Chapter 1

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Charlotte's POV
Ring! Ring!
I smack my hand on the alarm clock and it stops.
6:00 AM
I lay in bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes and look at cracked white ceiling.
All I wanna do is sleep, but it's a school day so unfortunately I gotta get out of bed.
My name is Charlotte green. I'm 17 and attend high school at linkinburg high. Today is the first day of school and I'm actually excited.
I know your asking why anyone would be excited. Well it's better then being in this hell hole.
So I get out of bed and stretch my limbs and walk to the bathroom. I get a tooth brush and my Colgate toothpaste and slather it on my tooth brush. I put it in my mouth and brushed.
I see myself and stop brushing. The bruises on my are still there from the night before. And the scars are bruised as well. And my lip is cracked and swollen.  Your probably wondering what happened right?
My mom was drunk of course but she's not the violent one. My dad is the violent one. He beat me cause I didn't make the dinner he wanted. I made spaghetti and meatballs but said it wasn't good enough and the beatings started and the yells and cry's started.
A tear goes down my cheek as I remember the events that happened last night. I stare at my white skin now blackened and bruised and my red hair.  I see my lifeless green eyes staring back at me.
I eventually finish brushing and turn on the shower. I undress and get it in the hot scolding water. I love the hot water. It just calms me. I do my business. I get out, dry my hair and put it in a messy bun, and picked out clothes. I picked a Purple Sweatshirt and jeans with black converse. I went back and did my make up. I got the famous foundation and eye concealer and got to work. I finished and looked at myself. I smiled a little.
Maybe today will be a good day?
Maybe my mom will start being a mom today?
Maybe my dad will be nice to me today?
I think these thoughts everyday. And every day I notice the one tear. I wipe it away quickly. I checked my makeup and got my back pack and walked down stairs quietly. Dad gets mad when he's woken up early. I silently hurry in the kitchen and get a apple and get my house keys and go out the door. And I start walking to school. I know your wondering why I just don't move out right? Well it's cause I physically can't. I don't have the money cause I can't get a job without having someone find out about my dad. Also my dad threatened to kill me if I left. Great right. The loving dad everyone wants
I eventually get to school. By 8:30 which is fantastic because class starts at 8:00. I walk through the front doors and into the office so I can get a printout of my schedule. I walk through the door and see a group of kids. I guess I'm not the only one who needs there schedule.
I did have my schedule but my dad tore it to pieces in a rage one night.
So I wait my turn an sit in a green office chair.
As I sat there I got my phone and out my ear buds in turned on instrumental music. (I you don't know hat that is outs when it's only instruments, no voices.)
Eventually everyone left until there was only me. I got my schedule and walked to my first class.
My schedule reads:
1) Art
4) Lunch
7)study hall
I like art. I like how can draw or paint anything and no one will really judge. It's like I can paint all my feelings in a canvas.
  So I'm walking through the empty halls of the school. I finally get to the art room.
I walk in and the teacher stops talking.
The room isn't too bad I mean it's just looks like any other art room.
"What is your name and reason for being late to my class?"
"Charlotte green. I had to get my schedule printed"
The teacher is a women who's in her 40s it looks like.
"Take a seat"
Social anxiety sucks. Especially since I have no friends so I don't know anyone. I saw a table open and there was a guy sitting there. I sat across from him and listened to the teacher lecture about what to do and not to do in her class.

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