Chapter 4

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Charlotte's POV
Peter asked the scary question. The question I can't answer. So I just acted like I didn't here him. But he persisted
"Charlotte..." He stopped and he grabbed my hand and made me Stop too.
"Charlotte please look at me." He pleaded. He's asking cause I currently have my head down. When I didn't he just lightly grabbed my chin and guided my head to look at him. He flinched when he saw my face.
"It was nothing." I said
"That's bull shit char."
I just looked at him a little shocked he was so bold.
"Come on your gonna come to my house."
I panicked.
"Why!? Honestly I'm fine!"
"No your not and your coming to my house even I have to carry you."
Peters POV
When I went to Charlotte's window I was so excited to see her. She is my friend but she gives me a feeling. I know it's only been a few days but Honestly she gives me feeling, I don't know what it is but it's a good feeling.
When I saw her face at first I was happy and then I realize what was wrong with it. It was all bruised and bloody. And the bruises and cuts went down until it was beneath her shirt, and i don't doubt that there under her shirt.
"Charlotte what happened?!" I was honestly scared for her and worried. I mean today I thought she was fine, but these scars and bruises look like they have been there for a while.
She gave me a signal to be quiet and to hold on a minute. I just nodded my head.
I have assumption of what's going on but I have to know for sure before I act. I mean if you wrongly accuse people of child abuse then it gets bad.
As I put the pieces together in my head in makes since.
1)she was frightened when I came over and talked to her. Especially when her dad came home.
2)I hear yelling over there all the time. It always bothered me but I didn't think it would be anything serious.
3) she seems awkward in social situations. I know it happens to a lot of people but she was awkward in a way all the time.
4)the she froze and stiffened every time I mentioned her dad.
5) finally how her voice shook when she told me to go home and make sure her dad doesn't see me.
Charlotte came with shoes and climbed out her window. I'm pretty surprised she could climb out her window cause she looked bad. I mean she's beautiful but bad as in a way that she's hurt and obviously needs help.
When she came down she still signaled to be quiet as we walked away from her house and for enough to where you couldn't see it. She gave me a thumbs up so I took that as the signal to speak
"What happened Charlotte?!"
She just walked and I have a feeling she's trying to get away with ignoring the question.
"Charlotte please look at me."
I asked her and when she didn't I grabbed her hand and made her stop.
I lightly grabbed her chin and guided it up cause her head was down. I flinched. I was pissed at this. A beautiful girl like her an a nice girl like her shouldn't be hurt in this way.
"It was nothing." She states nervously.
"That's bull shit char."
I could tell she was shocked by what I said.
"Your coming to my house."
"Why?! Honestly I'm fine!?"
"No your not and your coming even if i have to carry you."
"No please you can't!"
"Why can't I?"
"Cause I don't wanna hurt you."
"Well you won't."
"Yeah but someone else will!"
I stopped.
"Your dad?"
I notice her flinch in my hand. And she stays silent.
"Charlotte you will be safe at my house.
Trust me."
I grabbed her face and and brought her into a hug.
"I promise you will be safe."
I felt my shoulder getting wet with her tears and she was trembling.
"But what about you? I don't want to cause you harm."
"Charlotte I promise we will be safe. Just come home with me ok?"
She nodded
She un-hugged me and we started walking back to my house. As we get closer she gets frightened. And then she stops completely and stares. I see where she is staring.
Charlotte's POV
So we get closer to peters house. And I see him and I stop. Peter notices and stops too. My dad is in front of our door and he sees me and starts walking closer. Peter runs to me and picks me up and runs inside his house. He locks the front door as my dad is yelling and pounding in the door for me to come out. Peter walks me upstairs and gets his phone.
"Just hang on Charlotte I got you." He said and hugs me and dials a phone number. It's 911 when I hear the dispatcher.
"Hello what's your emergency" the lady says and that's when I space out. I know Peter is talking cause I feel it his chest cause I'm hugging him.
I know he ends the phone call but I'm so out of it.
I know we where standing in a hallway in his house and he just walked me to his bathroom and gets a first aid kit.
"What are you doing?" I ask him
"I'm helping you. U have cuts on your face and bruises that are open, they need to be cleaned out." He says as he gets the Neosporin. He puts some on his finger and puts them on my cuts. It stings but I get got use to it pretty fast.
"Are there cuts anywhere else?" He asks and I just stare at him. There is but I don't wanna like pull my top off in front of him.
"'s under..." I pointed at my top. He just nods. He gives me the neosporin and he try to exit.
"Peter....please....don't leave."
"Alright I'll just Stand and look away."
And that's what he does. I take off my top and get the neosporin on but I have some on my back though too. I put my shirt back on.
" back"I say and I tear up, and I feel the tears fall.
"Hey...don't cry. Everything is going to be alright. He hugs me.
"I can do your back if you want too."
I hand him the neosporin and turn and lift my top and I hear his breath hitch.
"I'm sorry" I say with tears falling harder.
"Don't be. It's not your fault."
He puts the neosporin on my back.
As this is all happening by the way. My dad is still pounding on that door. I hear a crash and I panic.
"Charlotte whatever happens stay behind me." All I do is nod. I put a hand on his shoulder.
I hear my dads footsteps.
"Come here you little bitch! You made the mistake!"
I shake as he says this.
"What did I tell you Charlotte! I'm gonna kill you!"
I just shake harder and cry. And Peter tenses up. I can feel it.
Peter unbuttons his shirt and I notice he's got some thing strapped to him. He pulls two things out. He gets the gun and loads it. I hear the click. I flinch.
"Peter don't do that...please." He stops and sighs and puts it back in. I'll have to ask him about that later.
He then grabs me and try's running to his bedroom but my dad is there.
I just hold Peter tighter. I cry more.
"Honestly she's being dramatic let her go she needs to come home." My dad says.
"No she doesn't she's staying here in this house!" Peter says in a way I haven't heard him speak before. He sounds angry.
"Now get the fuck out of my house!" Peter says.
"No!that's my daughter and I'm taking her home!"
"No your not!"
My dad walks over to Peter.
"Peter run"
"No Charlotte." He sets me down.
  Behind him and Peter goes and punches my dad.
My dad goes red at that.
"Peter run please!" I cry
But he doesn't he stands his ground as him and my dad fight. But Peter takes him out in two seconds. He looked like the actors from Jason Borne.
It was so fast and now my dad the ground with peters foot on my dads chest. Then i hear the police sirens. And the police run in.
"It's him." Peter states and points down at my dad.
The police cuff him. And walk out.

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