Chapter 7

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Peters POV
It's been a few days and we are going back to school. I think she should try going to school. Plus if she needs me, I have every class with her. So right now I'm currently waiting in bed. Waiting for the alarm to ring. I woke up twenty minutes early so I'm kinda just staring at her. Don't call me a creep. I know it's not normal to watch people sleep but I don't care. She looks so peaceful. She also looks so cute cause her lips are parted a little and she has little snores. Her snores are so quiet I actually didn't know she snored other then when she snores I feel it in her body cause I'm always hugging her in my sleep.
The alarm rings and it brings me back to reality. I turn it off. I roll back around and kiss her forehead.
"Charlotte wake up." I say while repetitively kissing her forehead.
"But I don't wanna" she whined.
"Well to bad we have missed to much school. We have to go today. So wake up sunshine."
She opens her eyes and yawns while running the sleep out of her eyes and it's honestly so cute.
She gets up and stretches an it's like damn. She's so cute.
"Your so adorable" I said
"How?" She asked with a smirk
"Cause when you yawn and stretch you remind me of a cute teddy bear."
She just smiles and walks over as kisses my cheek and goes off to the bathroom to do her business.
The good thing about being a guy is that it only takes me 15 minutes maximum to get ready. But Charlotte takes forever to get ready. I always wonder why she takes so long but I never asked. I mean I get girls do make up and hair but does it really take an hour a half?! Or more?!
Honestly I would probably cry if I had to be a girl.
Alright so I had free time obviously. So I went downstairs to make us breakfast.
I made eggs and toast. And I also made coffee. It took thirty minutes. So I walk upstairs and knock on the bathroom door.
She opens the door an she has clothes on but you can tell she just got out of the shower cause her hair was all wet.
"I got you breakfast." I held a plate out to her.
She smiled so big.
"Wow thanks! I can't remember I time I had eggs!" She smiled even bigger and  she went to the bed and patted next to her to join an I did. And so we ate. We laughed and talked about random shit. But I just love her laugh. It's gives me a warm feeling knowing she's happy.
"Can I ask you something?" She says
"Remember the it?" She refers to the incident the it.
"Yeah what about it?"
"Where did you get all those guns? Or all those weapons? How did you conceal them so easily."
I paused my eating. I really didn't want to tell her yet. I know I will tell her eventually but I don't want to do it now.
"For right now char all you need to know is that they won't ever go near you."
She just looked at me with her piercing gaze. She always does this when she searching my eyes or my face for something that gives anything away.
"May I ask another?"
"Where are your parents?"
"There dead."
She instantly looked sad.
"It's ok it was a long time ago."
She just hugged me. I hugged her back.
"May I ask how?"
I thought a little bit. The reason they died is the reason I do what I do now.
"Char...i can't tell you right now. I'll tell you someday." I say as I kiss her forehead and take her plate.
"Get finished getting ready." I said and smiled.
She just nodded as walked back in the bathroom but she left the door open. She turned in the hairdryer.
I went downstairs to put away the dishes. I then went back upstairs and she was out of the bathroom.
"Why do girls take so long in the bathroom?"
She just looked at me and shrugged
"I'll go quicker next time."
"No it's fine it's just I didn't know why girls take so long."
She just chuckled.
"Well for me a shower takes 30 minutes, and then picking out clothes is 10 minutes,drying my hair takes 10 minutes, styling my hair takes 20, and then makeup takes the rest, even though I didn't do makeup today. Girls take so long cause they want to look nice because it makes them feel prettier." She says
"Oh....that's a lot to do."
"Yeah especially if a girl is in her period it takes way loner because of the pain, when I'm on my period I'm tired and lazy and cramping so it takes me longer."
She laughs at my face. I guess my face was funny
She laughed even harder
"Oh my god. Stay right there!"
She gets her phone and takes a picture of my face an she just laughs and shows me the picture. I face palm. My face is pretty funny. I laugh a little.
"Oh my god I love you." She says while laughing. And I just feel my face heat as I rub my neck.
"Alright  gonna get ready."
"Alright I'll be sure to time you."
I just laughed and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth with my Colgate. I looked at my hair and it wasn't so bad so I just kinda style it. Then I get my jeans that I brought and put them and walked out of the bathroom to get a shirt.
When I'm done picking a shirt to see Charlotte staring at me.
"Like what you see?" I laugh
She just blushes and snaps out of it. I walk up to her and hug her. She hugs me back and it gives me the shivers. Have her delicate hands wrapped around me. It did things to me lets just say that.
I kissed her forehead and put on my shirt.
"I'm done."
Her eyes go so wide.
"15 minutes?!"
I laugh so hard.
"How do you do that?!"
"I don't know I just do it." And we both laugh.
"Now come on we gotta go to school." She pouts but nods anyway.
We go out the door and we go the car. Once where in we drive.
"Hey I thought your mom drive you to school? But you said she was dead?"
"I did that because I didn't wanna say she was dead then. Plus I didn't feel like I have known you enough to say it. I'm sorry for lying about it."
She just looked understanding.
"It's ok. I lied about my dad. And my mom when I first met you. I get it. From now on let's make a pact ok?"
"Ok what will it be on."
"That we be honest with each other. And if it happens to where you can't say it that moment, then we have to tell each other eventually."
"Alright deal." I said an held out my hand. She took it and I just held her hand while I drive us to school.
I really like how she's understanding on somethings.
