Chapter 17

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Charlotte's POV

I open my eyes. Peter is patting my arm. 

"Good your awake. Where here." he says. I look around. It's a beach. I smile and jump out of the car. I jump and dance around and peter just laughs.

"Excited huh?" He laughs more as i nod excitingly and squeal. 

"Alright well lets take our stuff in and we can start exploring." He smiles. I smile too and hug him and kiss him repetitively. She chuckled between kisses and grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. I happily complied. We eventually have to stop because of air. stupid air! I pout.

"Charlotte I promise you we will kiss more." Peter says and chuckles and kisses my forehead. I kiss his cheek and  and grab my bags and start running.

"Wrong way Charlotte! It's the other way!" He yells after me and I laugh and run the other way. he laughs and grabs his bag and runs with me. after running around like idiots we get to the beach house. its small and cute. he open the door and i slowly walk in. it's beautiful! i start crying.

"why are you crying?" peter asks

"i'm just so happy." i sniffle. he laughs and kisses me.

"good." we walk into our room. its so amazing! we have a king size bed. and I go into the bathroom. It's amazing. The shower is big, and there's a big bathtub. I giggle and run through the whole house.

"Be careful Char you still have to take it easy." Peter says. I slow down and look through everything. the couch and the floor. Yes I have a thing with floors ever since I fell through peters floor. I tap it with my foot.

"What are you doing?" He laughs

"Checking the floor."

"For what?"

"I don't wanna fall through it."

"Don't worry you shouldn't"

"Yay" I say and the floor breaks. Half in a floor and half out. Peter laughs at me.

"Well unless you do that." He laughs so hard until he's holding his stomach and collapsing on the floor.

"Just for laughing i hope you fall through the floor." I pout

"Oh babe you look cute stuck in a floor."

"Get me out." I say. He chuckles as I pout. He kisses my cheek, and pulls me out.

"So how are we gonna fix that?" I ask.

"I don't know its good that it's not that big. we could just avoid it." I give him a really look.

"What?" he says. I sigh and shake my head, I chuckle and walk to find some duck tape or something. I found some Spider-man duck tape. I walked out and taped the floor.

"That was amazing babe." he said with sarcasm.

"It's better then nothing." I reply with seriousness. He nods. We go to our room and unpack our bags. We share the closet. After wards we sit on the bed.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked him

"Whatever you want."

"Well I don't know what to do. I have never been to a beach."

"We could make sand castles?" He suggested.

"Ok. lets compete!" I say.

"Game on." He says and smiles.

"Who's changing first?"

"I guess you princess." he says and kisses me.

"Well we could just do it at the same time. One of us in the room and one of us in the bathroom."

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