Chapter 6

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Charlotte's POV
I stare at the clock just waiting. You see I'm going out on a date with Peter. Ok scratch that it's not like a date but it's dinner and I dressed up and I wanted it to be a date. So I'm calling it a date. Deal with it.
I hear the keys turning the lock ad I hurry and run upstairs. I text Peter saying when he comes through the door to stand by the door.
Peter: Lol. alright but I'm not home yet.
Me:what? But someone's unlocking the front door? That isn't you? it's not. Go to my room and lock the door and hide.
Me: ok
Peter: be careful. The only person I could think of is max cause he comes over randomly and he has the keys.
I go to our bedroom and lock the door and hide in the closet.
Peter: ill text max and see if it's him.
Me: ok
Peter:it's him it's ok. you can stop hiding.
Me: ok
So I get out of the closet and go downstairs and sure enough max is in the fridge.
"Hey Charlotte. Why you dressed up?"
"I'm going to dinner with Peter" I say while blushing.
"Ooooo oh my god details girl." He says as he attempts flipping the hair he doesn't have an I laugh. Max had blond hair but it's like a buzz cut and he is always wearing a hat backwards. He's gotta good build. He's wearing a red shirt with skinny jeans and high tops.
"We where just hungry and he asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner and I said yeah."
"Amazing. The outfit is perfect I think he will like it." He says and smiles as he gets milk an Oreo's out.
"I hope he likes it as much as you say he does."
"He will trust me" he said as he took a bite of his cookie and winked.
I smiled and just waited by the window watching for Peter.
I then see his car and I jump up.
"Charlotte go upstairs so you can surprise him. I'll tell you when to come down." Max says and smiles.
I nodded and went upstairs. I wait a few minutes. When I hear Max call me downstairs. As I walk down the stairs i see Peter looking really nice. He has a black dress shirt on with black khakis and black dress shoes. I notice he also bought flowers. Tulips my favorite. I blushed as I went down the stairs. He also stared at me. I could see his eyes sparkle almost. He smiles at me and I get down the last step.
"You look beautiful." He says softly. I blush.
"You look very handsome." I say while stuttering and blushing.
"You know when you blush it matches your hair." Peter said and I just blushed more
"I like it." Peter says and winks with a smile."
"Awe!! Kiss already!" Max yells excitingly as he stuffs his face with Oreo's.
I blush so much I swear my face turns purple. Peter laughs
"Let's go to dinner shall we?" He holds out his arm for me to take. I give him the signal to hang on as I go to the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers. I fill it with water and put the flowers in it. Peter smiles as I put it on the the counter and rush back to him. As we walk out we say bye to max. And max has his mouth full with Oreo's so he gives us a thumbs up.
Me and Peter get to the car and he holds the door open. I say thank you and get in the car. He then goes to his side. He turns on the ignition and drives.
"Can I turn on the radio?" I ask
I then stroll through all the music stations when I turn it to instrumental music. I hear the violins and pianos and I'm just in love.
"So you like the piano I'm guessing."
"Yeah I just love all the instruments though. They sound amazing together.
Instrumental music always makes me happy. It also reminds me of a family cause they all work together to make beautiful art."
"I never thought of it like that but it makes since"
I sat there a few moments and listened to the music.
"Where are we going?"
"Well I thought I would surprise you."
"Awe that makes me even more curious" I pouted.
He chuckled.
"Don't worry you will find out when we get there."
"Thank you for the flowers."
"Your welcome."
"So is this a date?"I ask
He blushes
I laugh at him and kiss his cheek.
He smiles at that and blushes more.
I giggle at his reaction as he drives closer to our destination.
We finally get to our destination and it looks like a nice place. I'm glad I dressed up. Peter parks the car and we both exit the car.
" no..Charlotte I'm supposed to get the door for you." He pouted. I chuckled and got back in the car and shut the door. He then opens it and we both laugh. I step out of the car an I take his arm. We walk through the brown wooden doors.
"A seat for two?" The hostess asks. I nod and she leads us to a table but it's kinda crowded by people and I kinda tense. Peter notices.
"Is there a place we can sit so there's not so many people?" He asks.
"Yes. Certainly please follow me." And she leads us to a table. She has brown curly hair put in a bun and she wears a elegant black shirt with brown khaki pants and a apron with the logo of the restaurant which is a mocking bird.
"Will this do?" She asks nicely. Peter looks at me and I nod.
"Yes thank you"
"Would you guys like any appetizers tonight?" She asks as she passes the menu. Peter looks at me and I shrug my shoulders.
"I don't know at the moment. Can we have a few minutes?"
"If course sir. But may I ask what you want to drink so I can prepare it for you?"
"I'll just have water." Peter says.
I just shook my head in agreement.
"And so does she." He says for me. He saves me a lot of anxiety.
"Alright it will be out in a few minutes." She says and walks off. And so we both look at the menu. There's a lot of food on here. I mean damn I don't know what to pick. I look and look and see chicken wings. I can't remember the last time I had chicken wings. Now that I think about it I don't think I have. I mean I have had chicken before but it was so long ago I forgot what it taste like.
"Do what are you getting?" Peter asks.
"I wanna get chicken wings cause I haven't had them in a long time."
"Hey.." I grab his hand from across the table.
"Peter it's fine" I say with a smile
"It's just kinda sad you haven't had chicken. Can I ask you something."
"Go ahead."
"Did you ever eat?"
I froze. But I replied calmly.
"Yeah I ate apples and water."
"That's all you ate?!" He said in disbelief.
