Chapter 49

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It was the middle of the night when an odd sound reached Danny's ears, pulling him from his slumber. He sat up in his bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, listening for whatever had woken him up. All he could hear was the faint sound of foot steps walking down the hall and away from him. Danny stared at his door in confusion, wonder who would be walking around the house in the middle of the night. He got up from the bed and walked over the bedroom door, hesitating with his hand just above the door handle. But he pushed aside his fears and quietly walked out into the hallway, trying not to wake up anyone else or draw attention to himself.

Being only in a pair of pajama pants it probably wasn't the best idea to follow the sound of the footsteps, but Danny was curious. He followed the sound of the footsteps down to main floor and saw a shadow head out towards the backyard. Danny paused on the stairs wondering if he really wanted to know what it was that was wondering around the house. His feet made the decision for him as he started to move forward down the stairs again, doing his best to muffle the creaking of each step that he took.

Danny slowly walked over towards the glass sliding doors that lead out to the backyard and noticed that there was someone sitting in a chair on the patio, that was off to the side of the doors. Danny shuffled a little closer to the doors, trying his best to not get spotted by whoever it was that was outside. Danny's mouth dropped open a bit when he saw that it was Sebastian that was sitting on the patio chair in the middle of the night. He was wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants but no shoes , wasn't he at least a bit cold in the chilly night air?

Sebastian was hunched over with his elbows on his knees and his hands being pressed into his face. it sounded like he was panting though Danny may have been wrong since he was seeing all of this through the thick plane of glass. When Danny saw Sebastian lift his head, he swore that he could see Sebastian's tears being reflected in the moonlight. Why was he just sitting out here crying to himself? It wrenched at Danny's heart and made tears start to form at the corners of his own eyes.

He shouldn't have to do this all alone, Danny thought as he stared out at Sebastian. Danny knew that he shouldn't be prying in on Sebastian's private time, but he wanted to be invited in by Sebastian. He wanted Sebastian to trust him and open up to him about what was making him do all of this. Danny understood why Sebastian didn't want to share his past, however, Danny also knew that keeping this kind of painful thing bottled up inside was not healthy for him either.

Danny didn't want to figure out what had happened to Sebastian on his own but it was looking like that was what he was going to have to do. He was going to have to make good on his threat to Sebastian, whether he wanted him to or not.

Danny barely registered at Sebastian was turning towards the window in time to be able to pull back out of his line of sight. Danny held his breath and didn't move for several heartbeats, waiting to see if Sebastian would come back inside and catch him standing just outside the glass sliding door, but nothing happened. Danny took that as his warning that he shouldn't stay there any longer and began to make his retreat back up the stairs and to his bedroom.

He would have to wait until morning before he started his research as he was much too tired to even try to attempt it at the moment. Danny closed the door to his room and tucked himself back under the covers and tried to be able to get some sleep, even the image of Sebastian crying to himself on the patio haunted his sleep.

A/N: Sorry that it took me sooo long to get this new chapter up!! I just had to finish this other book for a book launch that is coming up on July 8th but now i should be able to be a bit more focused on this story :)

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