined me as soon as they were ready and together we walked into the sunshine.

English marched us out into the clearing were i had trained so long ago when I had my accident and onto a dirt path through the woods. The three mile hike.

"Do not give up on me ladies, you will regret falling behind!" 

The path was completly uphill and the was covered by natural obstacles like downed trees and rocks. 

I was up near the head of the group and Piper and Chloe were near the middle keeping a steady pace and English was beside me.

"Get a letter from Fischer today?" She asked me her voice suprisingly nice.

"Yes Ma'am!" I said still looking ahead.

"Hows he doing?"

"He's doing fine Ma'am"

"Tats good." She said and then turned around to encourage the few of us that had fallen behind.

My shoulders ached and my arms felt like jello and it was only the second mile. 

And tommorow I would shoot like I had never shot before.


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