Chapter 25

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Braxton's POV

I picked up her still form and ran down the path. Dust and dirt kicked up around us and I stifled back a cough as it filled my lungs.

Her face was pale and waxy and her scarlet blood grew deeper and deeper in color. Blood trickled out of her ears and her tears stopped falling.

The trees grew thicker and thicker the farther I ran, her pulse was shallow from blood loss.

My legs grew tired, my back was strained but I never gave up.

The trees gradually faded and the dirt turned to pavement, the gravel bits reminded me of this morning as the little spitfire in my arms had stabbed me with a rock. Even then I had smiled.

Three nurses stood outside our hospital compound and beckoned me faster and faster towards them, a gurney between them.

As soon as I reached them they pulled her out of my arms, gave me a quick glance and whisked her through the doors.

My walkie buzzed on my backpack strap.

I grabbed it and answered.

"Colonel Fischer?"

A gruff voice said on the other end of the walkie.

"General Payne sir!" I replied with curiousity.

General Payne was the commandant of the base, and contact with him was strictly rare and if he was speaking to you it was important.

"My office 10 minutes!"

"Sir yes sir!"

The walkie found itself silent once again.

I took off towards the main offices and my bloody adu's slapped me back into the reality of what just happend to Ash.

On that gurney her skin had been so pale and her face devoid of life.... If not for Payne I would have rushed back in but what would I have been able to do.

Its not she liked me or anything, I have done nothing but harass her and cause trouble. But she had done the same to me. That girl was like an itch in my side that I couldnt decide if I liked it or not.

The plain brick office windows came into view and I greeted DI Kissinger who came out the doors carrying a huge stack of papers.

"Afternoon Colone!" He said as he saluted.

Saluting back I hurried through the doors towards Paynes office at the rear of the building. His door was ajar. I knocked three times.

"Come on in Fischer." His gravelly voice spoke from behind his desk.

I immediatly walked in and stood infront of his desk.

"Take a seat, I'm pretty sure you'll need it".

I sat cautiously, his news must not be good. I began to mentally prepare myself.

"You've been reassigned." His voice flat and monotone but his eyes sympathetic.

I swallowed and nodded.

"In 2 weeks you will report back to Dallas, TX and board a flight to Baghdad, Iraq".

He paused.

"You will have two option, stay here until your ship date or return home until the date".

Ash over seeing my brother and parents.....

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