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"When you touch me I die
Just a little inside
I wonder if this could be love
This could be love." – Lady Gaga, Venus

So we end up sitting on the roof of his car doing nothing because there's really nothing to do here. We have roamed the abandoned town already and I found it quite interesting, but after that, there's literally nothing to do. We went inside the church to see how it's doing; the huge silver cross is still pinned on the wall, but you can clearly see the dust coating it. The chairs are scattered everywhere. The sun is shining through the windows, lighting up the whole room. There are golden cups and book covered in dust placed on the table at the altar, like it hasn't been touched in decades. You can see the yellow pages already, the cover of the book is already torn apart, but you can still clearly see the word "Bible". This made Slate scoff, rolling his eyes as if finding the book ridiculous. After checking the church, we searched around the town, looking through the windows of each store and houses. I found some antics and expensive Chinese teacup sets and there were a couple of beer barrels, but they are empty. After that, we headed back to the car.

It's still too dangerous to get back on track because that demon might still looking for us. Slate likes to make sure we're not going to be in harm.

He lies down, his arms behind his head as he looks up in the sky, his face contorted as if he's in a really deep thought. Then his face scrunches up in annoyance, which makes me wonder what he's thinking about.

His face glows. Despite the expression he's wearing, he still looks stunning and amazing and perfect. This is the only time I get to study his face. From the first time I've seen him, there was just stubble underneath his chin, but now, it's growing already. Because of that, he becomes even hotter in my sight. Just from looking at him, he makes my heart beat erratically. Without thinking, I stretch my arm out and touch his face, which makes him look at me. He furrows his eyebrows in a cute manner, making me giggle and I roll down, pressing myself closer to him, draping my arm across his abdomen, hugging him tight. Slate chuckles, pressing his lips against my temple and I sigh in contentment. I wish we could be like this always. Without anyone trying to sabotage our moment, without Maki popping up anywhere or suddenly. Just us.

"Ah, needy angel." He teases me, pinching my cheek, which makes me pout at him.

"Shut up," I say, resisting the urge to smile like a kid. I rest my head on his chest, shutting my eyes as I take in his natural scent. Every time I smell him, it gives me this euphoric feeling. Why does he have to smell so good? Really, inhaling his scent should also be a sin. A sin that I would love to commit if I'm going to smell him always. "I'm okay at this. It's okay if we can't go to the place where we're supposed to be. As long as you're here, beside me, I'm okay."

"I put a lot of effort in setting up a perfect date for us," he scoffs, rolling his eyes. "But whatever my angel says, I'm fine with it." He leans forward and brushes the tip of his nose against mine. "You're the only angel I will ever love."

Leaning forward, our lips come crashing at each other. I blush hard. I don't have any idea on when it all started, but he always says sweet things to me. Sweet things that I never realized I would hear coming out of the mouth of a demon. Sweet things that have meaning. Slate means those words. And he will always mean those words.

Slate pushes me, giving enough room for himself, then he climbs on top of me, his hand cupping my face while the other one rubbing my chest, his thumb lingering over my collarbone.

As usual and always, the kiss is perfect and intense and breathtaking. Like literally. He kisses like a God. He kisses like I really mean the world to him. Is this what love feels like? Is this really love? Probably this is not lust. I know the different between love and lust.

In lust, you only care about the intimacy, the intensity when you merge as one. You admire the looks, the built, the goodness he will bring to you; you crave for it. But in love, you don't care about those things. Making love is just a bonus, but what you care most is that you always want to see him and when you do, your heart just beats rapidly without any reason. In love, you don't care about anything, only the person you're in love with. I don't know why I have got the sudden idea of what love is, but I got the feeling that Slate is the main reason.

We kiss as if the world will end tonight. He presses himself closer to me, his chest, his groin, his legs are now touching mine. Then we pull away breathless.

"And you will always be my demon." I utter, cheeks heating up as the words slip out of my mouth. Slate chuckles, shaking his head. He then places a kiss on my temple, wrapping his lean arms around me protectively. "Sometimes I wonder why we met. There could be a purpose."

"The purpose is," he cranes his neck, grinning widely at me, "a demon like me need an angel like you."

"Darn you, Slate, darn you." I put my palms on my cheeks, trying to hide the blush that is tinting my puffy cheeks. "You're not supposed to say statements like that. It's... it's..."

"Oh come on, don't kill the vibe." He teases me, pushing my hands away from my cheeks only to pinch it. I pout, rolling my eyes playfully at him. "Let's just stay here for an hour or two, then we can go back to our unit. Since we were not able to go to the place that I set up – mind you, it's perfect because the Great Slate was the one who set it up, I'll just cook dinner for us." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Hey, a demon can cook. And if you taste the best recipe that I've ever had, you will beg me to make some more, just like you always do when we are in bed."

Groaning, I put my face in my palms, which makes Slate laugh like a serial killer. But even if that's the case, I still love his laugh. "I'm not begging, and you know it."

"Uh-uh, it's a huge sin when angels lie."

"I'm not even lying!"

"You so are," Slate tweaks my nose and pushes me closer to him. He leans down just to capture my lips with his, but I turn my head, his lips landing on my cheek. "Oh come on, don't torture me. Okay, okay. You weren't lying. You're not begging. Okay, okay." He stifles a laugh, which makes me glare at him. He continues to lean down, the tip of his nose touching mine affectionately, and then presses his lips against mine gently.

We lie down on top of his car, watching the sky above. His hand creeps on mine, then eventually holds it. He shuts his eyes, and lets out an angel-like smile that makes my heart stop. This, right at his moment, is the time that I realize that yes, I'm in love with him. I'm really in love with him. No doubt and I'm one hundred percent sure. He holds my hand tight, as if he doesn't want to let go ever. Then he opens his eyes, looks at me, and his smile grows bigger.

"You gave me life," he says softly. "You gave my heart a reason to beat. I never knew that I would need someone like you – I always thought that I would always be a violent demon, but I was wrong. When I first met you, I knew that I wanted you already. My love for you will never die, and I'm wishing that you'd never fade away, that this is real and not a dream. When I sleep alone in my room, my heart screams for your presence, and my eyes seek your beautiful and angelic face."

I rest my head on his chest where his heart lies, hearing the soft beat of his heart. "This is not a dream, I assure you that." I wrap my arms around him. "I love you."

He stops moving, and for a moment, I got scared that I said something wrong, but then he gives me this wonderful smile that makes me forget of everything except him. "I love you, too."


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