Chapter 32

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Sebastian took a couple deep breaths in his car as he sat outside Danny's house. There were no other cars around the house and it appeared as though all the lights in the house had been turned off. He felt sweat trickle down the back of his neck as he swallowed hard before getting out of the car and walking up to the front door of Danny's house. Sebastian hadn't been inside the house since the dinner he had been invited to, it seemed like forever ago that that happened.

Sebastian walked up to the house and raised his hand to knock on the door but hesitated a moment thinking that maybe it wasn't such a good idea for him to come over unannounced. But he steelied himself and knocked firmly on the door. For a second there he thought that no one might be home and was preparing to leave when he heard the lock click, and saw the door slowly creak open. 

Philip peeked around the corner of the door and immediately lite up when he saw Sebastian on the other side of the door. Philip rushed out and hugged Sebastian's legs while laughing.

"Bassy!" Philip exclaimed as Sebastian picked him up in his arms and sat Philip on his hip. Sebastian opened his mouth to reply to Philip's very excited greeting but froze with his eyes wide when he saw the giant brusie that covered Philip's entire left cheek from his jaw to just underneath his eye.

"Philip...what's that from?" Sebastian asked as he gestured to the large dark purple brusie that was turning yellow and green around the edges. Philip's smile dropped as he gingerly touched his own cheek and looked down at Sebastian's chest.

"I...I fell," Philip whispered unconvincingly into Sebastian's chest his voice cracking near the end. Sebastian sighed before walking into the house with Philip in his arms and kicking backwards against the door with his foot to close it.

"Its alright if you don't want to tell me, I already know," Sebastian murmured quietly as he rubbed the back of Philip's head gently. Sebastian was a bit concerned though that he hadn't seen even a glimpse of Danny yet considering how protective he was of his younger brother. "Where's your brother?"

Philip jerked his head up as he came back to the present and remembered that his brother had gotten the worst of the beating. He started to wriggle out of Sebastian's arms so Sebastian put him down on the ground. Then he grabbed Sebastian's wrist and started pulling him further into the house and towards the stairs to go to the upper floor.

"He's up in his room and I think he needs help because he hasn't moved much it the last week," Philip replied as Sebastian started to follow him. Sebastian's stomach dropped and he let go of Philip's hand as he practically ran up the stairs to look for whichever room was Danny's. Sebastian stidded to hault outside one room when he heard a groan and the hopping step coming towards him. Sebastian slowly pulled open the door and saw that Danny was on the other side of it with his arm out stretched, presumably to grab the door handle.

Sebastian's eyes grew wide when he saw that the entire left side of Danny's face was purple, his left eye was still partially bloodshot, and he wasn't standing on his right leg. But Sebastian couldn't see if there was any more damage because Danny was wearing a pair of pants and a long sleeve button up shirt that had missmatched buttons done up.

"Sebastian, what are you doing here?" Danny grumbled as his voice cracked. Danny winced and rubbed at his thoat when he heard the noise himself. 

"You were missing for nearly a week, I was starting to get a bit concerned," Sebastian replied as he took a step towards Danny and flicked the bedroom light on so that he could get a better look at Danny's bruises. Sebastian is taken aback by the discolouration of Danny's face and around his neck. Danny covered his eyes with one hand against the bright light in his room, revealing to Sebastian scabs around Danny's knuckles and fingers. Sebastian grabbed at Danny's wrist to better inspect his wounds, but Danny immediately gasped in pain and tore his arm away from Sebastian's grip, clutching it against his stomach. Danny stumbled backwards and Sebastian just managed to catch him around the waist, keeping him from falling backwards and potentially injuring himself more.

"What the heck happened that had caused all this?" Sebastian muttered waiting to see what lie Danny came up with this time.

"I just got in a fight with some rough guys, I'll be alright, you didn't need to come here," Danny grumbled as he tried to push Sebastian away. Normally, Sebastian would've let him cause the contact was bugging him, but he knew that it wouldn't be good for Danny if he did.

"I don't believe you, let me see the damage."


"So that I can see if I have to drag your sorry ass off to the hospital."

Sebastian wasn't normally this rough but there were a lot of unknowns here and thats what was really scaring him. Danny could be more hurt then he thinks and that was making Sebastian naseated with worry. Danny a bit surprised at Sebastian's rough attitude nodded slowly but was still a bit hesitant to follow through. Sebastiana leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed, blocking Danny's only escape route. Danny slowly tried to take his shirt off but was having trouble getting it over his one shoulder. Sebastian pushed off the door frame and walked over towards Danny to help him, but then remembered that Philip was behind him.

"I'm just going to close the door for a second, alright Philip? I'm just going to make sure that your brother is okay," Sebastian told Philip who was peeking around the doorframe, looking worriedly between Sebastian and Danny who already had his shirt half off. 

"Okay," Philip replied and sat against the wall just outside Danny's room as Sebastian closed the door just enough that there was still a crack in the door.

"I figured that you didn't want him to see how badly banged up you really were," Sebastian murmured as he turned his attention back to the struggling Danny. Danny paused for a moment and peeked at Sebastian through a part of the head hole that he could still see through.

"Thanks," Danny replied sheepishly, before trying again to get his shirt off.

"Hang on a second, don't hurt yourself."

Sebastian stepped towards Danny and gently brought his shirt back down so that Sebastian could undo the shirt properly. Danny felt his face heat up in embarassment and he dropped his hands to his sides as he waited for Sebastian to undo the mismatched buttons. Sebastian pushed the button up off of Danny's shoulders for Danny to take off himself. But Danny was too tired and sore to really take it off so he just let it drop off his arms and to the floor.

Sebastian knew immediately that there were far too many marks on Danny's body for him to have been in any kind of fair fight, if that was even what had really happened. Sebastian still hadn't given up on his idea of Danny's parents being abusive.

"Where does it hurt a lot when you move around?" Sebastian asked as he tried not to stare too long at Danny's bare chest. Even with the splotchy and discoloured areas caused by the brusing, Sebastian had to admit that Danny was not the least bit flabby. Danny was fit and maybe on the verge of almost too skinny, with a flat stomach and very slight definition. But what Sebastian tried to avoid looking at was Danny's very prominent V-line that was partially hidden by his pants and his boxers, that were just peeking out from underneath his pants.

"Umm..." Danny hesitates keeping his eyes on the floor, face turning a shade of pink as he felt his penis twitch as Sebastian looked over the bruises. Sebastian caught Danny's eye when he didn't respond right away and Danny immediately looked away. "M-my left wrist and my ribs. My ankle also hurts but not as bad as it used to so its probably just bruised."

"If it still hurts it might broken, put your shirt back on," Sebastian said as he turned around to open the bedroom door again. Philip jumped to his feet as he looked up to Sebastian expectantly and then glanced around him to where Danny was standing a couple feet behind Sebastian.

"Is big brother going to be okay?" Philip asked as he craned his neck to look up at Sebastian's face with pleading eyes. He was absolutely terrified at the thought that he could possibly be losing Danny, the only brother that he really knew.

"Yeah, of course," Sebastian replied as he crouched down to Philip's level so that he could look him in the eyes. "I just think that he should go to a professional so that he can feel better faster, and you can come with us to the hospital if you want?"

Philip nodded vigorously and smiled over at Danny. Danny glared at Sebastian and opened his mouth to protest but the look that Sebastian gave Danny was more terrifying than he had ever seen on a person before. Danny quickly clamped his mouth shut and smiled warily back at Philip while watching Sebastian out of the corner of his eye. There was something seriously different about Sebastian and the more that Danny got to see it the more he wasn't sure whether or not he liked it.

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