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The door creaks open, and in steps an elder man. Suddenly, I feel a slight pressure, as if he was very powerful, a type of aura that stares one in the eye and labels even a king as a pawn. Immediately, I imagine a shield surrounding me, and take up a defensive pose.

When he sees me doing as such, he starts before chuckling with an amused yet curious tone. I don't understand what he's thinking, and until I do, I'll maintain an invisible magic shield a foot away from me in all directions.

I smile politely, and bow by a smidge. My right hand over my heart, my left behind my back, I introduce myself. "I am Thomas, Brother to he whom sits on the throne currently. Who are you to come in unannounced?" He stares for half a second.

The man bows in return, slightly deeper than mine. His station is below mine, but not enough to warrant more than an act of courtesy. "I am prime minister, second only to the royal family-" "I asked not your station. I asked who are you? Your aura is enough that I put up my guard. And yet you give a title, whereas I gave you my name."

He looks me over, my face determined, my mind set in stone. "I am Merlin." No wonder he makes me wish to flee. Even in my world, he is famed as a world class sorcerer. I shrink my shield, and now it shall only mask my power. He glances at me with curiosity. 

"Ah. This explains much. Even then, you were a famed sorcerer. I need not guard myself from you." With that, I turn away. I have piqued his curiosity, one of the keys to me surviving this ordeal.

'What a curious boy. "Even then?" Does that mean he is one who has been reinstated by the Lord of all worlds? I will not question Lowe's  (lord of all worlds) ways. But I do wonder what is this link I see between me and this boys fate?' Merlin thinks to myself as the king comes to speak to him, after Merlin had been announced by one of his attendants. 

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