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"I don't speak your,
I don't speak your language oh no
I don't speak your,
I don't speak your Jesus Cristo." - Lady Gaga, Americano

Placing a blanket on the ground, I kneel on it as I rest my elbows on the windowsill as I look at the sky, a hue of violet with sparkling stars and the glow of the moon greet me. I clasp my hands together, resting my forehead on my hands as I shut my eyes close. "Father, Mother, please guide me while I'm here on Earth. I don't know what great it will bring this to me, but I'll do this for you. I may fail a few times, but I will never give up."

"That's cute," a voice speaks. I yelp, my eyes opening wide, mouth agape as I look at the person – no, it's a demon, who is looking at me with amusement twinkling in his eyes. Slate is on the balcony fence, his back resting on the fence and my eyes look to the left and right, afraid that someone would see him like this. It's a demon thing. "Did your parents' reply to you?"

My heart races and I fall on my butt. I push myself backwards, my eyes not leaving him. I'm a mere human, my power has been stripped off of me and even I want to fight, there's nothing really I can do. Of course I can pray, and pray, and pray, but I doubt help will come immediately. Or I doubt that it will come at all. Ever since I came here into this unit, I've been praying and praying but nobody seemed to hear my prayers, it's as if I was talking to the wind.

Slate grins at me, winking as he swings his feet to the floor of the balcony and leans down, opening the windowsill and he slips right through it. I stare at him in shock. Words are stuck in my throat and I'm suddenly frozen, my mind going blank. Currently he's wearing a white shirt over a red and black flannel, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a slightly torn pants, just on the knees, matching his top and a rubber shoes. Even though he's a demon, he looks very human. There's no sign or hints of him being a demon at all. With his gorgeous face, and his long lashes, and his dark brown eyes that are so alluring and captivating, you wouldn't think that he's really a demon. Slate chuckles, as if he's enjoying that I'm openly ogling him. I frown at him, using my index fingers to make a cross and he bursts out laughing, shaking his head as he throws his head back.

"Nice, angel boy." He whistles, his eyes now twinkling with mischievousness. I force myself to stand up, backing away from him until my back hits the wall and I internally scream. "I'm not going to hurt you." I almost believe him. Almost. If it weren't for the fact that my head keeps screaming at me that he's a demon, that he only does bad thing, I would have gone to him and wrap my arms around him. No, that's not going to happen. "You look scared."

"A demon is in front of me and I'm powerless. Of course I'm scared!" I hiss, my voice laced with a venom and a sly smile tugs on his lips, which makes me freeze again. I take cautious steps to the left, going to where the door is while my hand frantically searches for the doorknob, my eyes never leaving the demon. If he attacks me here, then I'm dead. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. "How'd you know I'm an angel?"

The demon frowns, as if he's annoyed by my question. Then he seems bored all of a sudden. Slate throws himself on the ground, propping his feet on the table and resting the back of his head on his hands as he looks at me. "You look very angelic to me; you have this aura that tells me you are an angel, and I immediately know that you're Hadraniel since you very much look like your parents." He yawns, as if he's suddenly sleepy and I scowl at him. There's nothing really much to throw him as there are no objects in this room that I can throw at him. Plus, he's a demon, he can do anything. He's thousand times powerful than me; he could just slit my throat with the nail of his index finger and I'd be dead immediately. "Enough of this. Why don't we get to know each other?" His brown eyes lighten up; it's like a dark basement being lit up for the first time in forever. I shake my head at him, not agreeing in his proposal and he hoists himself up, scowling at me, pouting like a kid. "Why not?"

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