Chapter 14

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I feel like such a tard. Remember how i gave you a *long* chapter last time. I went back and realized it was shorter than most of my other chapters. I will also apologize for my inconsistency in updating, for each chappie there is a large amount of research that has to be done to make it realistic. Thx for reading ;D


The bus slowed to a halt as we reached the infamous "yellow footprints" at the recieving building  of the depot. The foot prints showed the position of attention and I was completly overwhelmed with the amount of history each induvidual footprint held. The thousands of recruits that had gone before me, the men and women who would come after me-

"Get the hell off my bus!" 

Interupted I looked towards the front of the bus, a large hulking male figure stood with a very angry scowl on his face, his finger raised in the air. 

"You will do whatever I say recruits!, Is that understood"!

"Sir yes sir!"

He exited the bus and nodded to Braxton.

"Well ladies, you heard the man now get on them dam footprints"

I picked up my packet and quickly got off the bus, some of the other women were visible nervous. Sweat dripped down there faces and many were fidgeting. 

I quickly got on a footprint, i was in the very front row standing at attention. 

A few more officers and higher ranking enlisted members came out of the recieving building doors and promptly began to look us over, some sneered and some whistled. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Srgt.Donovan get off the bus and discretly watched her come to the front of us.

"From here on out you are property of the United States Marine Corps! I dont give a dam about where you came from the only thing I do give a dam about is that you pass basic training....." She continued to yell and rant.

Another smaller women moved forward as Srgt. Donovan walked off with Braxton.

"Welcome to Parris Island ladies, we are going to begin your final paperwork and issue your gear."

Her brown eyes searched through us combing through every single women. Looking for somthing. I raised an eyebrow without completly realizing what I was doing.

"Recruit what the hell, are you questioning my superiority?"

The warm air suddenly felt much warmer and the muggy heat was making my hands clammy.

"Ma'am this recruit has no excuse!"

I dared to meet her eyes and the girl on bus who had been sitting in front of me chuckled.

She turned away from us, moving toward the huge metal double doors of the recieving building.  She beckoned us foward.

"Recruits read these words, and you may just barey survive basic training."

What a sweet women, I thought to myself.

On the shiny metalic it read, "Through these portals pass prospects for Americas finest fighting force, United States Marines."

As we walked through the doors I was completly suprised when I was not releaved of the hot Carolina sun. It was pretty much as muggy as it was outside. Desks ran the entire length and width of the room. There were so many but not one of them was touching. One hallway stood off to the side, shielded with a heavy set of double doors.

Glass cabnets were on the far left side, each one held differnt things. One had the two colors of Marine fatigues, shades of green and shades of sand. Another held supplies to survive basic training. Standard black flip flops, camo bag, laundry detergent, toothbrush etc etc, and the infamous M16A2 part guide.

"Keep moving!" The women said sharply reprimanding our wandering eyes. 

She marched us all past the desks and down to the hallway with the double doors. They groaned as she swung them open and she pulled two recruits to hold them open. 

"Thank them!, Without them the doors might smack your untoned backsides on the way out!" She said cackling.

Metal cases lined up and down the brick wall, phones.

"Get in a line!"

Even the few of us with little military backround quickly fell into a single file line against the brick wall. I stood at parade rest, my left foot against the wall and my hands right over left at the small of my back.

"What are you doing?" A larger girl with wispy blond hair whispered to me.

I turned around and whispered back, "Its called parade rest."

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