Chapter 9

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Danny didn't seem to notice Sebastian at all during class, he just stared off into space and pretended to listen to what was going on in the class. Sebastian was a little weirded out by the fact that he was concerned for Danny and a small part of him wanted to go ask if he was okay. But a bigger part of him wanted to ask what he was doing in a grade 12 class. Danny was supposed to be in grade 10 or so Jenna had told him after that first incident in the hallway.

Once the class was over Sebastian made sure to get out of their before Danny had a chance to notice him, and booked it to Jenna's locker. Being the tallest guy in the class that was easier said than done, but people moved out his way in the hallway which made getting to her locker easier. He leaned against her locker fumming and tapping his foot with his arms crossed as he nervously waited for her in the crowd of people.

As Jenna rounded the corner, she saw what most people would've thought was a big angry teenager leaning against her locker. Everyone else in the hallway gave him plenty of space and got what they needed out of their lockers before hurrying away from the ticking time bomb. If Jenna hadn't have already met him she would've agreed, but she could tell that something else was up with him. When Sebastian had locked eyes with Jenna, she could see him visible relax and uncross his arms putting them in his pockets instead. He wasn't completely comfortable with crowds but now seeing someone he knew made Sebastian feel a bit better about being surrounded by strangers.

"Hey, what's up," Jenna asked as she walked up to Sebastian. He stepped aside to let her at her locker.

"Danny was in my last period class," Sebastian replied quietly so that only Jenna was able to hear him. It was almost too quiet for even her to be able to hear him, considering how tall Sebastian was the sound didn't travel all that well. Jenna stiffened and looked up at Sebastian who was staring at the lockers that were on the other side of the hallway, like they  were suddenly very interesting.

"He didn't do anything to you did he?" Jenna asked, Sebastian shook his head but scrunched up his eyebrows like he was confused about something. "Then what's up?"

"He was all banged up, like he had been jumped or something," Sebastian murmured thoughtfully almost to himself.

"He probably did, he does wind up hanging out with the wrong crowd and getting the attention of pretty much all of the straight women here," Jenna replied as she grabbed her bag out of her locker before closing it. "He probably got the attention of the wrong guy's girl."

"Maybe," Sebastian replied not really believe what she was telling him cause there had been no bruising on Danny's knuckles from fighting back against whoever it was that was attacking him. As they walked towards the gym for Sebastian's basketball practice Sebastian started to get more and more doubtful that Danny had been involved in a fight, with a stranger at least. He felt like it was probably someone that Danny knew well enough to not want to fight back.

The basketball season, according to Jenna, always starts early in the school year and goes until late March probably because it was one of the biggest sports in the area. The practice  that Sebastian was going was actually just another tryout day full drills and not much else. Sebastian was really getting used to all of this more routine filled days, it kept him and his mind busy.

Just as Sebastian and Jenna arrived at the doors to the gym changeroom, Sebastian felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. He didn't think much was odd about it, as his parents liked to check on him occasionally throughout the day, until he open up his phone and saw who the message was actually  from. His heart skipped a beat and his stomach twisted into knots. He stopped in his tracks and just stared down at his phone. Sebastian had deleted her phone number a long while ago but he knew it was her all the same. The text read:

Hey babe, I really miss us and I think that you should come back so that we can be together again and so that we can be happy ;)

One of her favourite things that she used to do to Sebastian was manipulate him into doing whatever she wanted him to do especially after the incident, but not this time. He didn't even bother responding and just deleted the message.

"Hey Sebastian, are you alright?" Jenna asked as she turned around to see what had cause him to stop walking.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Sebastian replied as he shoved his phone back into his pocket and caught up to Jenna. Jenna was very suspicious because Sebastian didn't even bother to hide how angry and upset he was. But she knew it wouldn't do her any good to ask now, he would probably just snap at her. She would just have to bide herself some time and wait for the right opportunity to ask her questions.

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