Chapter 8

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Peters POV
So the school day ended today. We waited for all the students to exit the halls. I'm doing it for Charlotte because I know how nervous it makes her.
We have so much work tonight but that's what happens when you miss two weeks of school. We had valid reasons obviously but there's still work.
When the hallways where empty we walked out of school.
We got to our car and drove.
"I don't wanna do the shitload of homework." She whined
"I know but the faster it's done, the faster we can do whatever we want." I said
She just nodded.
so we got home.
"Can we work In the kitchen table?" She asked.
I nodded and we unloaded all our shit.
Charlotte picked art to do first.
I'm gonna do it too only because my brain isn't ready to do math and shit.
I honestly just sat there though and watched Charlotte's delicate hands trace in the paper.
"Why are you staring at my hands?" I snapped out of it.
"Um....I liked watching you draw is all." I said nervously.
"....ok" she said with a smirk
I got my fine line Copic marker and started to trace the rest of my rose.
The phone rings not even a second my pen touches the paper.
"Dammit" I whisper and walk to the phone.
I picked the phone up.
"Hi is this Charlotte green or peters number."
"This is Peter speaking."
"You have a court day coming up next Wednesday."
I was silent for a moment.
"Alright. Can you tell me why?"
"Last time you came Charlotte didn't answer any questions from the interrogation. She needs to answer the questions before we co time with anything further."
"Alright. What time?"
"Alright we will be there."
"Alright thanks and goodbye."
I hung up the phone. Charlotte was looking at me. I sat back down and looked at her a little bit.
"We have a court day next Wednesday because you didn't answer the questions from the last interrogation."
She just say there and looked down.
I walked over to her and say next to her. I just rubbed her back.
"Can you come in there with me?"she asked
"If you want me too I will."
"Alright it would make me feel calmer."
She just sat there.
"I can't work." She said
"I understand."
"Can I take a bath."
"Of course." I said
She just walked to my bathroom. She looked crestfallen. Or like a kicked puppy. I get that it's hard to talk about and I get that she just wants to forget about it. But it would go faster to get it over with. Trust me if it where my way I wouldn't make her talk about it.
Charlotte's POV
I walked upstairs to the bathroom. I locked the door and turn on the bath. I made the water hot. When I'm really sad or upset I like to have scolding hot water just because it feels like it's burning off my stress. Quite literally. So I strip and get in the bath. It's all the way up to my neck and I love how it feels.
Then it's just over powering and I break down. I cry it all out. I don't wanna talk about it. I just want to move on. I don't want to get hurt anymore. I just wanna live my life in peace but I just feel it's gonna haunt me, it's gonna be like shadow that never goes away. As I'm crying I hear knocks.
"Hey are you ok?" Peter says through the door. I get out and unlock it. And get back in. He slowly opens the door and sees me in the tub. Everything is covered so he can't see anything. He grabs a towel
"Put it on." He said. He turns and I do it. I then just sit back down. He then takes his shirt off and he takes off his pants to wear there just boxers. He then comes in.
"Damn Charlotte this is fucking hot." He says while sitting. I just shrug in the water.
"Come here" he says and I do
He holds out his arms and hugs me. He rubs my hair.
"Let it out" and i do just that I cry on him. I just hug him and cry and I scream but not loud. I just lets it out. And he just hugs me and rubs my back and strokes my hair. I didn't find this awkward at all, it wasn't awkward cause I know he's doing to help me not to be a perv.
I don't know how long we stayed there but we stayed there.
"Peter I'm sorry."
"Don't be you did nothing wrong."
"But I feel like I am Peter. I feel weak. I feel useless and I feel like a burden to everyone. I feel....."
"Your not useless." He says a he turns me and grabs my face
"Your not weak"he says and plants a kiss.
"And your not a burden." He plants another.
"Charlotte you have been through a lot. And your a lot better then most people in you situation. And you will never be a burden to me. Charlotte I love you. You make my life amazing. You make it worth living. We have work to do. A lot of it but we can do it together. I'm here every step of the way and that will never change." He grabs my face and kisses me more. It was a soft kiss.
"And Charlotte you are the total opposite of useless."
"Peter you say that but that's how I feel. Peter I just wanna forget about it. I don't wanna talk to some random person who doesn't even care. I don't want to worry about my dad killing me or you wherever he is. I just wanna live my life in peace and not deal with this."
Peter just looks at me sympathetically.
"I understand."
"You understand how it feels to be abused?"
"No. No I don't understand that Charlotte and I wish you didn't either. I wish that never happened to you. But I do know how it feels to just not wanna deal with something. I know how it feels to just wanna live life and forget the bad things ok. A lot of people know how you feel. Everyone in there life feels the same way, and yes they have certain circumstances but everyone feels that way at some point. You jut have to be strong, and push through cause if you don't it won't go away."
"The faster we cooperate no matter how much we don't want too, it will go away faster. And then we an just live life the way we want."
I just sniffled. I know he's right but it doesn't make me feel any better.
"Charlotte. I know you have these feelings. And I know that my words may not change them. But I love you. And I would never lie to you." I just cried at that.
"Why are you crying now?" He asked
"It's just how are you so nice?"
"Because I love and care about you." He says and kisses my forehead.
