Chapter 62

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Neither Danny nor Sebastian knew whose little finger that was in the picture, and neither of them wanted to know. But Sebastian had no idea what coal mine or whatever it was that the person was talking about. They were in a fairly built up town so there was barely even any farm land around the town, where the heck were they going to find a coal mine by 7pm tomorrow? Sebastian had to try to find someway to get out there without anyone else noticing. He was petrified of going but he knew that he had to for the sakes of the young boys that were being held by him.

Danny and Sebastian sat frozen on the floor of Sebastian's bedroom, neither boy really knowing what they should do next with this new information. Sebastian couldn't tell his parents or the police for fear of pushing Mr. Roberts over the edge to actually killing the boys. Sebastian knew that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he had gotten either of the boys killed, just knowing that one of them was hurt was enough for Sebastian to start hating himself.

Danny was the first to recover from the stunned state. He picked up Sebastian's phone and reread the text message, looking for some clue or indication as to who this was and where they were. He needed to figure this out so that they could tell someone and get the boys out of there. But that threat of killing the his brother and Nick if Sebastian told anyone was enough to make Danny hesitant to really go through with letting anyone else know either. He needed to at the very least figure out which mine the sender was talking about, and whether or not it was an actual mine at all.

Danny knew enough about the area to know that there wasn't any real coal mines in the area. The only thing that kind of looked like the area where the picture was taken an old lumber mill which had been shut down long before Danny was born, but it was easily mistaken for a mine. It was originally going to be demolished and there was going to be a new housing development put in there, they had even dug out the area where they had wanted to out the houses. However, they weren't able to get all of their permits and had to stop, leaving all of the equipment there for the past year as they tried to figure out how to get the permits, or at least that's what Danny had heard. It had looked like a construction cemetery the last time that Danny had been out there. There was a huge hole in the ground, part of the old lumber mill building had been torn down and flooded with water, and all of the machines had started to rust, and there was this perpetual fog hanging over the place from all the water. That seemed to be the place since there wasn't any actual coal mines or mines of any kind around the town.

Sebastian had seemed to finally recover from his state of shock and shakily got up from his spot of the floor and stumbled over to Danny. His hands were shaking as he gently removed the phone from Danny's grasp.

"You don't happen to know where this place is, do you?" Sebastian asked Danny, his face pale and taunt with fear and worry. Danny stared at Sebastian for a moment hoping that he wasn't seriously considering going after this guy on his own. Sebastian had this look on his face that said that he was going to go and that he was sure that he probably wasn't going to come back alive. That expression scared Danny, he couldn't let Sebastian go there alone and the police would take too long to mobilize, he needed to go with him.

"What he's talking about, its not a mine," Danny started quietly, regretting that he was talking about it but knew that keeping quiet might just be worse. "Its an abandoned old lumber mill that's about 45 minutes away from here. Its practically completely underwater with abandoned diggers and other machines around the property, with a giant hole just in front of the main building. I've been there a couple times during my, ahem, less than glory days. I can show you the way.."

"No, no, you don't need to get all mixed up in this," Sebastian said fearfully, if anything were to happen to Danny out there that would be the end of everything. Danny meant far too much to Sebastian to allow him to get mixed up with his 

"Damn it Sebastian! I already am mixed up in this and damnit all if I'm going to just let you go there on your own!" Danny seethed starting to get angry that Sebastian was trying to just brush him off. Quickly calming down as the idea of losing Sebastian came crushing down on him. "I just don't want to lose you or Philip. So I'm coming whether or not you like it, because you need me if you want to be able to get there in time."

Sebastian dropped down to his knees and gripped Danny in a tight hug, his whole body was shaking. Sebastian's breathing became uneven as he began to cry into Danny's shoulder. Danny felt the tears well up in his own eyes as he hugged Sebastian back.

"I'm so sorry Danny, I'm so sorry," Sebastian whispered into Danny's ear as they held each other tightly, knowing what they had to do next and fearing what the outcome will be.

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