"Yeah. Mom and dad wouldn't buy anything but alcohol and I could buy a few apples from the store and fill up a water bottle at home and it was cheap. And dad always made me cook and I only made enough for him and my mom because my dad would complain I took all the food and punish me. And plus he barely went to the store and my mom was always to drink to function so she couldn't go...."
Peter put a finger on my cheek and wiped it. I didn't realize I was crying. Until he did that.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's not your fault and plus it's fine now because you saved me."
"Honestly it's not ok and you don't know how angry I was with your dad. No one should do that. You didn't deserve it Charlotte..."
He squeezed my hand and I squeezed it back in reassurance.
"Charlotte.. I promise you will always be safe with me."
I smiled and walked to we to his side and sat next to him. He put his arm around me and we just stayed like that till the hostess came back.
"Here are your drinks. Are you ready to order?"
Peter did all the talking for me.
"She will have a basket of chicken wings and put all the sauces on the side. We want every sauce. So we can test them. And I will have the same."
She looked at us a little bit but didn't say anything.
"May I interest you since tonight there's a special on wings. You can have unlimited wings for $20.00 if your interested."
"Yes we will just have that. Can I just pay for one of us cause we will probably share the orders."
"Sure if course. It will be ready soon."
She then walked away.
Peter still held me.
"Peter seriously thank you for everything."
"Charlotte I will always protect you cause I care about you. And your welcome. I'm always here." He said as he rubbed my back. I just smiled and cuddled into his side.
Where on our way home. This was the best. An the chicken wings where juicy and amazing.
Flashback from dinner
I moaned when I ate a wing and Peter just smiled at me.
"I wish I would have ate chicken wings all the time. This is life" I said while eating the chicken wings and Peter was just laughing.
"Charlotte you are so adorable."
I blushed.
"Thanks" I said shyly. I continued to eat this. I swear this is like holy chicken. I was in love.
"Now I know what your new favorite is. Yeah?"
"Yes. It's so amazing!"
Peter just chuckled.
End of flashback
We just arrived home. Peter hold my hand as we walk inside the house. Peter and me walk to our room. Peter goes to the bathroom first to change into pajamas. He came out with black pajama pants and a white shirt. And then I wen to the bathroom and changed into fluffy pants and a tank top. I came out and saw Peter on his couch thing.
"Can u sleep with me?"
He looked at me
"Um what do u mean?" He asks
"I mean can u sleep like I. The same bed with me. Not sex." I blush of embarrassment.
"Oh yeah. Alright." He gets up and I get on one side and he gets on the other. And he turns off the light. And we lay there.
"Peter?" I whisper
"Yeah" he says as he turns and puts a arm around me and pulls me closer.
"Thanks for tonight. I had a great time."
"Your welcome char." He says as he kisses my forehand. I just snuggle closer to him. And I fall asleep into dream land.
Peters POV
I wake up with a start. Charlotte was asleep but she was scrunching my shirt up with her fingers. He eyebrows where scrunched. I think she was having a bad dream. I look at the clock. 3:00AM
Damn it's to early. I thought. I try to go back to sleep. Charlotte says my name though. I open my eyes and realize she's still asleep. So she's having a nightmare about me? I bring her closer to me and stroke my fingers through her hair.
She tears up cause I feel them on my shirt.
"It's all my fault" she says in her dream sleep.
"I don't want you to die Peter. Please don't go." She whispers. So I guess I died in her dream. Damn. That sucks for me. Well the me in her dream anyway. I just continue stroking her hair.
She then starts shaking.
And she cry's harder and she throwing punches or attempts too.
"Charlotte wake up." I say and she doesn't of course.
So I lean over her
"Wake up. Charlotte wake up." I say and shake her. She then wakes up with a start.
"Hey you ok?" I ask
She just wiped the tears away.
"It was just a bad dream." She said as she hugged me.
"So you want to talk about it?"
I asked and she was quiet and thought she fell asleep but she answers.
"It started out a good dream. We where in the house just watching TV and chilling out. And then the front door breaks. And there is my dad. And he goes for you. And I try to protect you. He ran towards you and he tackled you. I kept punching and kicking him trying to get him off of you. But he just throws me against the wall and I'm out. Then I wake up to you on the floor, all bloody a bruised. I crawl to you and try to get you to wake up. And you don't and I'm begging you to wake up. But you never did..."
Well damn. I thought.
"Charlotte you never have to worry about that. I'll protect you and I'll survive." I said
Charlotte then climbed on me an almost kinda straddled me. I looked at her confused. She leans in to my face and looks at me in the eyes. It's like she searching for something. She then grabs my face and kisses me. At first I'm shocked but I accept it. I have been waiting for this. It was just a long peck. And she let go to breath.
"Char I she a question?"
"What is it?"
"Have you ever been kissed before?"
She shook her head no. I sit and grab her face and I trace my fingers over her cheeks and neck. I bring her face closer to me and I Kiss her. And I squeeze her sides. And she gasps and then I slide my tongue in. And damn she taste amazing! She taste like strawberry's. And our tongues dance. And I bite her lip and she moans. Damn it was like music when she moaned. We eventually stopped to breath but that was amazing. Her lips where so soft.
And her tongue was amazing. It was like a spark when I put my lips on hers.
"Wow.." She said
"What?" I panicked
"Peter...that was amazing. I have never felt this way about anyone before? What's it called?"
"It's called love"
"Peter I love you." She says as she blushes. I kiss her on the lips.
"I Love you to Charlotte. Let's go to sleep. It's late." So we layed down and she snuggled into me. I put my arm around her and kissed her head.
"Goodnight char."

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