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Crying and pouring my heart out like that – it was the first time in forever, and no, I'm not being Anna here. That Frozen movie that most people love, Satan, it was irritating me. I had the pleasure (not really) of seeing that movie in one of the theatres in New York City. I was just passing by, in my casual human form, and I was bored at that time. I just did some cursing here and there, and I did that job pretty well and after that, I had nowhere else to go. I knew I wouldn't go back to Hell because the demons would just irritate me, and I certainly didn't want to go back to my unit in Brooklyn because there wasn't much interesting to do. I couldn't torment mortals either because it was not really my forte.

So when that movie came out, I was literally curious because a lot of people were commenting that it was really a good movie. Believe me, I enjoyed the first ten minutes of watching, especially the part where Elsa accidentally struck Anna with her powers. It brought joy to me. I'm a demon. What do you expect? But then it turned out it was so... humanly, so naïve, so... yucky. It was all about forgiveness, love, overcoming fears and blah, blah, blah.

I was able to sit through the movie, but after that, guess what I did? Yes, I burned the whole place down and nobody was burned alive. Trust me. I was just that badass.

"Good morning," a voice that I love so much to hear rings in my ears, penetrating my heart causing it to beat erratically.

My angel who holds my heart is here, lying beside me.

"Is it morning?" I ask teasingly, leaning down and pecking him on the lips, which makes him groan. I laugh at his attempt of locking his arms around my neck, but I'm definitely the faster one. I roll over and see him fall into the pillow that I was using to lie my head on.

Staring out the window confirms that it really is morning, but it's still dark outside. The moon is still there, above the sky, shining down brightly on us. From where I am, I can see through the darkness and see a couple of human... no, werewolves patrolling around the place, sniffing into the air to see if there are any suspicious smells, checking if there are enemies around the site.

"Well then, good morning, my love." He gives me a glare and I chuckle, moving forward.

I put my arms on the mattress, supporting my face as I stare down at him. Adrian just keeps his head buried into the pillow I used, not bothering to me. I find it cute, hilarious even. He peeks at me with one eye, and when he sees my eyes trained on him, a blush creeps across his face and he buries his face back down in the pillow. I laugh at the side of me.

"Come on, what's wrong, love?" I ask him softly, gently tugging the hem of his shirt.

No answer for a few seconds, then he says, "You didn't let me kiss you." Though muffled, I heard what he said and that brings a huge smile on my face.

The fact that he's embarrassed about me not going in for a kiss he attempted to do to me is amusing. Now I see the side of him, the real other side of him, that no one gets to see but me. I lean in closer, touching the side of his face, making him look up at me. For a moment, there's just this silence taking over. But it's the type of silence that brings messages from one to the other – there's no need to speak, there's no need to utter words, there's no need to make any sounds. We know it's there, the language that stay in the air, being passed back and forth. And then I lean forward and kiss him right there.

His arms slowly curl around my neck, and I pull myself closer just to feel him closer. Because the distant between us, I don't want any of it. I want to be closer to him as much as possible, closing the distance and gaps between us. It's like the universe and the stars in the sky colliding – it's impossible, I know, but with him, I feel that. He really has changed me and the world I live in.

I'm a demon, but the angel inside me, I feel the tug of it. It started with the beat of my heart, then after a few days – a few days of kissing him, being with him, and loving him, I felt the spirit going back slowly. I knew I couldn't let it happen because there would be a huge conflict. A huge one, trust me. But I couldn't not let this happen. Him kissing me, me kissing me, him touching me, me touching him. Those moments we shared, those memories we made, I couldn't – can't – let that slide. I mean, those moments were the most fucking awesome moments I've had. And I want more of it.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" I ask him as I pull out from the heated kiss we just shared.

"I do," he says with so much confidence. "I do, every time I look at you."

"That's sweet," I say.

"Yeah, not so me, but yeah," I let out a chuckle. His smile falters. "I miss home. I miss our Brooklyn."

I miss home. I miss our Brooklyn. That pulls a hard tug in my heart. Brooklyn is our home. I've called Brooklyn a home many times, but that's because that's where I lived most of my demon lifespan. But home has become a different meaning, I guess, when Adrian came along. He was supposed to be my slave there, but then my feelings for him grew. I knew how much he despised the place, and hearing these words coming out of his mouth, it's just... wow.

If it weren't destroyed, if I had known earlier that he liked the place so much, I would have made it more home-y, I guess But it was already destroyed, and we can't go back there. Not until everything has been taken care of. I know that I have to go there, to beat up some maniac demons, but not right now.

The weapon they used, it was made to destroy the race of angels. I'm glad that I'm powerful enough to protect Adrian from it. It was a discovery of Eligos, a demon who likes discoveries – he always favors soldiers, knights, lords, and other important persons that involve in a war and will be involved in it. He has a good predictability of wars, and how things would turn out. He claimed that the war between angel and demon would be tough – we all know that, but he stated that betrayals would come along the way that would turn things upside down. So his prediction was correct: someone from the Heavens betrayed his kind and that resulted to him being vanished and stripped of his angelic powers.

"Yeah, I miss our home, too," I say as I plant a kiss on his temple. I rest my forehead against his and stare out the window. There are so much images inside my head that burn brightly. Images that I want to fade away but I know that they will stay there for a long time. "When this is all done, we'll go back there, at the same unit. We'd live there, happily and peacefully."

"I'd like that," he agrees, tilting his head up and his nose collides on my chin.

We both chuckle. I dive in and head for a kiss, which shocks him and in a moment, his palms rub onto my clothed chest. I got a feeling that he just wants to run his palms, his fingers, across my skin, but can't find the guts to do so. I mean, we're in someone else's house, or property, whichever you want to call it so I guess it will automatically be deemed as inappropriate to do that to a place you don't own.

Just imagine it – Adrian and I having sex and someone walks in on us doing that. The look on his face. It will be unrecognizable, the one you can't paint but will never get over it. That horrified look would stay on his face for hours, maybe even days. It depends on what degree the humiliation is. For a demon, that's okay. I mean, I can show everyone that Adrian is really mine and anyone dares touch what's mine will get the eternal hate and wrath of the one of the most powerful demons ever. But for Adrian, it's going to be the death of him.

"Not really the best moment to go this far, love," I say to him, grinning at him. "Not our home."

Then there is it again, that pink tint filling up his adorable cheeks. Now that I'm close to him, he did gain a little weight, which makes his cheeks puffier, but it definitely does make him a lot cuter.

"What a naughty angel you are," I comment, biting his bottom lip which makes him moan loudly. Mortified, he clamps a hand over his mouth and his blush deepens. "You're so cute."

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