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"He has a funny way saying forever too fast
Don't get mad, can't blame a tramp
For something he don't have
I get on my knees and beg you."
- Lady Gaga, Sinner's Prayer


It has been days since I last saw Adrian.

Though I know that I should feel calm and secured, as expected and as usual, I don't feel that way. Sure my patience is wearing thin because of the demons around me and this stupid strategy meeting, but it's not really the main reason. I'm getting pissed as each second goes by; being here feels like forever, and it stretches out. It has just been days; minutes here feel like hours, and hours feel like days, and days feel like years.

Today is not any exception. As I stand amidst of all the demons in the red room, I feel like I'm going to vomit and sick. Though it's impossible for a demon to get sick, I feel like I do.

Before I met Adrian, I was okay with this kind of thing. The meeting, I mean. I get bored but never get antsy, but now, I feel different. Now I'm not sure whether Adrian is really a good thing or a bad thing. Just whatever. Sure, I'll admit, I feel attraction towards him (yes, I just realized), but at the same time, I'm now a demon. I've got duties and responsibilities that I need to do. But when it comes to Adrian, or things that are related to Adrian, I suddenly forget those duties and responsibilities.

As cheesy as it sounds, forever stretches out when I'm with Adrian, and that's a good thing for me. I mean, it should be a bad thing, but hey, I can't just lie to myself, you know. As much as I want to ignore this feeling that I have towards Adrian, the Angel of Love, I just fucking can't. It feels illegal, like a sin, though I shouldn't be bothered now because I'm a fucking demon – and demons are supposed to do illegal stuff and spread sins, but for some goddamn reason, I'm bothered because it concerns Adrian.

Fuck this meeting.

I can't even use my powers just to see Adrian. I wonder what he's doing. Whether he's okay or not. I want to know what he's doing just to entertain himself while he waits for me. I can't recall how many days – it must have been four, five, six, or seven days already, since I last saw him. And I want so badly to see him, to know if he's okay, to know if he's safe.

I'm always tempted to use my power just to see him, but, as much as I really hate to admit it, Dantalion is there to remind me not do so. In fact, Dantalion has been the reason why I still have my sanity here. He's the only one who understands me, why I'm being unusual, because he knows that I have an angel waiting back from home. Dantalion knows that I feel something unusual (for a demon) towards Adrian – he doesn't say it, but I just know that he knows.

Whenever I have this temptation to use my magic just to make a portal back to Adrian and I's home, or just create a mist where I can see him, Dantalion is always there to glare at me and merely shake his head. If any demon found out that I'm keeping an angel, they would have reported it already and Adrian's life would have been in great danger, but for some reason, Dantalion doesn't report it.

Because he feels attraction towards Adrian, a small voice at the back of my head states.

That thought alone is enough to make me let out a feral growl, because Adrian is only mine. He's always mine. He's mine to keep and mine to bed and mine to... what?

Deep down, I know that Dantalion cares for Hadraniel, or Adrian.

"Thank you," I whisper to Dantalion, whose back is rested on the wall while he studies his long deathly fingernails beside me. He whips his head to face me, and there's a mischievous glint in his eyes that I can comprehend. Ever since I became a demon, I didn't use courtesy words anymore. To a demon, or to anyone. Only to Adrian, and now, Dantalion. "I know that I shouldn't be saying that, especially here in Hell, but, as much as I want to twist your neck and torture you for eternity and hate you, but I feel like I have to. I just... I just... can't keep him off my head, you know. And it feels like you are the only one who can understand me. I don't know your motives, or if there's any motive behind it, but... thank you. For keeping him safe. For not telling them about him. Any demon would have reported it already if they have found out, but you didn't. You had a lot of chances, and you still have, but you don't take those chances to do what you should do."

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