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The last time I was here is when my father was about to give me my punishment, to be thrown on Earth without any powers. I would live as a mortal, just like them, and face whatever would come. I kept sending prayers, hoping that they would take me back – that my father would decide to end my punishment and realize how awful it really was, but that never came.

Before I would do anything just to be back here, but when I take a look around now, it just gives me this empty feeling, like I don't really belong or fit here. The faces I have grown familiar to recognize are looking at me with their brows furrowed, and in their eyes, you can see the disappointment. They probably know everything – I'm together with a demon.

In front of me is my parents, who have been discussing my being as if I'm not just behind them. My mother, who gives me worried glances, and my father, who is wearing nothing on his face, are talking about what they will do with Slate – they call him Forneus. When they utter his name, it's like it's the most disgusting name of all names, and the way his name rolls off their tongues, it's kind of like acid being spit out.

They have taken Slate to a prison where everything is purified. I've only been there twice or thrice in my life, but I never really got a chance to explore it. I have heard that prison place is big, capable to fit thousands and thousands of captured demons.

It has been four hours since I last saw him, and my heart is aching to see him. I don't think the warrior angels are capable of torturing someone, but it's a demon they have caught, so I'm not sure. Every time Slate crosses my mind, I feel like vomiting, crying. I want to break things and yell at my parents for throwing him into a place I can't even go to. But I remain my mouth shut and refuse to cry. Knowing my father, he would give me a hard time dealing with him if I ask what the warrior angels are doing to him.

We are on our way to the Grand Central. I have always hated that place. When I was a child, I wasn't allowed to go there. I wasn't even allowed to get out of home because, as my mother put in, I had to study well as I'd become a King one day. But I figured that will not happen. It never will.

The angels are whispering as they see me as if it's the most natural thing ever. I resist the urge to roll my eyes at them. Four warrior angels are assigned to me. Of course, so I can't escape. The two warriors are on my left and right, while the other two are behind my back. Their backs straight set, and there are swords dangling on their sides.

My heart is racing as we near the Grand Central, and more and more, it attracts the residents and they slowly fill in the empty place. They know that the King is going to announce something, to declare another hate-filled war against the demons. That, or about having to capture a high-rank demon. I do believe that it's the latter though. But what scares me is that, what my father is going to do with him. I know, when I stared right into his eyes earlier, that he was planning something. My mother knows, too. She probably felt that I had other feelings for the demon, and she probably thinks that it's disgusting. Still, I didn't see any sign of that from her face. When she looks at me, she would just give me small and sad smiles. It's not meant to be encouraging, it means that I'm being pitied.

As we reach the Grand Central, my father instructs me to get on the stage that oversees the crowd forming and my heart races even more as I see my friends that are not really my friends, my instructors, teachers, and everyone who has been part of my life when I was growing up here. Warrior angels start to align themselves protectively around us, and the others are in the air. They raise their purified swords, glinting as the sun shines on it. Trumpets are blown, drums are banged, and they all bow down to the King and Queen standing in front of them. I refuse to do so. My mother notices it and sends me a questioning look, and that's when I bow them. Once my head is tilted down, I roll my eyes and take a deep breath as everyone rises. I see Leandre at the crowd as I raise my head up. He has a worried expression on his face, and once he sees me looking at him, I just give him a smile.

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