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"I am as vain as I allow."

– Lady Gaga, So Happy I Could Die

"Be your best friend, yeah I'll love you forever,"

The demon sings happily, his horns protruding on his temple, nodding his head. I grumble under my breath. The fear is still there – the fear of being chased, of being wanted to be killed. "Thank you." I murmur, hoping that he wouldn't hear it. But he does.

Still in demon form, he slings his arm around my neck and I freeze. To be honest, I'm scared that I'm standing beside a demon who's in his demon form. Demons are really powerful when they are in their true form. But something tells me that it's not really his true demonic form. I feel like there's something about him, something that would shock me even more.

The feel of his skin against mine is hot, like burning hot. It's like he's been submerged in a sea of fire but surprisingly I never feel the burn. I can only feel how warm he is.

"So..." his voice holds a teasing tone and I narrow my eyes at him. "You said that you'd never attempt to escape again," My body has become rigid. I turn to look at him in the face and see that there's something in his voice that I'm not shocked to see – the demon is grinning from ear to ear. "From what I've heard, when you swear upon your God's name, it's powerful and it shall not be broken by the one who promised it. Is it correct?" I gulp, nodding my head. "And the only way for it to be broken is to shower you with a blessed water that you can only get in the Fountain of Purity, and it shall be poured by the King's hands while the Queen speaks holy prayers. Am I correct?" I nod again.

"How'd you know all that?"

"Pft," he sticks out his tongue like a kid he is and I narrow my eyes suspiciously at him.


"I'm not going to tell you, little angel, so drop it." He growls and I back away, suddenly tensing and scared of him. His brown eyes have become black, and they no longer seem beautiful to me. I look away, gulping. It must have been loud because it echoes around the alley, or it could just be because I'm imagining it. "Now let's go and be my slave."


He arches his brow at me. "Are you seriously going to make me repeat what I've said?"

I shake my head. "Okay, okay! Calm down!"

Slate smirks and nods, then he flicks his finger in my direction and a small red orb has been thrown my way, and then when it hits me, I suddenly get dizzy as my world spins and in a few seconds, I'm back in the apartment we're living in Brooklyn; the view of the bridges are still as beautiful as when I last saw it. They are magnificent.

The streets are crowded with mortals, and though my eyesight when I have become a (temporarily – I'm hoping!) human lessened, not that great, I can still see what I've seen before; they're always busy.

"Go get me some water," the demon commands.

I just stare at him for a couple of seconds, and his eyes narrow at me. I tremble. "Okay." Slate is basically the master here, and I'm the servant – of course it's because I don't have the power to defy him. If I do, in my mortal state, I'd turn into an ash. I still want to see my parents before I die. He chuckles, and then motions for him to go on and give him some water. I oblige, much to my dismay. I head to the kitchen area, and find him an empty glass. I head over to the sink, open the faucet, and fill the empty glass with water. I then head over to the demon, who's slouching on the couch, watching whatever it is on the television. I frown at him. Slate is still in his demon form, and while I don't want to go there, I have to or else he'll get my head chopped off.

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