Chapter 36

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Sebastian groaned when he heard the knocking at the front door of his house. He got up from the couch and flicked off the television, before walking over to the door. He knew exactly who was on the other side of the door before he had even opened it. As the door swung open Jenna shoved a big plastic bag at Sebastian with a huge smile on her face.

"This is for you," Jenna said as she walked past Sebastian into the house. Sebastian had no choice but to take the bag and let her pass. Confused, Sebastian gently closed the door before turning around to face Jenna.

"Umm, what exactly is this?" Sebastian asked as he held the bag up in the direction that Jenna had left in.

"Oh, its my apology gift for forcing you to come with me to this party, I know that because of something that happened to you at one that you don't really like to go out to them anymore," Jenna explained, though that was really only a small portion of the truth as she had a more elaborate plan that she had set in place. "And for any of the drunk idiots that may bother you during the night."

"You didn't need to do that," Sebastian replied as he dropped his arm, that held the bag, back down to his side.

"I know but I wanted to, now go try it on," Jenna said excitedly as giggled, practically hopping from foot to foot with anticipation.

"Alright, I guess," Sebastian replied as he raised an eyebrow at the plastic bag that was in his hand. Jenna ushered Sebastian into the closest bathroom that she could find and pranced outside the door impatiently awaiting the reveal.

Sebastian sighed heavily and opened the bag to see how bad the damage was. He was fairly surprised by her relatively simple but nice looking jean pants and by the looks of it two different tops. He pulled all of the items out of the bag and set them on the counter before looking closer at them. They were from a store that he had never heard of, which could only mean that the clothes must've been fairly expensive. Though his parents were of some wealth they didn't feel like it was necessary to shop at high-end stores for every day clothes.

Sebastian stripped out his old clothes and threw on the pants, which he found out almost too late had rips in the knees. He carefully pulled his foot back into the dark wash jeans and was more careful about putting his other foot in the other pant leg. He was more surprised that they actually fit pretty well even if they were a bit big around the waist. Then Sebastian picked up one of the shirts which was just a plain black V-neck t-shirt, though it did look a bit too small. Sebastian shrugged and tried the shirt on anyway. He was pleased with the stretchiness of the fabric and, even though it was a bit snug, it was very form fitting to his body now that he had managed to get most of his muscle mass back.

Then Sebastian looked at the other shirt which turned out to be a dark blue and green plaid button up shirt. He was happy to see that it was more his size and not as tight as the black t-shirt that he already had on. When Sebastian finally looked in the mirror after he had pulled on the button up shirt, he felt that he looked like a different person and it made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Are you done yet? I want to see what you look like!" Jenna exclaimed through the bathroom door. She sounded super excited, but Sebastian just felt sicker to his stomach than anything.

"Yeah, I'm done," Sebastian replied hesitantly and forgetting for a moment that he didn't lock the bathroom door. Jenna barged into the room and stared at, the now bashful, Sebastian.

"Wow, you look hot!" Jenna said as she looked Sebastian up and down. "If I wasn't a lesbian I would totally be all over you."

Sebastian frowned with his face reddening further. He didn't take too well to other people's compliments, but he had thought that he had finally gotten used to Jenna's brash comments and compliments, now he was reconsidering that.

"Are you alright?" Jenna asked feeling a bit concerned with Sebastian's almost sad and abrasive reaction.

"Just bringing up old memories is all," Sebastian replied quietly as he happened a glance down at Jenna. He hadn't meant to worry her, he was just thinking too much again. As much as Sebastian's wrists itched and even as the panic began to set in he knew that he couldn't do that with Jenna being here, as much as his nerves were getting to him he couldn't do it.

"There is something though that I did have in my mind, so these clothes are also an apology for that," Jenna commented smiling slightly. "I'm hoping for it to be a good surprise but with there being a lot of drunk people partying tonight, your surprise may already be drunk by now. Though he better not be or I will wring his neck when I see him next!"

"He who?" Sebastian asked as he narrowed his eyebrows at Jenna, but she just smiled and laughed.

"You'll see, and you may even thank me for this later, as long as he isn't being an idiot," Jenna replied looking off towards the wall to her right, glower at a small spot on the wall, before calming down and turning her attention back to Sebastian. "There's just one thing that we have left to do, and that's to fix up your hair and maybe some cologne if you want. Now just hold still."

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