Chapter 65

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The inside of the lumber mill didn't look much better than the outside did. There was a giant saw in the middle of the room with long hand pulling saws hanging from the walls and splayed out on the floor. Danny and Sebastian had to watch where they were stepping as there was a lot of broken pieces of lumber, glass, and pieces from the caved in room that were scattered all over the floor. Sebastian had to watch his head a lot of the time since there we so many low hanging beams and fallen debris that was blocking their path. Now that they were there, they had no idea as to what they were supposed to do. Were they just supposed to look around until they found the boys and hope that they didn't get attacked? That definitely did not sound like a good plan to either of them.

"Where do you think that he would keep Philip and Nick?" Danny whispered to Sebastian trying not to draw the attention of anyone that might be listening for them.

"I don't know, I was kept in a basement for the entire time so he might try that again," Sebastian whispered back over his shoulder. "Does this place even have a basement?"

"Sort of," Danny said as he stepped a head of Sebastian and took the lead, leading them towards the collapsed part of the roof. Danny motioned for Sebastian to be careful since a lot of the floor boards were rotted through because of all of the moisture and rain. "This is the only way to get to the under ground part of the building."

Danny was pointing at a large hole in the flooring underneath a set of low hanging and collapsed beams. To Sebastian it looked like someone had fallen through the floor more than once, and the closer that they got to the hole the more that the floor boards started to sag underneath Sebastian's weight. Danny looked at Sebastian and then at the floor boards before gesturing for him to stop. Sebastian was too heavy to be able to make it any further on the rotted floor boards without falling through the floor. Danny laid down on the floor and shimmied out towards the hole in the floor and looked down into the hole. Danny thought that he heard some movement but he wasn't sure if it was just an animal that had gotten trapped or if it was actually the boys.

"Hello?" Danny whispered down into the hole as he dangled his head into the opening, hoping vainly to try to see anything in the darkness. Making Danny wish that he had remembered to bring a flashlight with him.

"B-brother?" came a shaky weak sounding voice from in the hole.

"Philip, is that you?!" Danny asked feeling super relieved and excited at hearing the sound of Philip's voice.

"Yeah, Nick is down here too but he's sleeping," Philip called back up, his voice just barely being able to reach the volume of normal speaking.

"You're sure that he's just sleeping?"

"Yeah, he's still breathing but he's just very cold since there's a lot of water down here."

Philip's voice started to crack as it sounded like he was starting to cry. "Can we go home to Sebby now?"

"Yes yes, of course, I just need to figure out how to get you guys out of there."

Danny pulled himself back from the hole and turned around to look at Sebastian. Danny could see the tears in Sebastian's eyes, and he knew that he was crying too. Then some movement that was just behind Sebastian caught Danny's attention.

"Sebastian! Watch out!" Danny yelled as he saw the glint off of what could've only been a gun of some kind. Sebastian wiped around to face his attacker only to hear a loud bang, as he stared face to face with none other than Mr. Roberts. Sebastian stood there stunned for a couple more seconds before he grabbed his at the spot where he was shot just above his hip.

"Damn I forgot how tall you were, homo," Mr. Roberts sneered as he watched Sebastian fall backwards and try in vain to catch himself. "Oh well, whether you die now or in a few minutes won't matter you're not going to be leaving this place alive, period. Neither will your faggot friend over there, such nasty people like you need to be cleansed from this Earth."

Danny stared at the man that had just shot Sebastian, with all of the nights that his parents used to beat him came flooding back in that one moment. He was not about to let that man take Sebastian, his brother, or Nick away from anyone. Even though he was shaking Danny managed to stand up and look Mr. Roberts in the face. Mr. Roberts just looked like the average man with a good job and loving family, he was wearing jeans, a button up t-shirt, and dress shoes. The only thing that really gave away the fact that there was something wrong was that there was blood splatter on his pants, face, and shirt.

"A spirited faggot huh?" Mr. Roberts said as he began to slowly approach Danny. Sebastian tried to stop him by grabbing a hold of Mr. Roberts leg. Mr. Roberts angrily kicked Sebastian in the face hard enough that Sebastian felt something break. Mr. Roberts smiled in satisfaction as he saw Sebastian groan and moan in pain on the floor.

Danny took that moment of distraction to get himself to some cover behind the large saw blade in the middle of the room. Danny had to buy some time for his plan to unfold so that they would be able to actually put this guy away. He was not about to let anyone else hurt his loved ones ever again, he was done with all of it.

Danny heard another shot go off and heard it hit the tips of the blade that was just above his head, making him instinctively duck. A small piece of metal dropped down on to Danny's hair and he shook his head to get it out. Danny peeked out from around the blade to see where Mr. Roberts was standing. The boards on the floor creaked under his weight as he saw Mr. Roberts standing only a couple feet away from him, but he was still too close to Sebastian.

"There is no way that any of you guys are going to be getting out of here, so why don't you just come out from hiding and submit, or do I have to hurt him more," Mr. Roberts commented as he cocked the gun and shot Sebastian in the leg. Sebastian tried not to cry out but the pain was unbearable, even in his slightly delusional state from losing so much blood already. Danny tried not to be cry but tears still slipped down his cheeks as he covered his mouth with his hand. Sebastian's parents had to have found the note on Sebastian's bed by now, where were they? What on Earth could be taking them so long to get here? Sebastian and Nick didn't have much time left and Danny wasn't too sure how much longer he was going to be able to hold out either before he got shot.

Danny scrambled on his knees over to a supporting beam that was at the far end of the saw behind Mr. Roberts. Danny stood up with his back to the beam and peeked around the beam to stare at Mr. Roberts back. Danny stared for a second more before he took a couple steps towards Sebastian trying to get to him and help him if he could. That's when everyone heard the sirens and the yelling getting closer and closer to the building. Danny turned towards the noise before turning back to Mr. Roberts with the biggest smuggest smile on his face.

"Fuck you, I win," Danny said as he smiled and glared at Mr. Roberts who suddenly looked very angry. Mr. Roberts raised the gun and pulled the trigger just as they could hear the thudding of footsteps coming into the building. Danny was thrown back by the impact of the bullet, and the only thing that he could remember was hearing rapid fire of bullets and a loud thud. Danny kept trying to say that there were other people below the building but he wasn't sure how much he got across before he passed out.

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