Chapter 5

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I seriously still cannot believe I am still writing this story! And the fact that I haven't gotten bored with it but people I would seriously love some comments, will update once someone posts a comment. There will be some unfamiliar terms in this chapter it is a DI and CTO a DI is a drill instructor for the military and a CTO is a cadet training officer in the ROTC or JROTC  


We didn't really need much for basic training, but I had read all over the Internet to bring extra money for the supply store at the base. The tricky thing was though how to hid your extra money from you DI's, I had read many creative ways that new recruits had sewed a pocket into their underwear to hid money and many other things.

Phones were not tolerated and if you brought them into the first day of camp they would be taken up and most likely stolen. I wouldn't be brining mine.

"Hey Ash come on downstairs", David shouted.

Rolling my eyes I shouted back to him, "Fine but you better have a good ass reason for making me."

I grabbed a ponytail holder of my bathroom sink and combed through my hair and tied it up messily. I completely forgot about makeup as soon as school was out because I knew for a act it was not tolerated at basic training.

Even as a high schooler when we went to JROTC summer leadership school the CTOs hated when any girl wore makeup and they would make a huge deal about it.

The first time I went there was when I was a sophomore cadet and this girl on the first night had put on some makeup before drills which started at 3 am, she claimed she was allowed to makeup and out CTO wouldnt care because he was a guy, was she wrong.

When our flights lined up our CTO walked through our ranks looking at every cadet inspecting them, he got to the girl wearing makeup and said to her.

"Oooh this cadets wearing makeup, she is sooo trying to hookup with me."

The girls faced had been red anytime she saw that CTO, that morning after drills he walked into her dorm and tossed out all of her makeup, the girl cried for hours.

"Are you coming or not?" David yelled interrupting my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs to find my brother waiting at the front door a stopwatch in his hand and his eyes beige and shining.

"Lets see how good you are at PT".


BTW PT means physical training this chapter is not over please comment so I can upload again :)))

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