Chapter 52

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With the literary images still fresh in his mind, Danny was very quiet on the ride back to Sebastian's house only making for short answers if Philip had asked him a question. Now that he knew a bit more of the intimate details of what was going on back in Sebastian's home town he was absolutely astounded that Sebastian was holding up as well as he was, up to this point. Danny knew that if it were him he would surely not have lasted nearly as long or held out much hope for himself to be rescued. How had Sebastian held on for so long without completely losing all hope?

Danny wanted to ask Sebastian about what had happened, about how he felt and tell him that he accepted it. But the truth was was that Danny wasn't sure how to feel about the whole situation. Sebastian was both right and wrong for not telling him the whole truth. Danny was both relieved and angry now that he knew the truth, well the newspapers version of the truth anyway, which for all Danny knew could've been the furthest thing from it. He had to talk to Sebastian, and he knew that there was not going to be any sort of easy way to go about doing it. But he wouldn't let Sebastian stay in the darkness alone any longer. He may not know what Sebastian was going through, but he did know what it felt like to feel like there was no one that you could turn to. He just had to get Sebastian alone for a bit.

"Hey, did you maybe want to try those exercises again?" Danny asked Sebastian as he joined him at the front of the car, Philip excitedly running in front of Sebastian and Danny beating them to the front door.

"Um, I don't know if that's such a good idea," Sebastian replied as he rubbed the back of his neck and avoided eye contact with Danny as he walked towards the front door to let Philip into the house. Danny quickly catching up with a few jogging steps as all three of them entered the large empty house.

"It won't be anything like last time, I promise," Danny said as he tried for a reassuring smile, his nerves bubbling just beneath the surface. "Then we can just talk afterwards."

"Um, yeah, alright, we could try that," Sebastian agreed as he walked into the kitchen to grab Philip a quick snack before he went up to go and do his schoolwork. Sebastian reached up to the top shelf and grabbed a box that was full of granola bars that were half covered in yogurt. He let Philip pick out a snack before he put the box back up on the shelf. Philip had ran off up to his room after giving both Danny and Sebastian a big hug.

Danny motioned for Sebastian to start walking up the stairs too, as he noticed him hesitating in the kitchen doorway. Sebastian let out his breath and walked up the stairs and to his room with Danny on his tail. Danny turned around and closed the door completely, leaning his head on the door before glancing back towards Sebastian. Sebastian was watching him from where he sat on the bed. Sebastian suspected that Danny was up to something, more than what he was saying and that was what was making Sebastian suspicious. Danny leaned his back against the door as he made eye contact with Sebastian. Immediately, Sebastian's heart beat kicked up a notch.

"What happened back in your home town?" Danny asked staring intently at Sebastian, hoping that Sebastian wasn't going to make him say it.

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked avoiding the question and dropping his eyes to his lap. His hands began to shake as he clasped them together on his lap. Danny narrowed his eyes and pushed off the door walking halfway across the room before planting his hands on his hips, legs shoulder width apart. Sebastian was really going to make him say it out right, wasn't he?

"The fact that you were kidnapped and held against your will, while having god knows what being forced upon you!" Danny said a little louder than he had wanted to, quickly quieting down and taking a deep breath so that he sounded calmer with the next thing that he said. "Did you really think that I would never find out about something that was this big?"

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