Chapter 15

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The cool breeze calmed the heat in Danny's face once he had made it outside. He didn't understand himself why he was so worked up, but he knew it was all Sebastian's fault. The way that Sebastian had reacted to Danny's stare was not the way that Danny had anticipated. He had been hoping for something more along the lines of anger or even fear, but not bashful.

Danny plucked a smoke out the package in his hand and put it between his lips. He put the package away before quickly lighting the end the cigarette. He took a long drag and found that he was better able to relax and think more clearly. There wasn't really any kind of real reason why Danny was angry, other than the fact that he was caught staring at Sebastian. He had to admit it though, Sebastian had peeked his interest more than he dared to say.

There was just something off about Sebastian like he was hiding something. Danny took another heavy drag off of his cigarette as his frustration started to well up again. He didn't want to know, and he didn't care. Danny was doing his best to try and convince himself that he wasn't the least bit curious, but he just kept getting more and more frustrated. Danny sighed, threw his cigarette on the ground, and stomped it out. With nothing to do until later that night, Danny trudged off to class as the bell started to ring signaling the end of lunch.

Danny was the last one to arrive and groaned when he saw that there was only one seat left behind Sebastian. Danny shuffled over and took the only available seat behind Sebastian. Danny was happy to see that Sebastian wasn't paying attention so he hadn't noticed his entrance. He seemed to be very focused on something that was outside the window, even though nothing was there.

Danny was fairly smart with science, which was why he was in an upper year science class. This particular class was anatomy, and was Danny's favourite class. His mind started to wander a bit and he began to wonder if Sebastian was smart in the sciences. Danny quickly shook his head but it was too late, that thought was now imbedded in his brain. He let out an aggravated sigh and looked up to the front of the classroom as the teacher walked in.

"Okay class today I'm going to be assigning you into groups for a small project, where you are going to do research on one type of disease and the parts of the body that it affects," the teacher started as she placed a stack of papers on her desk that was next to the windows, before returning her attention back to the class. Danny was already starting to feel nauseous, he hated group projects, he preferred to work on his own cause then it wouldn't involve unnecessary communication and time. "This small project will be worth 25% and will be due in November."

Danny's eyes widened. This was not a small project at all! Having to spend nearly 3 months researching a project with someone else was going to be the death of him. Danny was already groaning internally as his gut twisted into knots as he waited for the teacher to announce who he was going to be forced to be working with. She was slowly going threw the list of names in alphabetical order pairing people up. Danny was nervous because his name was near the bottom of the list so he'd probably get paired up with someone else before the teacher reached his name.

"...Martha, you'll be partnered up with Susan. Sebastian, you'll be partnered up with...Danny," the teacher said and was about to continue you on but Sebastian piped up.

"Madam, is there anyway I could work on my own? Or maybe with someone else?" Sebastian asked whipping his attention away from the window. Danny who was about to protest before Sebastian piped up, suddenly felt his gut twist into painful knots. What the heck is his problem? Sebastian had just inadvertently, pushed Danny to the point of being beyond pissed off. Is Sebastian looking down on him?

"Sebastian, you are top of my class, however, I believe that you need to be a bit more communicative with some of your other classmates, end of discussion," the teacher replied and then went back to reading the names of the remaining partners. Danny glared at Sebastian's back as Sebastian rubbed his face with his hands while passing around nervous glances around the room. What the heck was he so worried about?

For the rest of the class Danny had this constant  sense of irritation every time he looked Sebastian's back. Danny sighed heavily, and this day had started out so well he thought.

Bent (Boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz