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When I was summoned, a strong desire engulfed me. I knew I was created to serve one man, and one man alone. When I opened my eyes, there he was. His green eyes seemed to pierce me, and his glossy silver hair was cut close to his head. With sparkling eyes and bated breath, I waited for him to inspect me.

I was created for him, but what if he didn't want me? I had no need to worry, for after a through examination, he named me. I felt the cold nip of power and the warm rush of gratitude. The taste of his magic, sweet as a donut with a hint of spicyness, sourness, and bitterness, entranced me.

This child was mine to protect. No matter what, I would keep him alive, and as much as possible, I would keep him happy. When people came to assasinate him in the middle of the night, I made them kneel in repentance, than I would pull out their life force jewel and eat the small rocks with varying color and flavor. I threw them to the beasts on the outskirts of town, and made a deal with the beasts. As long as I brought food once in a while, they would not touch my master in the future.

I rested my hands on his sleeping back, chanting in a soft voice. I pulled one of my feathers, and laid it over my hand. It softly sank through my flesh with an uncomfortable, ticklish feeling, and turned into a magic imprint, settled within his blood flow. Now marked by me, no ordinary beast would bother one who I've pledged allegiance to, and the mark would also attract people he had an affinity with. It was a minor pull to see hik, and then it would fade. I knew that most would be convinced to join him even without this mark, but I also knew a little nudge wouldn't hurt.

As he got older, nothing much happened, until that one day... When he was allowed to leave his room for the first time, he told me his plan. I hid my appearance by bending light, and followed hik around the room as he purposefully ate messily. I watched him talk, on guard, with a wizard, and watched as he made use of my mark already to find Nickolas.

Then, it was time. I tapped the forehead of Alfred and Nickolas, implanting the plan in their mind. They nodded, and I teleported us behind Thomas as I shrunk. I flew behind him, making a path of air, carefully constructed so he could walk forward safely even unaware. When he got far enough, I summoned storm clouds, solidified the air around them, and made him a throne. I lounged in my small form on the back of his throne, and amplified his voice.

After he finished speaking, I teleported us to his room, and we left the castle after he grabbed his pre-packed bags. I returned to his size, and during an argument when the others couldn't come up with a solution for Thomas's need, I stepped in to help him. He asked me to hide my wings, and I complied. I would do anything he wished for, this sweet young lord of mine.

Then he met a girl, the slave I reccomended he get. She was surrounded by magic like a spicy ice cream, and was terrified of Thomas at first. I let her see his pain one night, and she pledged her loyalty like I thought she would. Nickolas was secured already, because of that one incident, and Alfred was the only one left.

Alfred had supposedly sweared allegiance, but I avoided letting him even think of touching me or Thomas. I knew his true allegiance laid elsewhere, despite his inclination to serve Thomas. Eventually, he started to let his half and half allegiance sway to let the King have a majority of his loyalty. The little bit left that served Thomas, pricked him. He wanted to serve Thomas, but convinced himself he didn't. Their brother, the king, would kill him if he changed his allegiance.

I note that he is loyal to the king out of a twisted, mispercieved love and fear, while he adores and dotes on Thomas. Of course, I still would keep contact to a minimum. I had my eye on him.

Tonight, once again, I curled up next to the one I was created to serve. He is my world as long as I had have one. I have sworn to him, and I will protect him. I close my eyes, and sleep beckons nightmares to wash over me relentlessly. I will defeat your enemies rage and hatred before it even exsists. I will give you the liyalty of people you have yet to meet. I will give you the burden of people you have yet to protect. All in the name of your wish, I will turn the world into your ally.

Good night, Thomas. Once again, I will work to help you... He reaches for my head suddenly, half asleep. "Don't push yourself, Lukas..." He fell asleep, his hand still on my head. How did he know I was pushing myself? With a silent apology, I peeked into his thoughts from a few moments ago. He was thinking of all I had done for him, and had wanted, for a long time, to tell me I could rest.

In his dreams, he gifted me a bed, and gave me water and food. He tucked the blanket around my figure, and patted my head, telling me I was safe with him. I chase away the nightmares. As my lord wishes, for one night I shall rest peacefully. I smile as his dream sweetly carries me to sleep as well.

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