Chapter 22

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A very impatient nurse was trying to shove a needle into my arm. Its long point was freaking me out and I would not her jab me with it, much to Donovans displeasure. I had always had a bit of an overdramatic phobia of getting shots, IVs or anythingthat involved somthing pricking me. David used to tease me to no end and by now it was just plain embaressing.

"Daniels I will not have this, its just a shot. Suck it up and deal with it!" Donovan complained.

"Im sorry ma'am I can't." I am such a wimp.

Someone else entered the medical clinic and from the sudden turning of heads and instant oohs and ahhs it had to be a guy.

"Colonel Fischer on deck!"

We all snapped to attention.

"At ease!" Braxton said chuckling as he looked over im my direction.

He came over waving away the nurse and Donovan. His blue eyes looking me over and his red lips parted way to reveal large white teeth, his eyetooth chipped every so slightly. But why did he look so familliar.

"You know darling you cant't continue without your shots."

I death glared him.


"Do you need somthing or do just want attention?" I replied with a wicked grin.

"Your bro is comin in Thursday for a DI position, just might want to let him know your still afraid of shots little miss."

"Whats with the pet names and how do you know David?"

"Dont remember angel?"

This man was so irretating and that explains why he looks familiar.

Braxtons POV

"Blondie you got some dirt on your face". I stepped closer to her, she blushed.

She flipped me off and Donovan cleared her thriat and started yelling at the rest of the flight calling them to attention.

"Youve got 5 minutes then i want her at the drill pad." She whispered as she got the others out the door leaving me and Ash and me alone together.


"So Ash why you so afraid of shots, im pretty sure David has mentioned it before." Her attention was completly on me and she hardly noticed the nurse stick the needle in her arm.

"GAHHHA!" She yelled.

My laughter could not be contained any longer and i burst out in hysterics her face got redder and redder.

"Braxton you son of bi***!"

"Thats what they tell me, oh and by the way you have 2 minutes to get to the drill pad. Which is on the opposite side of the base."

"Fisch you ughh!" She screamed as she headed for the door.

"Dont let the door hit you on the way out!" I called after her.

She swore at me rather colorfully and then she left.

I pulled out my radio and let Donovan know someone in a bitchy mood was headed her way.



Crushing hard in Marine Bootcamp and Operation Semper FiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum