Chapter 11

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Danny just stood there and stared at Sebastian's retreating figure, shocked by what he had just done. No one else had ever to approach Danny about his smoking, even the teachers wouldn't approach him about it. The new senior was starting to get under Danny's skin and bother him in a way that was indescribable, cause no one else had gotten away with so much without Danny beating them up. But Sebastian always seemed to catch Danny when his guard was down and not giving him the chance to recover and react afterwards. Whether it was intentional or not, Danny had had enough of Sebastian pushing him around. Danny trudges over to the bus stop muttering to himself about ways that he could try to get back at Sebastian for sabotaging his only time to relax before heading back to his home made prison. He figured the least that he could do was confront Sebastian and be prepared to beat him up if he started to cause any trouble. Danny was already taking enough shit at home and he was not ready to deal with it at school from some new student of all people.

Danny fumed a bit more as he waited at the bus stop for his bus to come, so that he could get home to start getting dinner ready for Philip and himself. As the bus pulled up to the curb and Danny hopped up the stairs, he tried to put his anger and frustrations for Sebastian aside and focus on what to cook for dinner, assuming that his parents weren't home. Danny stared out the window of the bus as he connected his earbuds to his phone so that he could listen to some music on the 40 minute bus ride. Danny doesn't listen to the normal kind of music that most teenagers listen to, he found that those kinds of song all sound the same and that they didn't really have any meaning to Danny. He preferred to listen to classical music as it helped to calm him during rough and stressful times, and it helped him to keep his cool during the street races.

The bus ride to his street seemed almost too short today, making Danny still feel a bit agitated. He was not understanding how Sebastian had managed to wriggle his way under Danny's skin just by plucking his smoke from him. Or maybe it was just because Danny's smoking time got interrupted so abruptly, considering that he didn't get much time to himself very often. When Danny arrived to his house he knocked first before entering so that his brother Philip would know that it was him coming in. After Danny had shut the door behind him, he could see Philip peek from around the corner of the kitchen before running up to Danny with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey kido, how was school?" Danny asked as he hugged his brother tightly around his shoulders.

"It was actually really fun we got to do this really cool science experiment with how to make a volcano that actually exploded, and I even made a new friend," Philip told his brother excitedly, having a bit of difficulty with pronouncing the word 'experiment'. Danny chuckled and smiled down at his little brother who was just bursting with happiness. 'This is why I put with all the bull,' Danny thought to himself as Philip continued to talk about his day as they walked towards the kitchen together.

Danny began to make dinner as he got Philip to start in on his homework. Danny always keeping a wary eye on the hallway that led to the front door, and his ears open for any kind of disgruntled noises that could signal that their parents had returned. As the night wore on Danny started to feel confident that they wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. He managed to relax a bit more and enjoy hanging out with his younger brother like he used to.

After Danny had gotten Philip upstairs and into bed with the door locked, he started to remember his frustrations with that annoying goliath, Sebastian. Danny licked his lips as his fingers twitched at his sides as he headed towards the front door. Once he had gotten outside he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his cigarette pack. He plucked one out and put it in his mouth as he reached around for his lighter and put the pack back in his pocket. Danny lit the cigarette taking slow long drags on it until he had managed to calm down, and could think more clearly.

Danny knew that he was going to have to do something about Sebastian, but he wasn't too sure what he could do to a guy that big. Danny sat out on the front deck for a bit, thinking. After his third cigarette he gave up and headed inside to go to sleep, hoping that something would come to him in the morning.

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