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We were whisked away. I was bathed with help, regardless of my protests. Worse, it was females who bathed me. Then they dressed me in a sleeveless black vest over a white shirt with black shorts and shoes. A traveling outfit that was daringly obvious. A brown messenger bag was slipped over my shoulder, and I looked like a commoner ready to run outside in his new play outfit.

I act delighted, because these were the kind of clothes constantly in my wardrobe. Dragged back to the throne room, now adorned by feasts and streamers, I tackled the food. No guests, and therefore I had time to deceive my brother into believing I had no refinement. To any and all sources, I didn't. I had only what I knew from my old world. That would suffice for my plan, so I looked no further for other techniques.

I heard a soft footstep, and quickly replaced my uneaten food. Swallowing the last morsel, a quick pick to my teeth, and I was ready. I brushed off the crumbs on my pants absently as I walked to the big door which would allow the guests in.

I gently walk with quiet steps, my attempt to be majestic, and stand near the door, at the base of the stairs. The person whose name I've yet to know is about to step in the door. The thud of footsteps grow louder and more numerous, as if he had a train of people behind him.

My brother looks at me, his eyes both glaring and questioning. 'What is he doing now?' Must be somewhere on his mind. I smile happily, though I'm not sure that the feeling is aimed at him. Rather, I believe my elation is because I will escape this dungeon today, on my own terms.

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