"Please don't ever let me go."
"I won't."
"Do you want to get out?" He says
I just realized that the water isn't hot anymore. I nodded. I started to get up but he just carried me in his arms bridal style out of the tub. He took me to his bed and kissed me. It was great. We where laying on a comfy be kissing. I just love him. His taste. His jokes. Just everything. So we stopped cause we had to breathe. Why!!!!! He got up and went to the bathroom after he picked some pants. I got a shirt and pants too. I checked the clock and it was eleven. We spent 7 hours in a bathtub?! God damn! I just realized how hungry I was. I walked downstairs and looked in the kitchen for some food. I texted Peter to see if he wanted anything. He then came down stairs and hugged me from behind and put his head on mine.
"So what are you thinking about cooking love."
My stomach did flips at that.
"I don't know to be honest. I'm just looking. Do you want anything? I can cook for you."
He just looked at me.
"No I can cook for us."
"Honestly Peter I can cook for you."
He just sat in silence for a little.
"Am I aloud to ask something."
"Tell me why you had to cook."
I just sat silently go a few seconds.
"I had to learn how to cook at a young age because of my dad. When he came home he expected a dinner to be served to his liking by the time he reached the table when he came home from work. If it wasn't done or to his liking's......." I cringed
"That's why" I said sadly
Peter just hugged me tighter.
"Can I ask another?"
"How come you can tell me all this but not the people at the courts."
"Number 1 it's cause you already had known about it before them and saved me. Number 2 it's cause your not a stranger to me. Your my boyfriend. And number 3 I feel safe with you. You make me feel safe and that I can tell you anything and you will be my protector. At the court I wasn't protected. Yes you where in the other room but you said your self that when I was having a meltdown that the bitch just sat there and did nothing. It's cause I know she don't care about my well being. I also know that I don't know her. I don't care too." I said honestly.
He nodded.
"Ok I understand that."
So I still continued to look for food.
"Is it ok if I make tacos?"
"Yes of course." So I got stuff to make tacos."
Peters POV
So I chopped vegetables for tacos while Charlotte cooked the meat.
"Hey Charlotte."
"What all did you have in your phone?"
"Not much. Why?"
"Cause I was gonna get you a new phone with a new number. I don't know if your family is tech saver but it would protect you more to get all new phone."
"Sure if you want."
I know the perfect phone.
I kiss her cheek and go into the office. I rarely go in here but when there's business's or I need a computer I go in here. I don't let Charlotte in here just because it to graphic for her eyes. The business I do is dangerous.  I haven't actually done any business since Charlotte moved in. I'm gonna have to go soon.
I look in the computer for a iPhone 7 but I want  certain things on it. I dial my phone
"Hello?" Max says
"Hey I need your help with two things."
"Alright tell me."
"The new I phone 7. I'm gonna get it for Charlotte but I want certain mechanisms on it."
"I get it."
"And I need you to be here for a few days. I haven't done anything in three weeks almost."
"Alright who's your target? Or do you not have one?"
" I have a target but I could get more then one done. If you have any other targets I'll get them."
"Alright. Your first target I'll assign is a dangerous one. He's in France. He deals with illegal slave trades of young girls. And you will see how much money he makes. He's also got body guards around the perimeter. You will have to come to my office to get your proper equipment."
"Alright I'll call Ryan to watch Charlotte while I do that."
"I'll update you on the second target once you kill the first."
Yes guys you guessed right. I kill for a job. I'm a assassin. I only kill the bad people though. My mom and dad where assassins and they died in the line of duty. We do the job cops and marines can't do. I have been in this business ever since I could walk. I didn't kill as a baby obviously but I trained and trained till 9 years old. Max and Ryan became my friends during training and we have been friends ever since. We are trio cause we do different jobs. Max is the supplier and techie. Ryan is the Weapon designer and strategist. We all know how to fight though but different style. My job is obvious. Kill and get out safely.
"Alright be I'll be there tonight."
"Alright I'll get the i phone equipped with everything."
He hung up and I called Ryan.
"Hey Ryan I nee your help."
"Alright. What?"
"Can you come an watch Charlotte while I get supplies for the next trip."
"Yeah I'll be over in a few."
He hung up.
The hard part is going I tell Charlotte I was leaving.
So I go back in the kitchen and Charlotte is still cooking.
"Hey Charlotte. Ryan is gonna come for a little bit cause I have to go somewhere ok."
She just looked at me but nodded sadly.
I kissed her
"Everything is alright Charlotte. Ryan's a cool dude he's the quiet one remember?"
"He might not talk that much but he will probably eat tacos with you and you can talk to him. He's a good listener."
She just nodded and I hugged her. "I love you. "
"Love you too."
I kissed her on the cheek and went upstairs to change. And I got a bag for everything. I went down stairs and Ryan was already there.
They where just silent.
I watched them though cause I don't want Charlotte to be uncomfortable.
"Do you wanna taco?" She asked
He nodded and filled his plate with a bunch of tacos.
"How come boys eat so much?" She laughed.
He laughed too and shrugged.
I walked out.
"I'm gonna go ok? I'll be back soon." I kissed her on the cheek and she nodded.
So I walked to my car and drove.

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