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Guests started filing in quickly. The servants would stand at the wall, silently, obeying the orders of any noble, regardless of allegiance, without question. I mingled with the upper class for an hour or so. Never giving more information then my first name, they spoke politely and were enamored with me regardless of my common clothes. Probably my adorable child aura.

After said hour, I went to speak to the younger servants. All of them responded with a polite "mmm hmm," regardless of the topic. Finally I reach one young boy. His hair is a gentle blonde, in a cut similar to mine, which was considered odd in this world. Combined with his blue eyes, he was a generic good looking american.

His eyes lit up when I first walked up to him. I had been jumping down the line, skipping quite a few people, so he was very happy that he got to speak with me, it seemed. We spoke mainly about familiars and their origin. They were demons, summoned by scroll, and as such the rules on the scroll were inscribed into their bodies directly. The higher the rank, and/or the harsher the rule imposed on them, the more magic power and offerings were used  to summon them.

We talked for another hour or so before I decided I wanted him to come with me. I had the political power to take him from his owner, and so I decided I would. When I asked him whom he served, he simply pointed.

A rich women, adorned my a ridiculous amount of fur and jewels, as well as abnormally good looking men, did not even bother to stuff her own face. She had her servant harem do it for her. Laziness knows no bounds.

"Excuse me." "Whom dares approach the magnificent me, besides the king?" "Does it matter? I simply wish for you to give me one of you servants." "If he's on the wall, you can take him. All those guys are ugly and disobedient. Do as you will."

He said his name was Nickolas. I told him I was Thomas. "I look forward to serving you, Master!" And so, I gained another loyal travel companion.

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