Chapter 15

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Charlotte's POV

it's been three months. three months of freedom,three months without my dad. normal people would be sad but i'm happy. I got to do things i have never done before and it's all thanks to Peter. we have been stronger then never before. he completes me. he makes everything worth living for. right now i'm in math. i hate math with a passion, but i'm passing thanks to peter and Max. these three months i have been looking at collage. before Peter came along i never looked because i thought i was gonna die before i had the chance to actually go to collage. i have also been thinking about what i want to do as a career. I wanna go into psychology or therapy. i have been going to a therapy session every week these three months and it has inspired me because i want to help people the way they help me. Peter knows this and he's happy for me. it turns out peter doesn't want to be a architect which isn't surprising only because when he said that he had to hide everything. he told me he is debating on going to culinary or a teacher in self defense. I like the options he has picked. we both want to go to the same collage. we both agreed that it would be out of state just so we can have a break from here. we have been working really hard to succeed. i'm also happy because peter agreed to quit the organization he worked for, the amazing part is that we still get to keep our house and things because they said it's a gift for serving us. and it's a nice house. so even when we move for collage where still keeping this house and either renting or buying another one. life has just been great. finally math ends. I wait for Peter and we walk to our next class.


it's the end of the day. Peter is currently driving us home. where hand in hand. laughing and talking about anything and everything as usual. i have gotten a lot better. i'm not as shy or touchy in subjects. I feel like a pretty normal person. we arrive home. we walk in our house and freeze. the whole house is trashed. peter walks in first and i walk behind. i'm not talking about mess as in like a teenager bedroom. i'm talking about broken furniture. almost as if a robber stormed in our house.  i am still behind Peter as we search the house. it's deadly quiet. we search the house and find nothing.

"what the fuck..." i say

"I don't know. i'll call Max and Ryan." He walks in the other room to call them.

 I sit in the living room. i sit and close my eyes and rest. then i feel a cold hand go over my mouth. i scream and then i feel this pounding pain in my head. and everything fades to darkness.


Peter's POV

i go in another room to call Ryan and Max. 

"my house is completely wrecked! what the fuck happened?!"

"that wasn't us bro." they both said.

"are you telling me i was fucking robbed!?"

"i don't know but someone was there. did you check the house?"

"yeah there was no-" i paused. i heard screaming. i dropped the phone and ran to the living room. there was a man carrying Charlotte. i know she was unconscious because her head was all bloody.

"PUT HER DOWN!" I yelled and ran towards the man and tackled him. Charlotte was on the ground unconscious while i dragged the motherfucker who hurt Charlotte away from her. i dragged him to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. i held it at his neck.

"WHO DO YOU WORK FOR!" i yelled and dug the knife a little deeper. 

"w-w-wilson" the man stuttered.

"W-W-W-Wilson J-J-Jenkins." the man said. I slit his throat. so he isn't dead after all.

i ran in the living room for Charlotte. blood was pouring from her head. I took off my shirt and applied pressure to the bleeding. the door burst open. It's just Max and Ryan. Ryan looks at Charlotte and runs and call for a ambulance while Max helps me try and stop the bleeding and inspect the wound on her head. He inspected her face as well. her face is a deadly shade of white.

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