Chapter 5

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Charlotte's POV
It's been a few weeks since my dad got arrested. I haven't been to school cause Peter forced me to stay home. I have been living with him ever since then. Peter took me to a doctor and got me checked out a few days after it happened. I'm referring the incident to it.
I have been to court hearings and so has Peter. They asked Peter what happened last night and they asked me questions about my dad. I tried to answer them but I would freak out and end up blacking out, getting lost in the memories and Peter would burst In the room and told them they where done for now and he would carry me out. I know he did this because he told me what happened.
Flash back
Peters POV
Charlotte was in the interrogation room. I was aloud to watch through the glass. I told them I was gonna watch to make sure she's ok.
They started asking her questions. They where easy. They where questions just about Charlotte, how school was an everything and she answered.
The women asked
"How long was it?"
"How long was what?"
"How long has your dad done this?"
And she sat there. I knew she was out of it and I panicked but kept my ground. Then the tears fell and she was freaking out. Screaming
"Go away! I didn't do it! I didn't do it dad!" That's when I have had enough cause the women didn't do anything but sit there. I walked to the door and tried getting in but it was locked. I kicked it down.
"Hey what ar-" the women started
"That's enough for today." I said and picked up Charlotte and Carried her out. She was crying into me whispering she didn't do it.
I took her to my car and put her in the passenger seat, and seat-belted her and I hugged her.
"Charlotte I'm here. It's me Peter. Your safe now." I said.
She then hugged me and she hugged me tight and she cried. I eventually unbuckled her and got in the car with her and sat in the car next to her and held her. It makes me mad thinking about what might have happened in that house. I just held her tighter.
I realize she fell asleep on me. I slowly un-hugged her and put her seat belt on and drove home. She would whimper sometimes. It just pissed me off . How could a dad do that to there child.
Charlotte's POV
End o flashback
Peter went to the courts and requested that I live with him after the police found out that my parents where not safe to live with. So he had to go to court to get approved that I could live with him. I went with him. I was scared to be alone by myself. He took me anyway.
They asked him questions and then they asked me if I wanted to do that. I nodded my head yes an after a few days I was approved to live with him.
I was once concerned cause I didn't have clothes or anything and he said he has it covered. They aren't here yet but he said he would take care of it.
As of now I'm home which is now peters house and we are sitting on the couch watching TV. Someone knocks on the door and Peter kissed my forehead and told me he would get it and I blushed cherry red and nodded. Two guys came in. With bags of stuff. Peter thanked them and offered them a drink. And they came in and had a drink. Peter came up to me
"Do you wanna meet them?" I just thought about it and looked at the guys. They look nice enough. I nodded and he grabbed my hand and walked me into the kitchen.
"This is Charlotte. Charlotte that's Max and Ryan."
"Hi" I said shyly and waved.
"Hello" they both said at the same time and smiled.
"So who are you?" I asked
They looked at Peter and he nodded.
"Peter is a good friend of ours is all."
"What's all in those bags?"
"Oh yeah there for you cutie" max said and winked and I just stood there and smiled a awkward smile.
"There you clothes." Ryan said
"Thank you, how did you get them?"
"Charlotte may I talk to them real quick?"
I just looked at him and confused but nodded.
"Yeah I'll just look at my clothes." I said and walked upstairs to peters room. I have been staying in peters room. Peters room has a bed and then a little couch thing. Peter insisted I have the bed and there would be no arguments so I had the bed. So I sat on the bed and looked though my clothes.
And I was shocked they are my clothes, not Newly Bought.
Peters POV
"So boss what's up?" That's max
"I don't want her to know yet. She is to emotional right now. So don't tell her about what we do."
"Alright. Do you like her?"
"She's my friend max why?"
Ryan just stared at us. He's not really a talker. He's more of a listener.
"Cause she's hot!" Max said and smiled
I got a little angry at that.
"Your not having her max."
"Why not?" He whined
"Because max." I felt my face heat up.
"Oh damn peters gotta girl!" Max yelled and was dancing like a idiot.
"Have y'all fucked yet?" Max says
"No max. Right now isn't a good time to fuck. You know what's been going on. She needs time an someone to support her while she goes through this and I'm gonna be her support system."
Max just smiles at me
"You go get her bro."
"Anything else we can do?" Ryan asks
"Not right now but you guys can come over anytime."
"Alright thanks for the drinks bro." Max said and Ryan nodded his head in agreement.
"Your welcome. Bye" I say as they walk to the door. Just as the door closes Charlotte comes down the stairs.
"Can I come down now?"
Charlotte's POV
"Can I come down now?" I ask
He nods and I walk up to him.
"Thank you for everything Peter."
He smiles at me.
"Your welcome Charlotte. Are you feeling alright. Is very thing to your liking?"
"Yes it is. And I'm feeling ok. I really want to make it up to you."
"Char. Honestly you don't have too I'm glad your here."
"But I wanna." I whined
He chuckled
"Alright what do u wanna do then?"
"Well I don't know yet but I'm gonna make it up to you Peter. I probably can't do anything to fully make it up but I'm gonna try."
"Why wouldn't you be able to make it up?"
"Cause you saved me. You saved my life and ever since you came into my life you have been so nice, and your my best friend" I said.
He smiled at me
"Thank you. Now you get to pick what we have for dinner Missy."
"Why do you always make me pick?"
"Cause I care about what you want. And you need to eat more and I would rather it be something you like." He joked.
I laughed.
"Alright. What are my options?"
We both walk to the cabinet and wraps his arm around me and it just feels so nice.
"Looks like we have pasta, tacos, chicken,pork,corn."
I thought a little
"Or we can go out if you want?"
I blushed red at that. I know he isn't like asking me on a date but it just gave me butterfly's. I just kept smiling like a doofus.
"So where going out?" He laughs
I nodded and we walked upstairs to get ready.
While Peter was talking I organized all my clothes and Hung them up.
"Charlotte pick something nice" he smiled as he said that.
"Hey I wanna go somewhere to get something. Can you stay here while I'm gone?"
I nodded.
He hugged me and kissed my cheek and grabbed his keys and yelled
"I'll be back in 1 hour."
"Alright I yelled back.
So I went to his bathroom an turned on the shower. I absolutely love his shower. It's so big and like I could lay in this shower and dance and do everything.
Don't judge that I dance in the shower people. I'm not the only one.
I'm so happy.
Peter just makes me so happy.
I walk to the mirror and everything is almost healed.  My face is actually a normal color, and it's without makeup. I still have a few scars.
But it's so amazing. I never realized how good my face was. And my red hair     Is more brighter. It's not as dull a it was. And my eyes are just a little brighter.
I got in the shower and got the ocean breeze shampoo. And scrubbed my hair as I hummed.
I really like Peter. He's like my first friend and he's just amazing.
I think I'm falling for him.
I just kept smiling as I washed my body with ocean breeze body wash.
I get out and grab a towel to wrap around my body. I dry my hair with the towel and brush my teeth the crest pro-health.  Then go pick out a outfit. I put on a a red dress with whit polka dots and black flats. I go and dry my hair. I get a curling iron and plug it in and while that's heating up I dry my hair with a hair dryer.
After my hair is done I put on a little mascara and blush and clear lip gloss.
I look at the clock 5:45.
He should be here soon. So I make my way to the couch and relax.

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