Chapter 30

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Hey guys!!! I hope y'all <3 the new fancy cover! I'm on vacation but decided to upload when I saw I had almost 6,000 reads and lots of comments. So enjoy peoples!!! And remember I love comments.


Braxtons POV

My brother was waiting outside the B terminal, his red pickup idling beside him. He had served six years in the Air Force and now had a job as a Police Officer in our town, Pelican Bay. About an hour and a half outside Dallas, with a population of slightly above 1000 it certainly had some small town charm.

"Felix!" I called out to him.

"Braxton, hardly recognized you....." His voice trailed off as his eyes saw Ash.

"Close you mouth Felix." I muttered, his eyes still lingering over Ash.

Even perched in a wheelchair, blind, and a huge bandage on her head she could still pass for a model.

"Finally find yourself a women Brax?"

I glared at him, "Just a friend Felix."

He walked around to the drivers side of the truck and got in.

I tossed my rucksack into the bed of the pickup, picked up Ash who was unsually silent, put the chair in the bed and got in the truck.

I layed her down across the backseat and she smiled at me before falling asleep again, the coedine from th pills I gave her early taking effect once again.

"Please tell me that little doll isnt in the Marine Corps?" Felix asked me, his voice pleading.

"Not yet." His face fell.

As we began driving home I told him Ashs story and why she was with me. Before long I dozed off.

I awoke to the sound of snapping fingers, Felix's voice in my ear.

"Dude, wake up were home!" He said

I pushed his stubby fingers away from my face and turned to wake Ash up. Suprised to find her sitting up and looking out the trucks windows.

"How you doin' Angel?" I asked her quietly.

She turned to look at me, a huge grin playing on her lips.

"I can see shadows now B!" She exclaimed, bouncing up and down in her seat.

"Thats awesome Ash!" I said to her as Felix brought the truck to a stop.

"Maybe by tommorow ill be able to see." She questioned

"Maybe so Angel maybe so".

"Hey Brax were here". Felix said interupting the moment.

I opened up the truck door and inhaled the smell of sickly sweet honeysuckle and afternoon sun. The scent of home was unmistakable.

"B it smells real good here." She said from the backseat, her southern drawl mingling with the scent of home.

"Glad you like it", I said going around to her side of the truck, helping her out and onto the grass. Her hand gently entangled with mine.


Was planning to write more but no more wifi sorry :< This is not the end of the chapter promise

Crushing hard in Marine Bootcamp and Operation Semper FiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt