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"Come to me.
With all your subtext and fantasy.
Just do that thing that you do.
In a perverse hue." – Lady Gaga, ARTPOP

My father looks at me with disappointment evident in his eyes.

I feel a churn inside my stomach, and my feet are glued on the ground. If I could just make my wings sprout and cover myself with my wings just to prevent myself from seeing my father's disappointment look at me, I would totally do it without any hesitations or doubts. The way the crown glistens on top of his head, made of pure gold and different type of gems engraved on the metal, it's scaring me. Whenever the King – my father – is pissed, the glow of the crown will be different. And right now, the glow of his crown atop of his head is something that I cannot bear. It shows how disappointed my father he is to me, and I feel the shame washing me, bathing me, and I feel like I'm so vulnerable. I feel like I'm not supposed to be here, not supposed to be an angel yet here I am, bearing the title of the Angel of Love, who don't know the purpose of the love itself; the angel who used the power of love unnecessarily.

My father is wearing the King's attire: a white cloak that screams purity, a crown that shouts power, and the white wings – so white that it looks like the clouds itself – that says that he's the most powerful Angel ever. There are ringlets on his wrists, each has a meaning. They were made by my mother. There's a gold necklace around his neck, the chain glinting brightly as if it's the sun.

My mother stands just beside my father, who also has the look of disappointment in her eyes. There's the churning feeling inside of my chest again and I feel like I'm going to throw up. My knees buckle. The look that my mother has stored for me is something that I cannot bear to look at it. She makes it so obvious, looking at me like I'm never her son in the first place.

We're on the massive hall of the Castle of which we live in. My room is very far away from the Hall of Angels, and each member of the Angels Association is here. The angels are looking at me with blank expression, some of the angels have their head bowed down, as if they can't stand a chance to look at me for what I've done. I'm the main reason why the mortal girl has been stabbed to death, and every time my mind flashes the vivid image of me leaving the two behind, not breaking them apart, it has me wanting to bolt out of the room and defy everything, even my parents.

The glamour of the room suddenly becomes dark for me. The statues of the angels that have been a Guardian before look down on me, their eyes boring into mine, mocking me, telling me how I should be ashamed of myself. I suddenly want to cover myself with anything – hands, clothes, anything that can hide me.

"Hadraniel," my father speaks, his voice is thunderous, indicating that he's about to go King on me and not a father, which I expect him to do so. What I've done is basically a crime. I have defied the law. I'm not really a warrior yet, but I doubt that I will ever be after the incident that has happened on the mortal world, on Earth. My heart pounds against my ribcage, every pound of my heart rings in my ears, and I want to block out the painfully sounds from entering my ears. "What happened on Earth, about the mortal woman who was stabbed to death, it's solely your fault. You have defied a law, which is not to interfere with the mortals if has not been told. You are barely a warrior, and you don't know your purpose. Please enlighten me with your reasons."

I remain silent, my lips in a purse. My mind goes blank, and I feel myself trembling. My hands fist in my side, and I want to punch a hole in the wall of this massive castle I'm living in. It's my fault why the mortal woman has died, and they all know it. I know it. Yet hearing those words escaping my father's mouth is just enough to make me fall onto my knees and cry like a baby. But I push the tears away, puffing out my chest, wanting myself to look like a tough angel.

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