Chapter 28

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Danny, Philip, and Sebastian were all sitting on the couch in the middle of a really good action movie that Philip had choosen, when they heard the front door creak open. Danny and Sebastian glance over to where they heard the noise and saw Sebastian's mother and father enter through the hallway entryway.

"Oh hello boys," Sebastian's mother said when she saw Danny and Sebastian sitting on the couch. She walked closer to better talk to the boys and noticed a much smaller boy sitting in between the two of them. "Oh! Hello there."

"Mom, this is Danny's younger brother Philip," Sebastian explained when his mother looked at him for some kind of a reason as to who the child was. Sebastian's mother broke out in the biggest smile Danny had ever seen.

"Are all of you boys going to stay the night then?" Sebastian's mother asked as she perched on the arm of couch just beside Danny. Philip who was quiet out his shyness towards Sebastian's mother, immediately perked up and looked to his brother.

"Can we Danny? Can we?" Philip asked excitedly as he stared at his brother with such intense longing and excitement. Danny looked towards Sebastian to make sure that it was okay with him that they stay the night. Sebastian sighs as he rubs his forehead with his right hand before looking back at Danny, whose faced had dropped slightly showing his mild excitement at being away from his home for the night and not having to worry about anything. Sebastian chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah sure, it'll be fun," Sebastian replied as he looked directly as Danny when he said this. Danny swallowed hard and smiled back a bit nervous now. He kept thinking that there was no way that Sebastian could know about his growing attraction towards him.

"Yay!" Philip yelled and jumped around in his seat. Sebastian looked up at his mother and was confused when he saw approval shining in her eyes. She smiled softly to Sebastian before she told them not too stay up too late and not to make too much noise since she and her husband were going to bed after a long day at work.

"Good night boys," Sebatian's father said as he passed by them on the way to the bedroom where his wife had already disappeared into after having set up the guest bedroom on the upper floor.

"Good night," All three of the boys replied before going back to looking at the shelves to pick a new movie to watch. After a couple more movies Philip was staring to fall asleep on the couch.

"Looks like its time for us to go to bed," Danny said as he got up from the couch to go scoop Philip up in his arms.

"I can carry him up to the bedroom if you want," Sebastian offered as he turned off the TV and got up from the couch too.

"It's okay I got him, but do you mind leading the way because I have no idea where I am going," Danny replied as he gestured towards the upper floor with his head. Danny groaned as he picked Philip up and carried him bridal style up the stairs with Sebastian just behind him in case he lost his footing on the slippery hardwood floors. Sebatian guided Danny down the hallway after they got to the top of the stairs and Sebastian felt that it was safe enough to not have to walk behind Danny.

Sebastian pushed open the half closed door and let Danny into the room first with Philip like a heavy rock, fast asleep in his arms. Danny stumbled over to the bed and managed to get Philip to lay on the far side of the bed so that Danny still had some room to be able to sleep.

"Do you need anything else before I head off to my bedroom to get some sleep as well?" Sebastian asked Danny in a hushed tone so that he wouldn't wake up Philip.

"Do you mind if I take a shower before going to bed? I just feel kind of gross," Danny asked in a similar hushed tone. He wasn't lying he did feel kind of gross, but it was mostly to try to get nice feeling that Sebastian had accidentally given him that made him a bit too hot under the collar.

"Yeah, the shower is just down here," Sebastian whispered as he walked out of the guest bedroom and down the hall to another door. He opened it and Danny saw a fairly regular sized bathroom with a shower, bathtub, sink, and toliet. Compared to the rest of the house this was not what Danny was expecting even though it was still a very nice bathroom. "I'll grab you a set of pajama bottoms that you can wear to bed, I'll be right back."

Sebatian disappeared around the corner probably to his bedroom. Danny turned on the bathroom lights and was very pleased with how nice the bathroom looked and that it actually went well with the house. Sebatian arrived seconds later with a pair of blue plaid pajama pants in his hand, he placed it on the counter before going under the sink and bringing out a towel that Danny could use also.

"Do you need anything else?" Sebastian asked as he put the towel on the counter next to the pajama bottoms.

"No, I think that I'm all good," Danny said as he glanced in the shower and saw that there was already some soap in there.

"Alright, I'll see you in the morning," Sebastian said with a soft smile as turned and left the bathroom, gently closing the door behind him.

Danny shook his head to clear his thoughts and quickly stripped before turning on the water all the way and jumping into the steaming hot water. After a moment or two Danny turned down the heat to a more managable level and tried to figure out what the fuck he was doing with his life. Ever since Sebastian had showed up in his life everything in Danny's life has been turned on its head and made everything suddenly difficult to understand.

Danny tried his best to get his mind off of Sebastian but the more he tried the more Sebastian began to take a forefront in his mind. It got so bad that Danny had even let himself start to fantasize about what being with Sebastian might be like, not really expecting his mind to come up with much. But boy was he wrong about how much self-control he had.

Before Danny realized it he was already semi-hard. Danny subconsiously began to stroke himself as he thought about what Sebastian would feel like while touching him, everywhere. Danny imagined that his own hand was Sebatian's and began to stroke himself faster, panting and uttering the occasional moan as he leaned his free arm against the wall for support. Danny felt hot everywhere and it wasn't from the water, even his insides felt like they were turning to jelly. There was an immense pressure that Danny could feel building up in his gut, and he felt like he was going to go crazy if he didn't release it soon.

With that last thought it was released and he came onto the tile floors in the shower, while groaning, trying to remain as quiet as possible so that he didn't bring attention to himself. Danny looked down at himself and down at his hand. He stared for a moment or two with his eyebrows scrunched up together as he tried to figure out how this was possible. He had never cum that quickly before, not even during sex, he would usually just jerk off afterwards because he couldn't get off to a woman. But even when he did jerk off before it was never as quick...or erotic.

Danny slumped to the ground in the shower as he realized what this meant. Sebastian had gotten completely under Danny's skin and was now his greatest addiction, which was far worse than any drug.

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