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"Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game."
- Lady Gaga, LoveGame

There's something warm pressed against my back when I wake up, and the moment my eyes shot open, I see that the sky outside is dark, stars are already twinkling brightly as well as the moon, giving a heavenly light to the world.

Turning around, I see the naked chest of Slate in front of my face and a blush immediately creeps into my cheeks. I look up only to see him sleeping peacefully; his lips are slightly parted, giving a way for the air to get out of his cute plump lips. I lick my lower lip, my head flashing the image of us intensely kissing each other, sucking each other's face as we made out. I didn't know why I wasn't able to stop, wasn't able to control myself. Kissing him felt so good. It's like every part of my body had stopped functioning when his lips move against mine and it felt like my heart would explode from the feeling of being kissed. It was overwhelming in a good way.

Then he made me remember the first kiss we shared. I wasn't even angry about it. In fact, I was happy that he made me remember it because that first kiss we shared is extraordinary and I just can't let go of it. Though he was an asshole to keep it from me, made me forget it, I was still thankful that I got the chance to keep it in my heart. It's now buried in my heart.

A smile makes its way into my lips once I remember the kiss again. I know that it's wrong, so wrong to kiss a demon and enjoy it but I can't control what I'm feeling. Is this what humans feel? It's so hard to control what you really feel, so hard to contain what you really feel when all you want to do is scream and let it all out. Humans are easily deceived, fooled by demons, led to make sins. Is Slate deceiving me? Is Slate fooling me? Is Slate leading me to make sins, the sins that will throw me off guard and into the deepest, darkest part of the Hell where I will be tortured for eternity? Will I be become a fallen angel?

"What are you thinking about it?" Slate says groggily, brushing his eye with the back of hand, removing the sleepiness off of him. His voice jolts me up, scares me for a bit and I sigh in relief once I see that he's awake. "You're so deep in thought."

Shaking my head, I lean in closer, his arms wrapping around me and I heave a sigh. "There are just so much things running inside my head. So many questions. For one, what are we doing?" His arms are around me, and I feel secured and protected, as if no one can hurt me, can harm me, as long as I'm wrapped tightly around his strong and lean arms.

Slate remains silent, eyes shut as his jaw clenches and I suddenly get scared. Did I offend him? Did I say something that he didn't like? Then he opens his eyes, and even though the room is dimly-lit, I can make out the beauty of his soul-captivating brown eyes. Slate rests his forehead against mine, his breath fanning my face, and as each second passes by, my heart races, pounding, hammering against my chest, ringing in my ears. It seems like we both don't have an answer as to what we're doing. Is this lust? What am I feeling?

Looking at Slate, contemplating whether it is lust I'm feeling towards him, it doesn't seem like it. I mean, I don't even see myself having sex with him. Oh My God, did I just think about having sex with a demon like Slate? What's happening to me? What's wrong with me?

I blush harder, pushing the image of me bare naked in front of him, as well as him because really, it's not a good image. For now, a voice at the back of my head says and I tense. Does this mean that if we continue doing whatever we're doing right now, it will lead me to me having sex with him or Slate having sex with me? The thought is mortifying enough that it has me standing out of bed, eyes wide open as if I've seen a ghost or a demon for the first time ever.

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