chapter 10

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Peters POV

the alarm rings and i slap it so it quiets. i rub the sleep out of my eyes and look around. today is the day I leave. i sigh. i don't think i can watch Charlotte go away for school today. i'm gonna miss her. i'm more determined this time to come back alive. i get out of bed and Charlotte isn't there. i smile. i guess she is making breakfast. i get in the shower and wash up. i then go downstairs still with wet hair. don't worry i'm dressed. don't get your hopes up. i then see Charlotte above a stove. i hug her from behind. 

"good morning." i whisper

"good morning.' she whispers back

i kiss her cheek and she giggles


"your wet hair tickles?" and she giggles as I kiss her face off. i give her one last kiss and just hug her from behind. i stay like that until i cant. she finishes cooking and gives me the plate.

"go get ready babe you have to go soon." i say.

she kisses me and runs off. shes back in 5 minutes. hair in messy bun and ready to walk out. she kisses me, a long kiss. she grabs my face to deepen it. i happily comply. i stop though cause she has to go. she pouts.

"i don't want you to go." she tears up that makes me tear up too. i feel a block in my throat. i kiss her one last time

"ill be back."

she nods

"Max wake up" i say loudly

"what?" he says groggily

"oh yeah sorry." he says 

"i love you." i yell out the door as they walk to max's car.

"i love you too." she yells back.

i close the door and rub my face.

"its your turn to get ready now." i just nod and go to the office. i strap the chest strap to my white shirt. attach the pistols.  put on the glasses and put on the ear piece. the sniper stays in the bag because you put the parts together when your ready. i attach the throwing knifes to my arm sleeve. i put on the gloves. i get a jacket to cover up the straps. i put on my normal boots that i usually wear. i put the passport into my pocket. i walk in the living room. 


i nod and we walk to the car.

"first where going to our base. someone is flying you to France. ill be there every step of the way giving you instructions. and you forgot this." he says and its the patch. I attach it to my chest. 

so we drive in tense silence. this happens every mission. tense silence. its a dangerous job and when you know that your gonna go and might die you cant really start a conversation.

we get there pretty fast. i get out of the car and scan my eye,face, and finger and go inside. i take out my guns and start loading them before i get on the plane. the plane is going to be flown by Eddie. I don't really know him but hes drove other people to there missions. he's like a taxi. before i go i have to check if the ear piece works.

"testing. testing. thumbs up if you can hear me." i give Ryan the thumbs up.

"testing. dab if you can hear me." i dab

"Ok go inside the plane and sit to start." i sit inside the plane.

Ryan isn't the tech guy but he designed everything on me so Max doesn't have to be here.

"alright i will give you your orders when the time comes. as of now sit and watch your surroundings." i do just that. i think about the risks. i think of Charlotte. wondering what shes doing right now. i think about her reaction if i die on this mission. it kills me to think like that. i think about how happy she will be to see me when i'm home i smile at that.

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