Chapter 63

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Danny and Sebastian slept in Sebastian's bedroom that night but neither of them could get a restful night sleep. Danny insisted that they sleep in the same bed because he was afraid of having nightmares, but he was honestly afraid that Sebastian might just leave him behind. They laid in each other's arms for the entire night contemplating about what they were going to be doing tomorrow evening. Sebastian was fearing facing his tormentor after so long, and wondering if he would even be able to do anything without cowering. Danny was having other thoughts. He was thinking more about how they were to get back once they found Philip and Nick. There had to be a way that they could let someone know where they were, and what was going on.

Danny thought about it long and hard as the hours slowly ticked by. The message had been directed towards Sebastian about not telling anyone else, but what if they didn't actually say it to anyone. What if someone just happened to find the information laying around in a room? Danny smiled to himself as he mulled the idea around in his head, that could work. What would be believable enough that someone would immediately go to the police for if they saw it laying around? The text message, if Danny could manage to get that text message printed off so that someone else could see it and maybe write a message on it.

Maybe if Danny could manage to hook up Sebastian's phone to a computer or a printer and get a screen shot of the text message printed off they would be better off. Danny would have to find a time to be able to sneak around Sebastian and do that before they left to go to the lumber mill. What would they need to bring with them in case they needed to fight their way out? Danny's brain just would not settle down until he eventually fell into an exhausted state of sleep.

When Danny woke the next morning Sebastian was already awake and staring at his phone. Danny pushed himself up so that his head was resting on Sebastian's shoulder.

"Did something come up?" Danny asked tiredly as he looked up at the phone that was in Sebastian's hands. Sebastian was staring at the picture of the severed finger with tears streaming down his face. "Hey, don't do that to yourself!"

Danny took Sebastian's phone away and threw it behind him on the bed as he straddled Sebastian.

"I'm worried about them too. Philip he's the only real family that I have left and I had promised him that I would always protect him, so don't think that you are the only one that feels guilty here," Danny said as the tears stung his eyes threatening to pour out. "Now we just need to find them and bring those boys back home, and then you can teach Philip that cookie recipe that you promised you would teach him, okay?"

Sebastian nodded and pulled Danny in for a quick kiss before gesturing for Danny to get off of his legs. Sebastian got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower, and under normal circumstances Danny would've been tempted to ask if he could join. However, Danny had more pressing things that he had to accomplish first before they left. As soon as Danny could hear the shower water running, he scooped up Sebastian's phone, USB connector, and went over to Sebastian's laptop which was in the top drawer of his desk. Danny tried to be as quiet as he could as he plugged in Sebastian's phone to the computer.

The only problem was that there was a password on the computer. Danny groaned and tried to remember what the password used to be when the were working on the project together. Danny typed in a guess, thinking that it couldn't possibly be that easy but it was, the password was literally password. Danny sighed and quickly dove into the files so that he could get to the phone's files. Danny did a quick screenshot on the phone of the text message, before going back to the computer and getting into the phone's pictures. He moved the picture to the computer and quickly deleted it off of Sebastian's phone.

Danny checked to make sure that the printer was on before he started to print the text message. Danny hid the picture behind his back when he heard the water shut off in the bathroom. He waited a moment before he heard Sebastian start up the toothbrush before he searched for a pen in the desk. He had less than a minute before Sebastian was to come out of the bathroom and catch him doing what he was doing. Danny laid the picture on the desk and wrote in the white space at the bottom of the picture:

We found them at the old lumber mill

He threatened to kill Philip and Nick if we said anything

We went to get them back at 7pm.

Danny wasn't really sure what else he could say and he didn't have any more time to write anything since Sebastian was approaching the door to come back into the room. Danny folded the paper up and hid it behind his back just as Sebastian entered the room. Sebastian would be very mad at Danny if he knew what Danny was planning.

Sebastian came out into the room in only a towel and damn if that still didn't take Danny's breath away. He gave a small smile to Danny before he went over to his closet to get dressed into something that would be good for trekking around in the muck and unstable ground. Danny scooted out of the room and down the hall to grab some clothes for himself to wear for the day. He laid the paper down on the pillow for a moment as he got dressed and then stuffed it into his back pocket, wanting to wait until the last minute before he laid the message on Sebastian's bed.

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