So we end up at school. And where not early or late. Where right on time. We both get out and she holds on to my arm. As we walk in the school people stare at us. Is it cause she's holding my arm? I don't know but I don't care either. Charlotte can hold my arm all she wants. I feel her tense too. I just put my arm around her waist to comfort her and I feel her relax slightly. We walk into art right on time. We sit at our table and get our art sketchbooks out and we wait. We talk a little.
"Charlotte and Peter may I speak with you for a moment?" Our teacher Mrs. Hilda is the art teachers name. And I only just found that out cause of her ID. We nodded and followed her to a private room.
"Please sit down" she says and we sit down at the little conference table.
" I just wanted to ask if everything was ok? I know that you guys have been gone for almost two weeks. That concerned me, I guess I wanted to ask what I could do to help you catch up on all your school work." She said nicely. I have only known her for a day but the first day she kinda reminded me of a witch. But now that I'm in a room talking to the teacher I can tell she cares about her students and there well-being.
"For art can you tell us the assignments we missed?"
"Of course. I actually printed out a copy of the assignments for each of you and I'm gonna talk to you about what to do in them."
"Thank you" we both said in unison.
"Your welcome. Now there's a sub in the classroom so I could answer any questions you have about these assignments. The good thing about my class is that I won't count you for late assignments very often because very one has there own pace in art. You can rush art. The only things that I usually count late are tests and worksheets but as of actual art work I don't."
She took a breath and continued.
"On your sheet I highlighted the once you should do as soon as possible cause those are worksheets and there's only three worksheets. So it should be easy. Now I'll give you guy until the end of this week to finish the worksheets but after that each day you don't give it to you lose 5 points everyday."
Well that should be easy.
" now as for the art. I have only assigned two assignments because not everyone was done with the second one. The first art assignment is that you have to draw something involving nature, weather it's a tree or a forest or whatever is nature.
The second art assignment is something involving the water, weather it's rain or a ocean or what. I expect you to be creative."
We nodded.
"And you can use any utensil you want and decide weather to do paint, sketch, or whatever."
"Are we aloud to take a little supplies home?" Charlotte asked
"Yes I will let you as long as you bring them back. And you have to come to me when you have picked out everything so I can right it down."
Ok awesome. She's not the witch I thought she was.
"Alright any questions?"
"Yes for the worksheets do we need textbooks?" I asked
"Yes but I have yours all ready for you."
We shook our heads.
"Alright I you need anything else you can come back to my classroom or email me." She smiles and we walk out and back into her classroom.
"Let me show you where everything is." She says and walks us into another room.
"Now this is like private utensils which means students don't use them. But I'm letting you use them cause I trust you both to bring them back"
She showed us the paints and pencils and other stuff. There was a table in the middle of the room.
"Now I'll let you guys use this room today so you can focus and stuff and find out what you will need but tomorrow you will have to sit at your table." We nodded and said our thanks. So she walked out and we got to work.
We got our fancy art paper and pencils and we sat down.
"What are you gonna draw?" I asked
"I was thanking for the nature one that I would draw a forest and draw animals and like draw a fairy that symbolizes Mother Nature."
"Damn that sounds awesome."
"What about you"
"I honestly don't know. I think I'll draw a flower."
She smiled
"What kind?"
"I was thinking a rose and the rise you can see the inside of the rose too so there will be a lot of color"
"That sounds awesome!" She said
We start sketching our pictures.
It takes me 3o minutes to get a light sketch in. Charlotte was only half way done but hers is more detailed then mine. It already looks amazing half way done.
So I have decided to use colored pencils. I'm gonna use a fine line Copic marker to trace the pencil lines.
I don't even get done tracing when the bell rings.
Charlotte didn't even finish sketching. So I get the supply's I need which the marker I was using and the colored pencils. Charlotte got the same marker,paints, extra fine paint brush, and other paintbrushes.
"Do u think we could get a bag or something so I don't wrinkle my paper."
"I was actually wondering the same thing. I'll go ask." I say
She nods and I go to ask.
I come back with two Wall-mart bags and we put our supplies in one and then the other for out paper.
So where at lunch and we are already loaded with homework.
"Do you want anything char?"
"No but can I walk with you?" I nod and extend my hand. She takes it.
Everyone has been staring at us all day and it's creepy.
So where standing in line and then people walk over.
There's a girl that has a fake tan and has way too much makeup on that's it honestly makes her ugly. She's also looks like she's wearing clothes (as in she has clothes on but they don't cover anything)
She looks at both of us and smirks.
"So y'all dating?" She asks as he chews her gum like a cow.
"Yeah." I say
She just nods.
"Well if ever wanna fuck give me a call." She says and winks.
Charlotte looks pissed.
"I'll never fuck you. Sorry I don't like you and I will never like you Like that. Plus I cant imagine anyone wanting to fuck you when you tell people that."
He just looks at me.
"Your a fucking hoe" Charlotte says quietly.
"What did you say bitch?"
"I said your a fucking hoe and if you don't walk away I will fucking throw you out the FUKING window." Charlotte says and I'm holding in my laughter. The bitch jut stomps her foot and walks away.
I still feel Charlotte tense. So I run her back in circles and kiss her cheek. I get my food and walk back to the table with her.
"How do you eat so much?" She asks
"I'm a growing boy?" I joke and she just laughs..
The rest of lunch we sit and talk about anything and everything

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