Chapter 60

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The first thing that Danny realized when he woke up the next morning was that his legs and lower back were sore. The second thing that he realized was that they had missed dinner the night before and now he was starving. They should have time to eat something before they would have to go and pick up Philip from his friend's house. Danny snuggled into Sebastian's chest, not wanting to get out of bed just yet especially considering that it was a Saturday. Then Sebastian started to wake up and stretch out his back and arms.

"Morning," Danny said as he looked up at Sebastian and kissed him on the chin. Sebastian smiled lazily down to Danny.

"Morning," Sebastian said as he kissed Danny on the forehead, before sitting up in the bed. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I guess we missed dinner last night," Danny replied as he blushed just thinking about what had happened the last night.

"Yeah, I wonder why my parents didn't come and get us for dinner?"

"Maybe they didn't get home until really late last night, and then just went to bed when they got home."


Both Danny and Sebastian got up from the bed and got dressed. Danny felt a little stiff and sore in his legs and back but tried not to make it too obvious. Sebastian went and checked his phone and saw that he had several messages on his phone and four missed phone calls from a number that he didn't recognized. The text messages said:

Hey Sebastian I know its been a long time but I really need to talk to you

Sebastian look its an emergency please get back to me ASAP

Sebastian this could be a matter of life or death please call me back

Sebastian its about my father please just call me back

Sebastian please, I'm really sorry about everything but please just call me back

"Hey is there something wrong?" Danny asked as he looked at Sebastian, concerned about the conflicted expression that was on his face.

"No, nothing is wrong just a weird number texted me," Sebastian said as he closed his phone and put it into his back pocket, trying his best to ignore the nagging feeling that was tugging at the back of his mind. "Let's go get something to eat."

After Danny and Sebastian ate they both got in the car, noticing that Sebastian's parents' cars were both parked beside Sebastian's car. So they had gotten home at some point last night, and were likely still asleep in their room. Sebastian and Danny left the house and drove down to where Philip was staying with Nick and his mother. As they drove around the corner that led to Nick's house they were stunned to see that Nick's house was surrounded by police cars, fire trucks, and a couple ambulances, and sectioned off with yellow police tape. Danny felt his heart start to beat in his throat and he could see Sebastian go white knuckled on the steering wheel out of the corner of his eye.

As soon as Sebastian parked Danny jumped out of the car and ran towards the yellow police tape. His mind running a mile a minute as to what could've happened last night, Philip had only been outside of Danny's sight for a few hours, only a few hours. What the hell could've happened in just a few hours? Danny was stopped from crossing the yellow police tape by a young armed male police officer.

"Sir please stay on the other side of the tape, this is a crime scene," the young police officer said as he motioned for Danny to take a few steps back.

"But my younger brother was here last night, where is my brother?" Danny asked frantically as panic started to grip his chest and make it difficult for him to breathe.

"Sir please back up," the officer said and waited until Danny had backed up to where he was satisfied. "Now I just need your name and phone number, and we'll get in touch with you."

While Danny was talking to the police officer Sebastian took a look around the scene and at the ambulances. Only one of the ambulances had someone in it, and that was Nick's mother who looked pretty badly beaten up and kept saying something about how someone had taken her son. Sebastian had started to walk up to Danny to help him out, but his anxiety kept him from getting any closer to the crime scene as he kept getting flashbacks to when he had been taken.

Sebastian pulled out his phone and stared down at the phone number trying to think of where he knew that number from. Who had he not talked to in a long enough time that they would feel like they would need to apologize to him for? Whose father would he need to...ohh....shit...

Sebastian quickly dialled back the number that had called him several times that morning and waited impatiently as it rang, pacing back and forth in front of his car.

"Oh thank god," the voice over the phone said when the person on the other end finally picked up.

"Christian what the hell is going on? I thought that you had wanted nothing to do with me after you got transferred to that fancy charter school," Sebastian said into the phone, sounding a lot angrier than he had meant to, but it had been over two years since the last time Sebastian had had a civil conversation with his ex-crush. The one whose father had kidnapped him and tortured him, nearly two years ago.

"I know I know, and I'm very sorry that I had abandoned you like that but it wasn't my choice," Christian said sounding sad and tired. "But that's not why I wanted to call you. I assume that you know about the mistrial and everything right?"

"Yeah I do," Sebastian said swallowing back the bile that was rising in his throat.

"I just wanted to warn you that he had been talking about revenge for the last couple days, but had disappeared from the house last night. I guess that he didn't come for you though," Christian said suddenly sounding like he was doubting himself.

"Your right he didn't come for me, he came for my boyfriend's brother and his friend, and he beat the crap out of the kid's mother," Sebastian replied angrily, there was no other explanation for this, it couldn't have been just a coincidence.

"No, he wouldn't, would he?" Christian said more to himself sounding so confused and conflicted. "How would he know where you live though, I don't even know that."

"Has my ex-girlfriend been hanging around your house since you got back from the school?"

"I don't know if I would call it hanging out but my parents had invited her family over this past weekend to have dinner at the house. She had talked a lot about you but never about where you were, not a whole lot of good though, sorry man."

"I don't really care what she says about me in that regard but her parents knew where I was moving because her parents and my parents were good friends at the time."

"You don't think that she ratted you out to my dad do you? Just because she felt like she owned you, and yeah I've seen her social media posts, she was so clingy."

"Do you know where he could be?"

"I'm sorry man but I don't know, and if my mom knows she's not saying anything."

"I don't think that the police will believe me if I tell them, but I need to try I don't want those sweet kids to go through what I had to."

"I'll keep an ear out for you on my end, seriously though I'm really sorry about everything."

Sebastian hung up the phone and walked the rest of the way over to Danny who was still talking with the police officer, well Sebastian thought that it was more like arguing.

"They won't tell me anything about my brother," Danny said when Sebastian came up beside him, he was practically in tears.

"We can't release anything except to parent's or guardians," the police officer replied when he saw Sebastian.

"Well my parents are his and his younger brother's guardians, I can get them down here if that would make things a little easier," Sebastian said to the police officer.

"Just have them head down to the precinct and we'll take their statements, and if required yours as well," the officer said as he closed up the notepad that he had been writing on and put it back into his utility belt.

"Okay," Sebastian said as he guided Danny, who was now in tears, away from the crime scene, pulling out his cellphone to call his parents.

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